
changeset 0
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-1:000000000000 0:cc66ad6b0d75
1 -- Here we process special commands, for example, those with more than one object specified
3 commands = {};
5 function commands:_parse(person, command)
6 if and command:match("^@.*$") then
7 local verb, param = command:match("^@(%a+)%s?(.*)$");
8 end
9 local verb, object = command:match("^(%a+%s%a+)%s(.+)$");
10 if verb and object and #verb > 0 and #object > 0 and then
11 return verb, object;
12 end
13 verb, object = command:match("^(%a+)%s?(.*)$");
14 if verb and object and #verb > 0 and #object > 0 then
15 return verb, object;
16 end
17 if verb and ((not object) or (object == "")) then return verb, nil; end
18 end
20 function commands:_handle(person, action, object)
21 -- if not (person and action) then print("Invalid parameters!"); return; end
22 function callobjectmethod(object)
23 local o = or person._contents["in"]:findobject(object);
24 if o and o[action] then o[action](o, {room =, person = person, nick = person.nick }); return true; end
25 return false;
26 end
28 if commands[action] then commands[action](person, action, object);
29 elseif object and object ~= "" and callobjectmethod(object) then return true;
30 elseif occupant[action] then occupant[action](person, { room =, person = person }); return true;
31 elseif action and type([action]) == "function" then[action](, { room =, person = person, jid = person.jid, nick = person.nick, param = object }); return true;
32 else return false; -- Unable to understand command
33 end
34 end
36 function commands.get(person, action, param)
37 -- Decide if we are taking it from a container
38 obj1, obj2 = param:match("^([%a%s]+)%sfrom%s([%a%s]+)$");
39 if obj1 and obj2 then -- We are taking from a container
40 local container = person:_findobject(obj2) or;
41 if not container then person:_tell(string.format("I don't see any '%s' here.", obj2 or "")); return; end
42 if not (container._contents and container._contents["in"]) then person:_tell(string.format("The %s is not a container.", obj2 or "")); return; end
43 object = container:_findobject(obj1);
44 if not object then
45 if object == false then person:_tell(string.format("Sorry, the %s is locked.", obj2));
46 else person:_tell(string.format("I can't find any %s in there.", obj1)); end
47 return;
48 end
49 if person:_get({ object = object, container = container, name = obj1 }) then
50 person:_say(string.format("/me gets %s from %s", object._properties.longname or or "something", container._properties.longname or or "something"));
51 else
52 person:_tell("You can't get that");
53 end
54 return;
55 end
56 obj1 = param:match("^([%a%s]+)$");
57 if not obj1 then person:_tell("uh?"); return; end
58 -- So we are getting an object just in the room
59 local container =;
60 local object = container:_findobject(obj1);
61 if not object then person:_tell(string.format("I can't find any %s in here.", obj1)); return; end
62 if person:_get({ object = object, container = container, name = obj1}) then
63 person:_say(string.format("/me picks up %s", object._properties.longname or or "something"));
64 else
65 person:_tell("You can't get that");
66 end
67 end
69 function commands.put(person, action, param)
70 obj1, obj2 = param:match("^([%a%s]+)%sin%s([%a%s]+)$");
71 if not (obj1 and obj2) then return end
72 local oldcontainer = person; -- Where the object currently is
73 local object = person:_findobject(obj1);
74 if not object then object =; oldcontainer =; end
75 if not object then person:_tell(string.format("Sorry, I can't find the '%s'.", obj1)); return; end
76 local newcontainer =;
77 if not newcontainer then person:_tell(string.format("I don't see any '%s' here.", obj2 or "")); return; end
78 if not (newcontainer._contents and newcontainer._contents["in"]) then person:_tell(string.format("The %s is not a container.", obj2 or "")); return; end
80 if newcontainer:_get({ object = object, container = oldcontainer }) then
81 person:_say(string.format("/me puts %s in %s", object._properties.longname or or "something", newcontainer._properties.longname or or "something"));
82 else
83 person:_tell("You can't put that in there");
84 end
85 end
87 function commands.drop(person, action, param)
88 local o = person:_findobject(param);
89 if not o then person:_tell("You don't seem to have any "..param); return false; end
90 if{ object = o, container = person }) then
91 person:_say("/me drops "..(o._properties.longname or;
92 end
93 end
95 function commands.give(person, action, param)
96 if not param then person:_tell("Give what to whom?"); return; end
97 local objname, tonick = param:match("([%a%s]-)%s* to (.*)");
98 if not objname or not tonick then person:_tell("Give what to whom?"); return; end
99 local o = person:_findobject(objname);
100 if not o then person:_tell("You don't seem to have any "..objname); return false; end
101 if not[tonick] then person:_tell("Sorry, I can't find "..(tonick or "that person").."in this room..."); return; end
102 if[tonick]:_get({object = o, container = person}) then
103 person:_action("gives "..(o._properties.longname or ((o._properties.prepend or "the").." "" to "..param);
104 end
105 end
107 function, action, param)
109 end
111 function commands.loadclass(person, action, param)
112 local subenv = { classes = { } }
113 local classdefinition = loadfile("objects/"..param..".lua");
114 setfenv(classdefinition, subenv);
115 local success, message = pcall(classdefinition);
116 if not success then person:_tell(string.format("Error loading %s: %s", param, message));
117 else
118 for k, v in pairs(classes[param]) do classes[param][k] = nil; end -- Clear current class
119 for k, v in pairs(subenv.classes[param]) do classes[param][k] = v; end -- Fill with data from new definition
120 person:_tell("Loaded");
121 end
122 end
124 function commands.dump(person, action, param)
125 table.print(param, or person:_findobject(param) or classes.default or {});
126 end
128 function commands.dumproom(person, action, param)
129 table.print( or "room",;
130 end
132 function commands.loadroom(person, action, param)
133 if not rooms[param] then person:_tell("You should go into the room, it has not even been created yet."); end
134 local oldpeople = rooms[param].people;
135 rooms[param]:_create{ room = param, server = GetJIDParts(person.occjid).server}
136 rooms[param].people = oldpeople;
137 end
139 commands["@create"] = function (person, action, param)
140 local chunk = loadstring(param);
141 if not chunk then person:_tell("There was an error in your syntax. Please read the manual"); return; end
142 setfenv(chunk, 1);
143 local success, message = pcall(chunk);
144 if not success then person:_tell(message.."\nThere was an error processing the command"); return; end
145 local t = message;
146 local newobj = classes[t.class]:_create(t);
147 if newobj then
148 person._contents["in"]:add(newobj);
149 person:_action("waves his hands, and conjures something from thin air!");
150 else
151 person:_tell("For some reason, the object was not created");
152 end
153 end
