
changeset 36
parent 18
equal deleted inserted replaced
35:43152bfafcc4 36:562ff07a3968
1 // This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the
2 // public domain. It would be nice if you left this header intact.
3 // Base64 code from Tyler Akins --
5 var Base64 = (function () {
6 var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
8 var obj = {
9 /**
10 * Encodes a string in base64
11 * @param {String} input The string to encode in base64.
12 */
13 encode: function (input) {
14 var output = "";
15 var chr1, chr2, chr3;
16 var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
17 var i = 0;
19 do {
20 chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
21 chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
22 chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
24 enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
25 enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
26 enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
27 enc4 = chr3 & 63;
29 if (isNaN(chr2)) {
30 enc3 = enc4 = 64;
31 } else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
32 enc4 = 64;
33 }
35 output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
36 keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
37 } while (i < input.length);
39 return output;
40 },
42 /**
43 * Decodes a base64 string.
44 * @param {String} input The string to decode.
45 */
46 decode: function (input) {
47 var output = "";
48 var chr1, chr2, chr3;
49 var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
50 var i = 0;
52 // remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
53 input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
55 do {
56 enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
57 enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
58 enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
59 enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
61 chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
62 chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
63 chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
65 output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
67 if (enc3 != 64) {
68 output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
69 }
70 if (enc4 != 64) {
71 output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
72 }
73 } while (i < input.length);
75 return output;
76 }
77 };
79 return obj;
80 })();
81 /*
82 * A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message
83 * Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321.
84 * Version 2.1 Copyright (C) Paul Johnston 1999 - 2002.
85 * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet
86 * Distributed under the BSD License
87 * See for more info.
88 */
90 var MD5 = (function () {
91 /*
92 * Configurable variables. You may need to tweak these to be compatible with
93 * the server-side, but the defaults work in most cases.
94 */
95 var hexcase = 0; /* hex output format. 0 - lowercase; 1 - uppercase */
96 var b64pad = ""; /* base-64 pad character. "=" for strict RFC compliance */
97 var chrsz = 8; /* bits per input character. 8 - ASCII; 16 - Unicode */
99 /*
100 * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally
101 * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.
102 */
103 var safe_add = function (x, y) {
104 var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);
105 var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
106 return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);
107 };
109 /*
110 * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
111 */
112 var bit_rol = function (num, cnt) {
113 return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));
114 };
116 /*
117 * Convert a string to an array of little-endian words
118 * If chrsz is ASCII, characters >255 have their hi-byte silently ignored.
119 */
120 var str2binl = function (str) {
121 var bin = [];
122 var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
123 for(var i = 0; i < str.length * chrsz; i += chrsz)
124 {
125 bin[i>>5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / chrsz) & mask) << (i%32);
126 }
127 return bin;
128 };
130 /*
131 * Convert an array of little-endian words to a string
132 */
133 var binl2str = function (bin) {
134 var str = "";
135 var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
136 for(var i = 0; i < bin.length * 32; i += chrsz)
137 {
138 str += String.fromCharCode((bin[i>>5] >>> (i % 32)) & mask);
139 }
140 return str;
141 };
143 /*
144 * Convert an array of little-endian words to a hex string.
145 */
146 var binl2hex = function (binarray) {
147 var hex_tab = hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef";
148 var str = "";
149 for(var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i++)
150 {
151 str += hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((i%4)*8+4)) & 0xF) +
152 hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((i%4)*8 )) & 0xF);
153 }
154 return str;
155 };
157 /*
158 * Convert an array of little-endian words to a base-64 string
159 */
160 var binl2b64 = function (binarray) {
161 var tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
162 var str = "";
163 var triplet, j;
164 for(var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i += 3)
165 {
166 triplet = (((binarray[i >> 2] >> 8 * ( i %4)) & 0xFF) << 16) |
167 (((binarray[i+1 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i+1)%4)) & 0xFF) << 8 ) |
168 ((binarray[i+2 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i+2)%4)) & 0xFF);
169 for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
170 {
171 if(i * 8 + j * 6 > binarray.length * 32) { str += b64pad; }
172 else { str += tab.charAt((triplet >> 6*(3-j)) & 0x3F); }
173 }
174 }
175 return str;
176 };
178 /*
179 * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses.
