Management of current assistant via !assist and !stop

Remove hacky our_nick global, use the relevant MUC's nick property, or question_name as appropriate.

Add set_assistant and show_message functions

Declare question_muc/team_muc as global singletons

Add new styles to supportchat.css

Suppress enter key press so it doesn't reach the textbox

Bind enter to the send button in the chat UI

Adding README and LICENSE files to the repository

Rename src/ -> support-chat/

Rename src/css -> src/ui in index.html

Rename src/css -> src/ui

Add waiting.gif animation

Whitespace fix

Changes to work with new callback syntax

xmpp_muc.js: Prepare occupant object with nick, status, role and affiliation

xmpp_muc.js: Add get_child() function

Replace index.html with a new one I've been using, to demonstrate opening the dialog with a link

Remove part of a comment accidentally copy/pasted

Add error page to the UI, and use it on connection errors

Commit the rest of the assistants-offline handling code, now check the affiliations of assistants

Large commit - reorganises directory structure, lots of small fixes

Add jQuery UI into the repo

Add support for sending messages from the converse UI

Make support-chat a dialog

Include jQuery UI js and stylesheet

Add breaker div to bottom of question form

Remove dummy text from question elements

Move styles out into their own stylesheet now

Display incoming messages in the UI

Add htmlescape() helper function

Remove redundant code for switching to the waiting screen

Add support for handling incoming messages to the MUC library

Some adjustments to lay out the conversation UI page

New logic for controlling the current UI state

Remove some code to control a UI we don't have at the moment

Support for joining the question and team MUCs, and notifying team members of the question

Add to the MUC library support for sending private messages

Add MUC library to be used for conversing with helpers

Update Strophe.js to 1.0.1 (fixes some issues)

Add waiting screen to UI

Switch to using a table of config options (will allow for easier configuration later)

Whitespace fix

Remove "connected!" pop-up used for testing

Fix variable name

Connecting to the XMPP server

Include strophe in index.html

Add js/strophe/ directory containing Strophe

Example question submit handler until BOSH backend integrated

Fix element ids in index.html

Add dummy event handler for question submit

Clean up UI a little

Split UI into stages, add simple question form

Show UI

Add skeleton supportchat.js

Hide UI by default, include supportchat.js

Add jQuery 1.4.2

(0) tip
