plugins.legacy: Try to login anyways, compat for servers not supporting XEP 78 properly.

verse: Make add_plugin only load a plugin once per stream

plugins.disco: Fix disco_local_services() to call callback with empty array in case of disco error

verse.client: Fix two cases where we called methods on the base stream object instead of the current one

Merge with Zash

plugins.legacy: Try to login anyways, compat for servers not supporting XEP 78 properly.

plugins.pep: Update for new disco/caps code

plugins.disco: Automatically insert caps into outgoing presence, and re-send last global presence with new caps when features change

verse.client: Fire 'stanza-out' and {message,presence,iq}'-out' for outgoing stanzas

plugins.pubsub: Return true to indicate success loading

(0) -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