180 */
181 var md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) {
182 return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q),safe_add(x, t)), s),b);
183 };
185 var md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
186 return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t);
187 };
189 var md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
190 return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);
191 };
193 var md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
194 return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t);
195 };
197 var md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
198 return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);
199 };
201 /*
202 * Calculate the MD5 of an array of little-endian words, and a bit length
203 */
204 var core_md5 = function (x, len) {
205 /* append padding */
206 x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32);
207 x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;
209 var a = 1732584193;
210 var b = -271733879;
211 var c = -1732584194;
212 var d = 271733878;
214 var olda, oldb, oldc, oldd;
215 for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16)
216 {
217 olda = a;
218 oldb = b;
219 oldc = c;
220 oldd = d;
222 a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 7 , -680876936);
223 d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 1], 12, -389564586);
224 c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 17, 606105819);
225 b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 3], 22, -1044525330);
226 a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 7 , -176418897);
227 d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 5], 12, 1200080426);
228 c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 17, -1473231341);
229 b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 7], 22, -45705983);
230 a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 7 , 1770035416);
231 d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 9], 12, -1958414417);
232 c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 17, -42063);
233 b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+11], 22, -1990404162);
234 a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 7 , 1804603682);
235 d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+13], 12, -40341101);
236 c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 17, -1502002290);
237 b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+15], 22, 1236535329);
239 a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 5 , -165796510);
240 d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 6], 9 , -1069501632);
241 c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 14, 643717713);
242 b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 0], 20, -373897302);
243 a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 5 , -701558691);
244 d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+10], 9 , 38016083);
245 c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 14, -660478335);
246 b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 4], 20, -405537848);
247 a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 5 , 568446438);
248 d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+14], 9 , -1019803690);
249 c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 14, -187363961);
250 b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 8], 20, 1163531501);
251 a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 5 , -1444681467);
252 d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 2], 9 , -51403784);
253 c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 14, 1735328473);
254 b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+12], 20, -1926607734);
256 a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 4 , -378558);
257 d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 8], 11, -2022574463);
258 c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 16, 1839030562);
259 b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+14], 23, -35309556);
260 a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 4 , -1530992060);
261 d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 4], 11, 1272893353);
262 c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 16, -155497632);
263 b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+10], 23, -1094730640);
264 a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 4 , 681279174);
265 d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 0], 11, -358537222);
266 c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 16, -722521979);
267 b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 6], 23, 76029189);
268 a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 4 , -640364487);
269 d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+12], 11, -421815835);
270 c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 16, 530742520);
271 b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651);
273 a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844);
274 d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10, 1126891415);
275 c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 15, -1416354905);
276 b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 5], 21, -57434055);
277 a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 6 , 1700485571);
278 d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 3], 10, -1894986606);
279 c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 15, -1051523);
280 b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 1], 21, -2054922799);
281 a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 6 , 1873313359);
282 d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+15], 10, -30611744);
283 c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 15, -1560198380);
284 b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+13], 21, 1309151649);
285 a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 6 , -145523070);
286 d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+11], 10, -1120210379);
287 c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 15, 718787259);
288 b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 9], 21, -343485551);
290 a = safe_add(a, olda);
291 b = safe_add(b, oldb);
292 c = safe_add(c, oldc);
293 d = safe_add(d, oldd);
294 }
295 return [a, b, c, d];
296 };
299 /*
300 * Calculate the HMAC-MD5, of a key and some data
301 */
302 var core_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) {
303 var bkey = str2binl(key);
304 if(bkey.length > 16) { bkey = core_md5(bkey, key.length * chrsz); }
306 var ipad = new Array(16), opad = new Array(16);
307 for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
308 {
309 ipad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x36363636;
310 opad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C;
311 }
313 var hash = core_md5(ipad.concat(str2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * chrsz);
314 return core_md5(opad.concat(hash), 512 + 128);
315 };
317 var obj = {
318 /*
319 * These are the functions you'll usually want to call.
320 * They take string arguments and return either hex or base-64 encoded
321 * strings.
322 */
323 hexdigest: function (s) {
324 return binl2hex(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));
325 },
327 b64digest: function (s) {
328 return binl2b64(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));
329 },
331 hash: function (s) {
332 return binl2str(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));
333 },
335 hmac_hexdigest: function (key, data) {
336 return binl2hex(core_hmac_md5(key, data));
337 },
339 hmac_b64digest: function (key, data) {
340 return binl2b64(core_hmac_md5(key, data));
341 },
343 hmac_hash: function (key, data) {
344 return binl2str(core_hmac_md5(key, data));
345 },
347 /*
348 * Perform a simple self-test to see if the VM is working
349 */
350 test: function () {
351 return MD5.hexdigest("abc") === "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72";
352 }
353 };
355 return obj;
356 })();
358 /*
359 This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
360 Please see the LICENSE file for details.
362 Copyright 2006-2008, OGG, LLC
363 */
365 /* jslint configuration: */
366 /*global document, window, setTimeout, clearTimeout, console,
367 XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject,
368 Base64, MD5,
369 Strophe, $build, $msg, $iq, $pres */
371 /** File: strophe.js
372 * A JavaScript library for XMPP BOSH.
373 *
374 * This is the JavaScript version of the Strophe library. Since JavaScript
375 * has no facilities for persistent TCP connections, this library uses
376 * Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) to emulate
377 * a persistent, stateful, two-way connection to an XMPP server. More
378 * information on BOSH can be found in XEP 124.
379 */
381 /** PrivateFunction: Function.prototype.bind
382 * Bind a function to an instance.
383 *
384 * This Function object extension method creates a bound method similar
385 * to those in Python. This means that the 'this' object will point
386 * to the instance you want. See
387 * <a href=''>Bound Functions and Function Imports in JavaScript</a>
388 * for a complete explanation.
389 *
390 * This extension already exists in some browsers (namely, Firefox 3), but
391 * we provide it to support those that don't.
392 *
393 * Parameters:
394 * (Object) obj - The object that will become 'this' in the bound function.
395 *
396 * Returns:
397 * The bound function.
398 */
399 if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
400 Function.prototype.bind = function (obj)
401 {
402 var func = this;
403 return function () { return func.apply(obj, arguments); };
404 };
405 }
407 /** PrivateFunction: Function.prototype.prependArg
408 * Prepend an argument to a function.
409 *
410 * This Function object extension method returns a Function that will
411 * invoke the original function with an argument prepended. This is useful
412 * when some object has a callback that needs to get that same object as
413 * an argument. The following fragment illustrates a simple case of this
414 * > var obj = new Foo(this.someMethod);</code></blockquote>
415 *
416 * Foo's constructor can now use func.prependArg(this) to ensure the
417 * passed in callback function gets the instance of Foo as an argument.
