
changeset 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/muc.lua	Sat Mar 27 17:43:08 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+--[[ Lua XMPP MOO Component by Matthew Wild (MattJ)					]]
+BotName = "Component";
+BotPass = "";
+function onPresence(msg)
+	success, message = pcall(handlePresence, msg);
+	if not success then print("\nERROR: "..message.."\n"); end
+function onConnect()
+function onMessage(msg)
+	success, message = pcall(handleMessage, msg);
+	if not success then print("\nERROR: "..message.."\n"); end
+function handlePresence(msg)
+	local room, server, nick, id, person;
+	room,server,nick ="^(.+)@(.+)/(.+)$");
+	if not (room and nick) then print("\nERROR: Invalid room or nick!\n"); return; end -- We need to send an error
+	-- print("Type: "..msg.type.." type of type: "..type(msg.type),"\n");
+	if msg.type == "available" or msg.type == "" and not people[msg.fromFull] then
+		print("\nRecieved Available presence to join a room\n");
+		people[msg.fromFull] = { ["nick"] = nick, ["jid"] = msg.fromFull, ["presence"] = msg.type, room = rooms[room], occjid =, _parent = occupant, group = {}, _contents = { ["in"] = createcontainertable(); } }
+		MoveToRoom(people[msg.fromFull], room);
+		-- rooms[room].people[nick] = people[msg.fromFull];
+		--for id, person in pairs(rooms[room].people) do
+		--	SendPresence(msg.fromFull, person.presence, "", room.."@"..server.."/"..person.nick);
+		--end
+	elseif msg.type == "unavailable" then
+		RemoveFromRoom(rooms[room], msg.fromFull);
+		people[msg.fromFull] = nil;
+	end
+	print("Returning\n");
+	SendPresence(msg.fromFull, msg.type, "",;
+function handleMessage(msg)
+	local action, object, room, server, person;
+	person = people[msg.fromFull]
+	if msg.type == MSG_ERROR then print("ERROR MESSAGE from "..msg.fromFull..": ", msg.body); return nil; end
+	if not person then print("No such person as "..msg.fromFull, tostring(people[msg.fromFull]).."\n"); 
+	for k,v in pairs(people) do print(string.format("people[\"%s\"]", k),", "); end return nil; end
+	room, server ="^(.+)@(.+)$");
+	if not (room and server) then print("ERROR! Malformed JID? ""\n"); return nil; end --TODO: Reply with error
+	server = server:lower();
+	if not rooms[room] then return; end -- TODO: Reply with error
+	person:_processCommand(msg.body);
+	return nil;
+function BroadcastPresence(people, fromnick, ptype, text)
+	local nick, t;
+	if type(people) == "string" then if not rooms[people] then print("No room called '"..people.."'","\n"); return; else print("\nLooking up room: "..people, "\n"); people = rooms[people].people; end end
+	if not people then print("No such room. \n"); return; end
+	for nick, t in pairs(people) do
+		if t and t.jid then 
+			SendPresence(t.jid, ptype or "available", text or "", GetJIDParts(t.occjid).node.."@"..GetJIDParts(t.occjid).server.."/"..fromnick);
+		else print("\nOrphaned occupant: "..nick, "\n");
+		end
+	end
+function BroadcastMessage(people_, from, text, mtype, sender_sees)
+	local nick, t
+	for nick, t in pairs(people_) do
+		print("\nMessage sent to: "..t.jid);
+		if t.nick ~= from or sender_sees ~= false then 
+			SendMessage(t.jid, GetJIDParts(t.occjid).node.."@"..GetJIDParts(t.occjid).server.."/"..from, text or "", mtype or "groupchat");
+		end
+	end
+	print("\nDone\n");
+function GetOccupantNick(jid)
+	local pjid, p
+	for pjid, p in pairs(people) do
+		if CompareJIDs(pjid, jid) then return p.nick; end
+	end
+	return "Somebody";
+function CompareJIDs(j1, j2)
