plugins.trac: New plugin to fetch ticket info from trac

Mon, 08 Nov 2010 23:34:15 +0100

Kim Alvefur <>
Mon, 08 Nov 2010 23:34:15 +0100
changeset 39
parent 38
child 40

plugins.trac: New plugin to fetch ticket info from trac

plugins/trac.lua file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/trac.lua	Mon Nov 08 23:34:15 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+--local bugs = {};
+local s_match = string.match;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local to_json = require "json".encode;
+function riddim.plugins.trac(bot)
+	local trac = bot.config.trac;
+	if not trac then return end
+	--require "net.httpclient_listener";
+	local http = --require("net.http");
+	{ request = function(url, iduno, callback) 
+		local data = io.popen("curl -s " .. url):read("*a");
+		return callback(data, 200);
+	end; }
+	bot:hook("commands/ticket", function(command)
+		if not command.param then return end
+		local bug_id = s_match(command.param, "%d+");
+		if not bug_id then return end
+		local format = s_match(command.param, "%w+$");
+		local url = trac .. '/ticket/' .. bug_id;
+		http.request(url .. '?format=csv', nil, function (data, code)
+			if code ~= 200 then return end
+			if data:sub(1,3) ~= "id," then return end
+			local ticket = map_table(parse_csv(data));
+			command:reply(
+			format == "raw" and to_json(ticket) or 
+			ticket[format] or
+			(   ticket.component .. " / "
+			..  ticket.summary   .. ": "
+			.. (ticket.status == "closed"
+			and ticket.resolution
+			or  ticket.status == "assigned" and ""
+			or  ticket.status)   .. " "
+			..  ticket.priority  .. " "
+			..  ticket.type      ..
+			(   ticket.status == "assigned"
+			and " assigned till "..  ticket.owner or "")
+			..  " - <" ..  url .. ">"
+			));
+		end);
+	end);
+function parse_csv(s)
+	s = s        -- ending comma
+	local t, l = {{}}, 1        -- table to collect fields
+	local fieldstart = 1
+	repeat
+		-- next field is quoted? (start with `"'?)
+		if string.find(s, '^"', fieldstart) then
+			local a, c
+			local i  = fieldstart
+			repeat
+				-- find closing quote
+				a, i, c = string.find(s, '"("?)', i+1)
+			until c ~= '"'    -- quote not followed by quote?
+			if not i then error('unmatched "') end
+			local f = string.sub(s, fieldstart+1, i-1)
+			if not t[l] then t[l] = {} end
+			table.insert(t[l], (string.gsub(f, '""', '"')))
+			fieldstart = string.find(s, ',', i) + 1
+		else                -- unquoted; find next comma
+			local nexti = math.min(string.find(s, ',', fieldstart) or #s,	string.find(s, "\r\n", fieldstart) or #s)
+			if not t[l] then t[l] = {} end
+			table.insert(t[l], string.sub(s, fieldstart, nexti-1))
+			if string.sub(s, nexti, nexti +1) == "\r\n" then l = l + 1; nexti = nexti +1 end
+			fieldstart = nexti + 1
+		end
+	until fieldstart > string.len(s)
+	return t
+function map_table(t)
+	local ret = {};
+	if not t[1] then return nil end
+	if not t[2] then return nil end
+	for i,v in ipairs(t[1]) do
+		ret[t[1][i]] = t[2][i] or "";
+	end
+	return ret