418 * Doing this without prependArg would mean not setting the callback
419 * from the constructor.
420 *
421 * This is used inside Strophe for passing the Strophe.Request object to
422 * the onreadystatechange handler of XMLHttpRequests.
423 *
424 * Parameters:
425 * arg - The argument to pass as the first parameter to the function.
426 *
427 * Returns:
428 * A new Function which calls the original with the prepended argument.
429 */
430 if (!Function.prototype.prependArg) {
431 Function.prototype.prependArg = function (arg)
432 {
433 var func = this;
435 return function () {
436 var newargs = [arg];
437 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
438 newargs.push(arguments[i]);
439 }
440 return func.apply(this, newargs);
441 };
442 };
443 }
445 /** PrivateFunction: Array.prototype.indexOf
446 * Return the index of an object in an array.
447 *
448 * This function is not supplied by some JavaScript implementations, so
449 * we provide it if it is missing. This code is from:
450 *
451 *
452 * Parameters:
453 * (Object) elt - The object to look for.
454 * (Integer) from - The index from which to start looking. (optional).
455 *
456 * Returns:
457 * The index of elt in the array or -1 if not found.
458 */
459 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf)
460 {
461 Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/)
462 {
463 var len = this.length;
465 var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
466 from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
467 if (from < 0) {
468 from += len;
469 }
471 for (; from < len; from++) {
472 if (from in this && this[from] === elt) {
473 return from;
474 }
475 }
477 return -1;
478 };
479 }
481 /* All of the Strophe globals are defined in this special function below so
482 * that references to the globals become closures. This will ensure that
483 * on page reload, these references will still be available to callbacks
484 * that are still executing.
485 */
487 (function (callback) {
488 var Strophe;
490 /** Function: $build
491 * Create a Strophe.Builder.
492 * This is an alias for 'new Strophe.Builder(name, attrs)'.
493 *
494 * Parameters:
495 * (String) name - The root element name.
496 * (Object) attrs - The attributes for the root element in object notation.
497 *
498 * Returns:
499 * A new Strophe.Builder object.
500 */
501 function $build(name, attrs) { return new Strophe.Builder(name, attrs); }
502 /** Function: $msg
503 * Create a Strophe.Builder with a <message/> element as the root.
504 *
505 * Parmaeters:
506 * (Object) attrs - The <message/> element attributes in object notation.
507 *
508 * Returns:
509 * A new Strophe.Builder object.
510 */
511 function $msg(attrs) { return new Strophe.Builder("message", attrs); }
512 /** Function: $iq
513 * Create a Strophe.Builder with an <iq/> element as the root.
514 *
515 * Parameters:
516 * (Object) attrs - The <iq/> element attributes in object notation.
517 *
518 * Returns:
519 * A new Strophe.Builder object.
520 */
521 function $iq(attrs) { return new Strophe.Builder("iq", attrs); }
522 /** Function: $pres
523 * Create a Strophe.Builder with a <presence/> element as the root.
524 *
525 * Parameters:
526 * (Object) attrs - The <presence/> element attributes in object notation.
527 *
528 * Returns:
529 * A new Strophe.Builder object.
530 */
531 function $pres(attrs) { return new Strophe.Builder("presence", attrs); }
533 /** Class: Strophe
534 * An object container for all Strophe library functions.
535 *
536 * This class is just a container for all the objects and constants
537 * used in the library. It is not meant to be instantiated, but to
538 * provide a namespace for library objects, constants, and functions.
539 */
540 Strophe = {
541 /** Constant: VERSION
542 * The version of the Strophe library. Unreleased builds will have
543 * a version of head-HASH where HASH is a partial revision.
544 */
545 VERSION: "1.0.1",
547 /** Constants: XMPP Namespace Constants
548 * Common namespace constants from the XMPP RFCs and XEPs.
549 *
550 * NS.HTTPBIND - HTTP BIND namespace from XEP 124.
551 * NS.BOSH - BOSH namespace from XEP 206.
552 * NS.CLIENT - Main XMPP client namespace.
553 * NS.AUTH - Legacy authentication namespace.
554 * NS.ROSTER - Roster operations namespace.
555 * NS.PROFILE - Profile namespace.
556 * NS.DISCO_INFO - Service discovery info namespace from XEP 30.
557 * NS.DISCO_ITEMS - Service discovery items namespace from XEP 30.
558 * NS.MUC - Multi-User Chat namespace from XEP 45.
559 * NS.SASL - XMPP SASL namespace from RFC 3920.
560 * NS.STREAM - XMPP Streams namespace from RFC 3920.
561 * NS.BIND - XMPP Binding namespace from RFC 3920.
562 * NS.SESSION - XMPP Session namespace from RFC 3920.
563 */
564 NS: {
565 HTTPBIND: "",
566 BOSH: "urn:xmpp:xbosh",
567 CLIENT: "jabber:client",
568 AUTH: "jabber:iq:auth",
569 ROSTER: "jabber:iq:roster",
570 PROFILE: "jabber:iq:profile",
571 DISCO_INFO: "",
572 DISCO_ITEMS: "",
573 MUC: "",
574 SASL: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl",
575 STREAM: "",
576 BIND: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind",
577 SESSION: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session",
578 VERSION: "jabber:iq:version",
579 STANZAS: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"
580 },
582 /** Function: addNamespace
583 * This function is used to extend the current namespaces in
584 * Strophe.NS. It takes a key and a value with the key being the
585 * name of the new namespace, with its actual value.
