Add Facebook fingerprints (and move test for FBv1 from the ejabberd fingerprint) default tip

Better handling of timeouts (or other errors), and allow matching errors with false

servers/ejabberd.lua: Fix for ejabberd's requiring c2s TLS

xmpp-fingerprint.lua: Whitespace fix

servers/jabberd14.lua: Give specific branch versions

xmpp-fingerprint.lua: Support for 'server_version' in addition to 'server_min_version'

servers/jabberd14.lua: Detect 1.4.x/1.6.x/jadc2s

servers/jabberd2.lua: More restrictive to only match jabberd2 and not jabberd14 servers using jadc2s

servers/jabberd14.lua: Update fingerprint for jabberd14 1.6.x, though many servers which report as jabberd14 1.6.x actually return a jabberd2 fingerprint. I'm not sure why, yet.

Add definition for Coversant Soapbox

(0) -10 tip
