plugins.smacks: Scatter some logging and comments through the code for good measure

plugins.smacks: Fix event priority and handling to make the code actually... work

plugins.smacks: Remove some debugging code from resumption success handling, and fire a "resumed" event instead

plugins.smacks: Add 1s delay between reconnect attempts

verse.client: Reopen stream in response to 'connected' event

libs/adhoc.lib.lua: Update copy (ugh) from Prosody

plugins.*: Use verse.stanza() & co instead of require util.stanza

plugins.vcard_update: Support for XEP-153 avatar hash in presence broadcasts

plugins.vcard: Get and set vcard-temp info.

Added uptime plugin, included also an entry for it into the squishy file.

(0) -100 -10 +10 +100 tip