586 * For example:
587 * Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB', "");
588 *
589 * Parameters:
590 * (String) name - The name under which the namespace will be
591 * referenced under Strophe.NS
592 * (String) value - The actual namespace.
593 */
594 addNamespace: function (name, value)
595 {
596 Strophe.NS[name] = value;
597 },
599 /** Constants: Connection Status Constants
600 * Connection status constants for use by the connection handler
601 * callback.
602 *
603 * Status.ERROR - An error has occurred
604 * Status.CONNECTING - The connection is currently being made
605 * Status.CONNFAIL - The connection attempt failed
606 * Status.AUTHENTICATING - The connection is authenticating
607 * Status.AUTHFAIL - The authentication attempt failed
608 * Status.CONNECTED - The connection has succeeded
609 * Status.DISCONNECTED - The connection has been terminated
610 * Status.DISCONNECTING - The connection is currently being terminated
611 * Status.ATTACHED - The connection has been attached
612 */
613 Status: {
614 ERROR: 0,
616 CONNFAIL: 2,
618 AUTHFAIL: 4,
623 },
625 /** Constants: Log Level Constants
626 * Logging level indicators.
627 *
628 * LogLevel.DEBUG - Debug output
629 * LogLevel.INFO - Informational output
630 * LogLevel.WARN - Warnings
631 * LogLevel.ERROR - Errors
632 * LogLevel.FATAL - Fatal errors
633 */
634 LogLevel: {
635 DEBUG: 0,
636 INFO: 1,
637 WARN: 2,
638 ERROR: 3,
639 FATAL: 4
640 },
642 /** PrivateConstants: DOM Element Type Constants
643 * DOM element types.
644 *
645 * ElementType.NORMAL - Normal element.
646 * ElementType.TEXT - Text data element.
647 */
648 ElementType: {
649 NORMAL: 1,
650 TEXT: 3
651 },
653 /** PrivateConstants: Timeout Values
654 * Timeout values for error states. These values are in seconds.
655 * These should not be changed unless you know exactly what you are
656 * doing.
657 *
658 * TIMEOUT - Timeout multiplier. A waiting request will be considered
659 * failed after Math.floor(TIMEOUT * wait) seconds have elapsed.
660 * This defaults to 1.1, and with default wait, 66 seconds.
661 * SECONDARY_TIMEOUT - Secondary timeout multiplier. In cases where
662 * Strophe can detect early failure, it will consider the request
663 * failed if it doesn't return after
664 * Math.floor(SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * wait) seconds have elapsed.
665 * This defaults to 0.1, and with default wait, 6 seconds.
666 */
667 TIMEOUT: 1.1,
670 /** Function: forEachChild
671 * Map a function over some or all child elements of a given element.
672 *
673 * This is a small convenience function for mapping a function over
674 * some or all of the children of an element. If elemName is null, all
675 * children will be passed to the function, otherwise only children
676 * whose tag names match elemName will be passed.
677 *
678 * Parameters:
679 * (XMLElement) elem - The element to operate on.
680 * (String) elemName - The child element tag name filter.
681 * (Function) func - The function to apply to each child. This
682 * function should take a single argument, a DOM element.
683 */
684 forEachChild: function (elem, elemName, func)
685 {
686 var i, childNode;
688 for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
689 childNode = elem.childNodes[i];
690 if (childNode.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL &&
691 (!elemName || this.isTagEqual(childNode, elemName))) {
692 func(childNode);
693 }
694 }
695 },
697 /** Function: isTagEqual
698 * Compare an element's tag name with a string.
699 *
700 * This function is case insensitive.
701 *
702 * Parameters:
703 * (XMLElement) el - A DOM element.
704 * (String) name - The element name.
705 *
706 * Returns:
707 * true if the element's tag name matches _el_, and false
708 * otherwise.
709 */
710 isTagEqual: function (el, name)
711 {
712 return el.tagName.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase();
713 },
715 /** PrivateVariable: _xmlGenerator
716 * _Private_ variable that caches a DOM document to
717 * generate elements.
718 */
719 _xmlGenerator: null,
721 /** PrivateFunction: _makeGenerator
722 * _Private_ function that creates a dummy XML DOM document to serve as
723 * an element and text node generator.
724 */
725 _makeGenerator: function () {
726 var doc;
728 if (window.ActiveXObject) {
729 doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
730 doc.appendChild(doc.createElement('strophe'));
731 } else {
732 doc = document.implementation
733 .createDocument('jabber:client', 'strophe', null);
734 }
736 return doc;
737 },
739 /** Function: xmlElement
740 * Create an XML DOM element.
741 *
742 * This function creates an XML DOM element correctly across all
743 * implementations. Specifically the Microsoft implementation of
744 * document.createElement makes DOM elements with 43+ default attributes
745 * unless elements are created with the ActiveX object Microsoft.XMLDOM.
746 *
747 * Most DOMs force element names to lowercase, so we use the
748 * _realname attribute on the created element to store the case
749 * sensitive name. This is required to generate proper XML for
750 * things like vCard avatars (XEP 153). This attribute is stripped
751 * out before being sent over the wire or serialized, but you may
752 * notice it during debugging.
753 *
754 * Parameters:
755 * (String) name - The name for the element.
