plugins.smacks: Start counting when sending <enable/>

verse: Only fire the disconnected event if the stream and the connection are still associated (fixes smacks issue)

plugins.smacks: Don't try to reconnect on gracefull stream closure

verse.client: Try to behave better when stream is closed gracefully

verse: Add missing 'reason' argument to stream:close()

plugins.smacks: Re-send unacked outgoing stanzas on resumption

plugins.smacks: Break less on sending of non-stanzas such as raw strings.

plugins.receipts: XEP-0184 support.

plugins.carbons: Update to Carbons v0.8

util.vcard: Don't break on data outside of VCARD sections (thanks moo-min)

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 tip
