
changeset 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/yubikey/init.lua	Wed Feb 16 20:29:33 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+local _M = {};
+local aeslua = require "aeslua";
+local ciphermode = require "aeslua.ciphermode";
+local crc16 = require "crc16";
+local modhex2hex;
+	local modhex_map = {};
+	local modhex_chars = "cbdefghijklnrtuv";
+	for i=1,16 do
+		modhex_map[modhex_chars:sub(i,i)] = ("%x"):format(i-1);
+	end
+	function modhex2hex(modhex)
+		if modhex then
+			return (modhex:gsub(".", modhex_map));
+		end
+	end
+_M.modhex2hex = modhex2hex;
+local function hex2bin(hex)
+	if hex then
+		return (hex:gsub("..", function (c) return string.char(tonumber(c, 16)); end));
+	end
+_M.hex2bin = hex2bin;
+local function bin2hex(bin)
+	if bin then
+		return (bin:gsub(".", function (b) return ("%02x"):format(b:byte()); end));
+	end
+_M.bin2hex = bin2hex;
+local otp_parser = {};
+local otp_parser_mt = { __index = otp_parser };
+function _M.new_fetch_key_hex(fetchkeyhex)
+	return function (...) return hex2bin(fetchkeyhex(...)); end
+function _M.new_otp_parser(config)
+	return setmetatable({
+		config = config,
+	}, otp_parser_mt);
+function otp_parser:parse(otp, key)
+	-- Password is any extra data before the real OTP
+	local password;
+	if #otp > 32 + self.config.prefix_length then
+		password = otp:sub(1, #otp - (32 + self.config.prefix_length));
+		otp = otp:sub(#password+1);
+	end
+	local prefix = otp:sub(1, self.config.prefix_length);
+	local token = otp:sub(#prefix+1);
+	if not key then
+		key = self.config.fetch_key(prefix);
+	else
+		key = hex2bin(key);
+	end
+	if not key then return false, "no-key"; end
+	key = {key:byte(1,#key)}
+	local decrypted = ciphermode.decryptString(key, hex2bin(modhex2hex(token)), ciphermode.decryptCBC);
+	if not decrypted then return false, "decrypt-failed"; end
+	-- Extract private UID
+	local uid = decrypted:sub(1,6);
+	-- Build insertion counter (2 bytes)
+	local use1, use2 = decrypted:sub(7,8):byte(1,2);
+	local use_ctr = use1 + math.pow(2, 8)*use2;
+	-- Build timestamp (3 bytes)
+	local time1, time2, time3 = decrypted:sub(9,11):byte(1,3);
+	local timestamp = time1 + math.pow(2,8)*time2 + math.pow(2, 16)*time3;
+	-- Extract session counter (1 byte)
+	local session_ctr = decrypted:sub(12, 12):byte();
+	if crc16.hash(decrypted) ~= 0xf0b8 then
+		return false, "invalid-checksum";
+	end
+	-- Return parsed fields
+	return true, {
+		password = password;
+		public_id = prefix;
+		token = token;
+		private_id = bin2hex(uid);
+		session_counter = session_ctr;
+		use_counter = use_ctr;
+		timestamp = timestamp;
+	};
+function _M.new_authenticator(config)
+	local parser = _M.new_otp_parser(config);
+	local function authenticate(self, otp, key, device_info, userdata)
+		-- Parse OTP, get device data (from config callback)
+		local ok, ret = parser:parse(otp, key);
+		if not ok then return ok, ret; end
+		if not device_info then
+			device_info = config.fetch_device_info(ret);
+		end
+		if ret.use_counter < (device_info.use_counter or 0)
+		or ((ret.use_counter == (device_info.use_counter or 0))
+		  and (ret.session_counter <= (device_info.session_counter or 0))) then
+			return false, "otp-already-used";
+		end
+		local authed, err = config.check_credentials(ret, device_info, userdata);
+		if not authed then return authed, err; end
+		device_info.use_counter = ret.use_counter;
+		device_info.session_counter = ret.session_counter;
+		config.store_device_info(device_info, userdata);
+		return true, ret;
+	end
+	return { authenticate = authenticate };
+return _M;