756 * (Array) attrs - An optional array of key/value pairs to use as
757 * element attributes in the following format [['key1', 'value1'],
758 * ['key2', 'value2']]
759 * (String) text - The text child data for the element.
760 *
761 * Returns:
762 * A new XML DOM element.
763 */
764 xmlElement: function (name)
765 {
766 if (!name) { return null; }
768 var node = null;
769 if (!Strophe._xmlGenerator) {
770 Strophe._xmlGenerator = Strophe._makeGenerator();
771 }
772 node = Strophe._xmlGenerator.createElement(name);
774 // FIXME: this should throw errors if args are the wrong type or
775 // there are more than two optional args
776 var a, i, k;
777 for (a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) {
778 if (!arguments[a]) { continue; }
779 if (typeof(arguments[a]) == "string" ||
780 typeof(arguments[a]) == "number") {
781 node.appendChild(Strophe.xmlTextNode(arguments[a]));
782 } else if (typeof(arguments[a]) == "object" &&
783 typeof(arguments[a].sort) == "function") {
784 for (i = 0; i < arguments[a].length; i++) {
785 if (typeof(arguments[a][i]) == "object" &&
786 typeof(arguments[a][i].sort) == "function") {
787 node.setAttribute(arguments[a][i][0],
788 arguments[a][i][1]);
789 }
790 }
791 } else if (typeof(arguments[a]) == "object") {
792 for (k in arguments[a]) {
793 if (arguments[a].hasOwnProperty(k)) {
794 node.setAttribute(k, arguments[a][k]);
795 }
796 }
797 }
798 }
800 return node;
801 },
803 /* Function: xmlescape
804 * Excapes invalid xml characters.
805 *
806 * Parameters:
807 * (String) text - text to escape.
808 *
809 * Returns:
810 * Escaped text.
811 */
812 xmlescape: function(text)
813 {
814 text = text.replace(/\&/g, "&amp;");
815 text = text.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
816 text = text.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
817 return text;
818 },
820 /** Function: xmlTextNode
821 * Creates an XML DOM text node.
822 *
823 * Provides a cross implementation version of document.createTextNode.
824 *
825 * Parameters:
826 * (String) text - The content of the text node.
827 *
828 * Returns:
829 * A new XML DOM text node.
830 */
831 xmlTextNode: function (text)
832 {
833 //ensure text is escaped
834 text = Strophe.xmlescape(text);
836 if (!Strophe._xmlGenerator) {
837 Strophe._xmlGenerator = Strophe._makeGenerator();
838 }
839 return Strophe._xmlGenerator.createTextNode(text);
840 },
842 /** Function: getText
843 * Get the concatenation of all text children of an element.
844 *
845 * Parameters:
846 * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.
847 *
848 * Returns:
849 * A String with the concatenated text of all text element children.
850 */
851 getText: function (elem)
852 {
853 if (!elem) { return null; }
855 var str = "";
856 if (elem.childNodes.length === 0 && elem.nodeType ==
857 Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
858 str += elem.nodeValue;
859 }
861 for (var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
862 if (elem.childNodes[i].nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
863 str += elem.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
864 }
865 }
867 return str;
868 },
870 /** Function: copyElement
871 * Copy an XML DOM element.
872 *
873 * This function copies a DOM element and all its descendants and returns
874 * the new copy.
875 *
876 * Parameters:
877 * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.
878 *
879 * Returns:
880 * A new, copied DOM element tree.
881 */
882 copyElement: function (elem)
883 {
884 var i, el;
885 if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL) {
886 el = Strophe.xmlElement(elem.tagName);
888 for (i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) {
889 el.setAttribute(elem.attributes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
890 elem.attributes[i].value);
891 }
893 for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
894 el.appendChild(Strophe.copyElement(elem.childNodes[i]));
895 }
896 } else if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
897 el = Strophe.xmlTextNode(elem.nodeValue);
898 }
900 return el;
901 },
903 /** Function: escapeNode
904 * Escape the node part (also called local part) of a JID.
905 *
906 * Parameters:
907 * (String) node - A node (or local part).
908 *
909 * Returns:
910 * An escaped node (or local part).
911 */
912 escapeNode: function (node)
913 {
914 return node.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
915 .replace(/\\/g, "\\5c")
916 .replace(/ /g, "\\20")
917 .replace(/\"/g, "\\22")
918 .replace(/\&/g, "\\26")
919 .replace(/\'/g, "\\27")
920 .replace(/\//g, "\\2f")
921 .replace(/:/g, "\\3a")
922 .replace(/</g, "\\3c")
923 .replace(/>/g, "\\3e")
924 .replace(/@/g, "\\40");
925 },
927 /** Function: unescapeNode
928 * Unescape a node part (also called local part) of a JID.
929 *
930 * Parameters:
931 * (String) node - A node (or local part).
932 *
933 * Returns:
934 * An unescaped node (or local part).
935 */
936 unescapeNode: function (node)
937 {
938 return node.replace(/\\20/g, " ")
939 .replace(/\\22/g, '"')
940 .replace(/\\26/g, "&")
941 .replace(/\\27/g, "'")
942 .replace(/\\2f/g, "/")
943 .replace(/\\3a/g, ":")
944 .replace(/\\3c/g, "<")
945 .replace(/\\3e/g, ">")
946 .replace(/\\40/g, "@")
947 .replace(/\\5c/g, "\\");
948 },
950 /** Function: getNodeFromJid
951 * Get the node portion of a JID String.