+	if not (j1 and j2) then return false; end
+	print("j2: "..type(j2));
+	j1node, j1server, j1res = j1:match("^(.+)@([%a%.]+)/?(.*)$");
+	j2node, j2server, j2res = j2:match("^(.+)@([%a%.]+)/?(.*)$");
+	if j1node == j2node and j1server:lower() == j2server:lower() and (j1res == j2res or j1res == "" or j2res == "") then return true; end
+	return false;
+function MoveToRoom(person, room)
+	if not ( person and room) then return; end
+	if type(room) ~= "table" then
+		if not rooms[room] then rooms[room] = CreateObject(classes.obj_room); rooms[room]:_create{ room = room, server = GetJIDParts(person.occjid).server}; end
+		 room = rooms[room];
+	end
+	if ~= room then
+		if then
+			-- Tell everyone in room that user is leaving
+			--BroadcastPresence(, person.occjid, "unavailable");
+			for nick, t in pairs( do
+				-- print(string.format("\nPRESENCE: to: %s, from: %s, type: %s\n", t.jid, ));
+				if nick ~= person.nick then
+					SendPresence(t.jid, "unavailable", "", GetJIDParts(t.occjid).node.."@"..GetJIDParts(t.occjid).server.."/"..person.nick);
+				end
+			end
+			-- Tell user that everyone else in the room has gone (clear room roster in their client)
+			for nick, t in pairs( do
+				if person.nick ~= nick then
+					SendPresence(person.jid, "unavailable", "", GetJIDParts(person.occjid).node.."@""/"..t.nick);
+				end
+			end
+[person.nick] = nil; -- Remove from room
+		end
+	end
+ = room;
+	room.people[person.nick] = person;
+	--Tell user about people in the new room
+	for nick, t in pairs( do
+		-- print(string.format("\nPRESENCE: to: %s, from: %s, type: %s\n", t.jid, ));
+		if nick ~= person.nick then
+			SendPresence(person.jid, "available", "", GetJIDParts(person.occjid).node.."@"..GetJIDParts(person.occjid).server.."/"..nick);
+		end
+	end
+	--Tell people in new room that user has joined
+	-- BroadcastPresence(, person.nick, "available");
+	for nick, t in pairs( do
+		-- print(string.format("\nPRESENCE: to: %s, from: %s, type: %s\n", t.jid, ));
+		if nick ~= person.nick then
+			SendPresence(t.jid, "available", "", GetJIDParts(t.occjid).node.."@"..GetJIDParts(t.occjid).server.."/"..person.nick);
+		end
+	end
+	SendPresence(person.jid, "available", "", person.occjid);
+	room:_enter{ room =, person = person, nick = person.nick };
+function RemoveFromRoom(room, jid)
+	if not ( room and jid) then return; end
+	for id, t in pairs(room.people) do
+		if CompareJIDs(t.jid, from) then room.people[id] = nil; end
+	end
+	-- Tell everyone in room that user is leaving
+	for nick, t in pairs(room.people) do
+			SendPresence(t.jid, "unavailable", "", GetJIDParts(t.occjid).node.."@"..GetJIDParts(t.occjid).server.."/"..people[jid].nick);
+	end
+function FSay(room, fromnick, text)
+	BroadcastMessage(room.people, fromnick , text);
+function PSay(room, tonick, fromnick, text)
+	--print(string.format("Room JID: %s, To: %s, From: %s\n", room.jid, tonick, fromnick));
+	for k,v in pairs(room.people) do print(string.format("people[\"%s\"]", k),", "); end
+	print("\n");
+	-- room.jid..(((fromnick and fromnick:len() > 0) and "/"..fromnick) or "")
+	SendMessage(room.people[tonick].jid, room.people[tonick].occjid, text or "", (fromnick and fromnick:len() > 0 and "groupchat") or "groupchat");
+rooms = rooms or { };
+people = people or setmetatable({ default = {} }, { __newindex = function (t, k, v) if not rawget(v, "_parent") then rawset(v, "_parent", rawget(t, "default")); end return rawset(t, k, setmetatable(v, { __index = occupant })); end }); -- This is our inheritance code;
