
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 02:30:26 +0200

Kim Alvefur <>
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 02:30:26 +0200
changeset 89
parent 88
b7f628541981 (current diff)
parent 78
00ad6fe8975e (diff)
child 90


--- a/plugins/version.lua	Wed Aug 24 12:58:39 2011 +0200
+++ b/plugins/version.lua	Thu Aug 25 02:30:26 2011 +0200
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
 function riddim.plugins.version(bot)"version");{
-		name = "Riddim";
-		version = "alpha";
+		name = bot.config.bot_name or "Riddim";
+		version = bot.config.bot_version or "alpha";
+		platform = bot.config.bot_platform or _VERSION;
 	bot:hook("commands/version", function (command)
--- a/plugins/xkcd.lua	Wed Aug 24 12:58:39 2011 +0200
+++ b/plugins/xkcd.lua	Thu Aug 25 02:30:26 2011 +0200
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 	local http = require("net.http");
 	bot:hook("commands/xkcd", function(command)
 		if os.difftime(os.time(), xkcd_list_updated_at) > (3 * 60 * 60) then -- Not refreshed within 3 hours
-			http.request('', {
-					headers = { ["If-Modified-Since"] ="!%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", xkcd_list_updated_at or 0) }
-				}, function (data, code)
+            --COMPAT We could have saved 6 bytes here, but Microsoft apparently hates %T, so you got this gigantic comment instead.
+			-- http.request('', { headers = { ["If-Modified-Since"] ="!%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", xkcd_list_updated_at or 0) } }, function (data, code)
+            http.request('', { headers = { ["If-Modified-Since"] ="!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", xkcd_list_updated_at or 0) } }, function (data, code)
 				if code == 200 then
 					xkcd_list_updated_at = os.time();
 					print("debug", "got "..(#data or 0).." bytes of data");
@@ -33,46 +33,46 @@
 function handle_xkcd_command(command)
-		local xkcdnum = command.param;
-		if not xkcdnum then return "Please supply an XKCD number or a search string :)"; end
-			if not tonumber(xkcdnum) then -- Search for an xkcd
-				xkcdnum = xkcdnum:lower()
-				local xkcdpat = xkcdnum:gsub("[()]", function(s) return "%" .. s end)
-					:gsub("[%[]",function(s) return "%" .. s end)
-					:gsub("%%(%b[])",function(s) return (#s > 2 and "" or "%") .. s end);
-				local results = {};
-				for x, xkcd in pairs(xkcd_list) do
-					name = xkcd:lower()
-					if name == xkcdnum then -- exact match
-						return xkcd..","..x.."/";
-					elseif name:match(xkcdpat) then
-						table.insert(results, x);
-						--return commands.xkcd(msg, x);
-					end
-				end
-				if #results == 0 then
-					return "Sorry, I couldn't find a match";
-				elseif #results == 1 then
-					command.param = results[1];
-					return handle_xkcd_command(command);
-				else
-					-- We have more than one match
-					local ret = "Multiple matches:";
-					for _, x in ipairs(results) do
-						local xkcdnum = tostring(tonumber(x));
-						local xkcd = xkcd_list[tostring(x)];
-						ret = string.format("%s %s%s", ret, xkcd, ((_ < #results) and ",") or "");
-						if _ > 5 then ret = ret .. " " .. (#results - 5) .. " more"; break; end
-					end
-					return ret;
-				end
-			end
-			-- Check that xkcdnum is a valid number
-			xkcdnum = tostring(tonumber(xkcdnum));
-			if not xkcdnum then return "What XKCD strip number? Or enter a search string."; end
-			xkcd = xkcd_list[xkcdnum];
-			if not xkcd then return "Sorry, I don't think there is a XKCD #"..xkcdnum; end
-			return xkcd..","..xkcdnum.."/";
+    local xkcdnum = command.param;
+    if not xkcdnum then return "Please supply an XKCD number or a search string :)"; end
+    if not tonumber(xkcdnum) then -- Search for an xkcd
+        xkcdnum = xkcdnum:lower()
+        local xkcdpat = xkcdnum:gsub("[()]", function(s) return "%" .. s end)
+            :gsub("[%[]",function(s) return "%" .. s end)
+            :gsub("%%(%b[])",function(s) return (#s > 2 and "" or "%") .. s end);
+        local results = {};
+        for x, xkcd in pairs(xkcd_list) do
+            name = xkcd:lower()
+            if name == xkcdnum then -- exact match
+                return xkcd..","..x.."/";
+            elseif name:match(xkcdpat) then
+                table.insert(results, x);
+                --return commands.xkcd(msg, x);
+            end
+        end
+        if #results == 0 then
+            return "Sorry, I couldn't find a match";
+        elseif #results == 1 then
+            command.param = results[1];
+            return handle_xkcd_command(command);
+        else
+            -- We have more than one match
+            local ret = "Multiple matches:";
+            for _, x in ipairs(results) do
+                local xkcdnum = tostring(tonumber(x));
+                local xkcd = xkcd_list[tostring(x)];
+                ret = string.format("%s %s%s", ret, xkcd, ((_ < #results) and ",") or "");
+                if _ > 5 then ret = ret .. " " .. (#results - 5) .. " more"; break; end
+            end
+            return ret;
+        end
+    end
+    -- Check that xkcdnum is a valid number
+    xkcdnum = tostring(tonumber(xkcdnum));
+    if not xkcdnum then return "What XKCD strip number? Or enter a search string."; end
+    xkcd = xkcd_list[xkcdnum];
+    if not xkcd then return "Sorry, I don't think there is a XKCD #"..xkcdnum; end
+    return xkcd..","..xkcdnum.."/";
 function parse_xkcd_list(t)