952 *
953 * Parameters:
954 * (String) jid - A JID.
955 *
956 * Returns:
957 * A String containing the node.
958 */
959 getNodeFromJid: function (jid)
960 {
961 if (jid.indexOf("@") < 0) { return null; }
962 return jid.split("@")[0];
963 },
965 /** Function: getDomainFromJid
966 * Get the domain portion of a JID String.
967 *
968 * Parameters:
969 * (String) jid - A JID.
970 *
971 * Returns:
972 * A String containing the domain.
973 */
974 getDomainFromJid: function (jid)
975 {
976 var bare = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
977 if (bare.indexOf("@") < 0) {
978 return bare;
979 } else {
980 var parts = bare.split("@");
981 parts.splice(0, 1);
982 return parts.join('@');
983 }
984 },
986 /** Function: getResourceFromJid
987 * Get the resource portion of a JID String.
988 *
989 * Parameters:
990 * (String) jid - A JID.
991 *
992 * Returns:
993 * A String containing the resource.
994 */
995 getResourceFromJid: function (jid)
996 {
997 var s = jid.split("/");
998 if (s.length < 2) { return null; }
999 s.splice(0, 1);
1000 return s.join('/');
1001 },
1003 /** Function: getBareJidFromJid
1004 * Get the bare JID from a JID String.
1005 *
1006 * Parameters:
1007 * (String) jid - A JID.
1008 *
1009 * Returns:
1010 * A String containing the bare JID.
1011 */
1012 getBareJidFromJid: function (jid)
1013 {
1014 return jid.split("/")[0];
1015 },
1017 /** Function: log
1018 * User overrideable logging function.
1019 *
1020 * This function is called whenever the Strophe library calls any
1021 * of the logging functions. The default implementation of this
1022 * function does nothing. If client code wishes to handle the logging
1023 * messages, it should override this with
1024 * > Strophe.log = function (level, msg) {
1025 * > (user code here)
1026 * > };
1027 *
1028 * Please note that data sent and received over the wire is logged
1029 * via Strophe.Connection.rawInput() and Strophe.Connection.rawOutput().
1030 *
1031 * The different levels and their meanings are
1032 *
1033 * DEBUG - Messages useful for debugging purposes.
1034 * INFO - Informational messages. This is mostly information like
1035 * 'disconnect was called' or 'SASL auth succeeded'.
1036 * WARN - Warnings about potential problems. This is mostly used
1037 * to report transient connection errors like request timeouts.
1038 * ERROR - Some error occurred.
1039 * FATAL - A non-recoverable fatal error occurred.
1040 *
1041 * Parameters:
1042 * (Integer) level - The log level of the log message. This will
1043 * be one of the values in Strophe.LogLevel.
1044 * (String) msg - The log message.
1045 */
1046 log: function (level, msg)
1047 {
1048 return;
1049 },
1051 /** Function: debug
1052 * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.DEBUG level.
1053 *
1054 * Parameters:
1055 * (String) msg - The log message.
1056 */
1057 debug: function(msg)
1058 {
1059 this.log(this.LogLevel.DEBUG, msg);
1060 },
1062 /** Function: info
1063 * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.INFO level.
1064 *
1065 * Parameters:
1066 * (String) msg - The log message.
1067 */
1068 info: function (msg)
1069 {
1070 this.log(this.LogLevel.INFO, msg);
1071 },
1073 /** Function: warn
1074 * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.WARN level.
1075 *
1076 * Parameters:
1077 * (String) msg - The log message.
1078 */
1079 warn: function (msg)
1080 {
1081 this.log(this.LogLevel.WARN, msg);
1082 },
1084 /** Function: error
1085 * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR level.
1086 *
1087 * Parameters:
1088 * (String) msg - The log message.
1089 */
1090 error: function (msg)
1091 {
1092 this.log(this.LogLevel.ERROR, msg);
1093 },
1095 /** Function: fatal
1096 * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.FATAL level.
1097 *
1098 * Parameters:
1099 * (String) msg - The log message.
1100 */
1101 fatal: function (msg)
1102 {
1103 this.log(this.LogLevel.FATAL, msg);
1104 },
1106 /** Function: serialize
1107 * Render a DOM element and all descendants to a String.
1108 *
1109 * Parameters:
1110 * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.
1111 *
1112 * Returns:
1113 * The serialized element tree as a String.
1114 */
1115 serialize: function (elem)
1116 {
1117 var result;
1119 if (!elem) { return null; }
1121 if (typeof(elem.tree) === "function") {
1122 elem = elem.tree();
1123 }
1125 var nodeName = elem.nodeName;
1126 var i, child;
1128 if (elem.getAttribute("_realname")) {
1129 nodeName = elem.getAttribute("_realname");
1130 }
1132 result = "<" + nodeName;
1133 for (i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) {
1134 if(elem.attributes[i].nodeName != "_realname") {
1135 result += " " + elem.attributes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() +
1136 "='" + elem.attributes[i].value
1137 .replace("&", "&amp;")
1138 .replace("'", "&apos;")
1139 .replace("<", "&lt;") + "'";
1140 }
1141 }
1143 if (elem.childNodes.length > 0) {
1144 result += ">";
1145 for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
1146 child = elem.childNodes[i];
1147 if (child.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL) {
1148 // normal element, so recurse
1149 result += Strophe.serialize(child);
1150 } else if (child.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
1151 // text element
1152 result += child.nodeValue;
1153 }
1154 }
1155 result += "</" + nodeName + ">";
1156 } else {
1157 result += "/>";
1158 }
1160 return result;
1161 },
1163 /** PrivateVariable: _requestId
1164 * _Private_ variable that keeps track of the request ids for
1165 * connections.
