verse: Load LuaSec if possible

verse.plugins.tls: Fail gracefully when LuaSec not loaded

verse.client: Load TLS along with other core plugins

verse.plugins.tls: Support for TLS encryption! (thanks Azelphur for the final push)

verse: Fire "status" event for connection status changes (notably SSL handshake complete)

verse: Remove some useless comments

doc/example.lua: Example XMPP client script

util.sha1, squishy: Add sha1 lib needed for proxy65 (and soon XEP-0114)

verse.plugins.proxy65: XEP-0065 plugin for file transfer through a proxy

verse: Add "drained" event to signal when send buffer is empty (new server.lua feature)

(0) -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