1166 */
1167 _requestId: 0,
1169 /** PrivateVariable: Strophe.connectionPlugins
1170 * _Private_ variable Used to store plugin names that need
1171 * initialization on Strophe.Connection construction.
1172 */
1173 _connectionPlugins: {},
1175 /** Function: addConnectionPlugin
1176 * Extends the Strophe.Connection object with the given plugin.
1177 *
1178 * Paramaters:
1179 * (String) name - The name of the extension.
1180 * (Object) ptype - The plugin's prototype.
1181 */
1182 addConnectionPlugin: function (name, ptype)
1183 {
1184 Strophe._connectionPlugins[name] = ptype;
1185 }
1186 };
1188 /** Class: Strophe.Builder
1189 * XML DOM builder.
1190 *
1191 * This object provides an interface similar to JQuery but for building
1192 * DOM element easily and rapidly. All the functions except for toString()
1193 * and tree() return the object, so calls can be chained. Here's an
1194 * example using the $iq() builder helper.
1195 * > $iq({to: 'you': from: 'me': type: 'get', id: '1'})
1196 * > .c('query', {xmlns: 'strophe:example'})
1197 * > .c('example')
1198 * > .toString()
1199 * The above generates this XML fragment
1200 * > <iq to='you' from='me' type='get' id='1'>
1201 * > <query xmlns='strophe:example'>
1202 * > <example/>
1203 * > </query>
1204 * > </iq>
1205 * The corresponding DOM manipulations to get a similar fragment would be
1206 * a lot more tedious and probably involve several helper variables.
1207 *
1208 * Since adding children makes new operations operate on the child, up()
1209 * is provided to traverse up the tree. To add two children, do
1210 * > builder.c('child1', ...).up().c('child2', ...)
1211 * The next operation on the Builder will be relative to the second child.
1212 */
1214 /** Constructor: Strophe.Builder
1215 * Create a Strophe.Builder object.
1216 *
1217 * The attributes should be passed in object notation. For example
1218 * > var b = new Builder('message', {to: 'you', from: 'me'});
1219 * or
1220 * > var b = new Builder('messsage', {'xml:lang': 'en'});
1221 *
1222 * Parameters:
1223 * (String) name - The name of the root element.
1224 * (Object) attrs - The attributes for the root element in object notation.
1225 *
1226 * Returns:
1227 * A new Strophe.Builder.
1228 */
1229 Strophe.Builder = function (name, attrs)
1230 {
1231 // Set correct namespace for jabber:client elements
1232 if (name == "presence" || name == "message" || name == "iq") {
1233 if (attrs && !attrs.xmlns) {
1234 attrs.xmlns = Strophe.NS.CLIENT;
1235 } else if (!attrs) {
1236 attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT};
1237 }
1238 }
1240 // Holds the tree being built.
1241 this.nodeTree = Strophe.xmlElement(name, attrs);
1243 // Points to the current operation node.
1244 this.node = this.nodeTree;
1245 };
1247 Strophe.Builder.prototype = {
1248 /** Function: tree
1249 * Return the DOM tree.
1250 *
1251 * This function returns the current DOM tree as an element object. This
1252 * is suitable for passing to functions like Strophe.Connection.send().
1253 *
1254 * Returns:
1255 * The DOM tree as a element object.
1256 */
1257 tree: function ()
1258 {
1259 return this.nodeTree;
1260 },
1262 /** Function: toString
1263 * Serialize the DOM tree to a String.
1264 *
1265 * This function returns a string serialization of the current DOM
1266 * tree. It is often used internally to pass data to a
1267 * Strophe.Request object.
1268 *
1269 * Returns:
1270 * The serialized DOM tree in a String.
1271 */
1272 toString: function ()
1273 {
1274 return Strophe.serialize(this.nodeTree);
1275 },
1277 /** Function: up
1278 * Make the current parent element the new current element.
1279 *
1280 * This function is often used after c() to traverse back up the tree.
1281 * For example, to add two children to the same element
1282 * > builder.c('child1', {}).up().c('child2', {});
1283 *
1284 * Returns:
1285 * The Stophe.Builder object.
1286 */
1287 up: function ()
1288 {
1289 this.node = this.node.parentNode;
1290 return this;
1291 },
1293 /** Function: attrs
1294 * Add or modify attributes of the current element.
1295 *
1296 * The attributes should be passed in object notation. This function
1297 * does not move the current element pointer.
1298 *
1299 * Parameters:
1300 * (Object) moreattrs - The attributes to add/modify in object notation.
1301 *
1302 * Returns:
1303 * The Strophe.Builder object.
1304 */
1305 attrs: function (moreattrs)
1306 {
1307 for (var k in moreattrs) {
1308 if (moreattrs.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
1309 this.node.setAttribute(k, moreattrs[k]);
1310 }
1311 }
1312 return this;
1313 },
1315 /** Function: c
1316 * Add a child to the current element and make it the new current
1317 * element.
1318 *
1319 * This function moves the current element pointer to the child. If you
1320 * need to add another child, it is necessary to use up() to go back
1321 * to the parent in the tree.
1322 *
1323 * Parameters:
1324 * (String) name - The name of the child.
1325 * (Object) attrs - The attributes of the child in object notation.
1326 *
1327 * Returns:
1328 * The Strophe.Builder object.
1329 */
1330 c: function (name, attrs)
1331 {
1332 var child = Strophe.xmlElement(name, attrs);
1333 this.node.appendChild(child);
1334 this.node = child;
1335 return this;
1336 },
1338 /** Function: cnode
1339 * Add a child to the current element and make it the new current
1340 * element.
1341 *
1342 * This function is the same as c() except that instead of using a
1343 * name and an attributes object to create the child it uses an
1344 * existing DOM element object.
1345 *
1346 * Parameters:
1347 * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.
1348 *
1349 * Returns:
1350 * The Strophe.Builder object.
1351 */
1352 cnode: function (elem)
1353 {
1354 this.node.appendChild(elem);
1355 this.node = elem;
1356 return this;
1357 },
1359 /** Function: t
1360 * Add a child text element.
1361 *
1362 * This *does not* make the child the new current element since there
1363 * are no children of text elements.
1364 *
1365 * Parameters:
1366 * (String) text - The text data to append to the current element.
1367 *
1368 * Returns:
1369 * The Strophe.Builder object.
1370 */
1371 t: function (text)
1372 {
1373 var child = Strophe.xmlTextNode(text);
1374 this.node.appendChild(child);
1375 return this;
1376 }
1377 };
1380 /** PrivateClass: Strophe.Handler
1381 * _Private_ helper class for managing stanza handlers.
1382 *
1383 * A Strophe.Handler encapsulates a user provided callback function to be
1384 * executed when matching stanzas are received by the connection.
1385 * Handlers can be either one-off or persistant depending on their
1386 * return value. Returning true will cause a Handler to remain active, and
1387 * returning false will remove the Handler.
1388 *
1389 * Users will not use Strophe.Handler objects directly, but instead they
1390 * will use Strophe.Connection.addHandler() and
1391 * Strophe.Connection.deleteHandler().
1392 */
1394 /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.Handler
1395 * Create and initialize a new Strophe.Handler.
1396 *
1397 * Parameters:
1398 * (Function) handler - A function to be executed when the handler is run.
1399 * (String) ns - The namespace to match.
1400 * (String) name - The element name to match.
1401 * (String) type - The element type to match.
1402 * (String) id - The element id attribute to match.
1403 * (String) from - The element from attribute to match.
1404 * (Object) options - Handler options
1405 *
1406 * Returns:
1407 * A new Strophe.Handler object.
1408 */
1409 Strophe.Handler = function (handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options)
1410 {
1411 this.handler = handler;
1412 this.ns = ns;
1413 = name;
1414 this.type = type;
1415 = id;
1416 this.options = options || {matchbare: false};
1418 // default matchBare to false if undefined
1419 if (!this.options.matchBare) {
1420 this.options.matchBare = false;
1421 }
1423 if (this.options.matchBare) {
1424 this.from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from);
1425 } else {
1426 this.from = from;
1427 }
1429 // whether the handler is a user handler or a system handler
1430 this.user = true;
1431 };
1433 Strophe.Handler.prototype = {
1434 /** PrivateFunction: isMatch
1435 * Tests if a stanza matches the Strophe.Handler.
1436 *
1437 * Parameters:
1438 * (XMLElement) elem - The XML element to test.
1439 *
1440 * Returns:
1441 * true if the stanza matches and false otherwise.
1442 */
1443 isMatch: function (elem)
1444 {
1445 var nsMatch;
1446 var from = null;
1448 if (this.options.matchBare) {
1449 from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(elem.getAttribute('from'));
1450 } else {
1451 from = elem.getAttribute('from');
1452 }
1454 nsMatch = false;
1455 if (!this.ns) {
1456 nsMatch = true;
1457 } else {
1458 var self = this;
1459 Strophe.forEachChild(elem, null, function (elem) {
1460 if (elem.getAttribute("xmlns") == self.ns) {
1461 nsMatch = true;
1462 }
1463 });
1465 nsMatch = nsMatch || elem.getAttribute("xmlns") == this.ns;
1466 }
1468 if (nsMatch &&
1469 (! || Strophe.isTagEqual(elem, &&
1470 (!this.type || elem.getAttribute("type") === this.type) &&
1471 (! || elem.getAttribute("id") === &&
1472 (!this.from || from === this.from)) {
1473 return true;
1474 }
1476 return false;
1477 },
1479 /** PrivateFunction: run
1480 * Run the callback on a matching stanza.
1481 *
1482 * Parameters:
1483 * (XMLElement) elem - The DOM element that triggered the
1484 * Strophe.Handler.
1485 *
1486 * Returns:
1487 * A boolean indicating if the handler should remain active.
1488 */
1489 run: function (elem)
1490 {
1491 var result = null;
1492 try {
1493 result = this.handler(elem);
1494 } catch (e) {
1495 if (e.sourceURL) {
1496 Strophe.fatal("error: " + this.handler +
1497 " " + e.sourceURL + ":" +
1498 e.line + " - " + + ": " + e.message);
1499 } else if (e.fileName) {
1500 if (typeof(console) != "undefined") {
1501 console.trace();
1502 console.error(this.handler, " - error - ", e, e.message);
1503 }
1504 Strophe.fatal("error: " + this.handler + " " +
1505 e.fileName + ":" + e.lineNumber + " - " +
1506 + ": " + e.message);
1507 } else {
1508 Strophe.fatal("error: " + this.handler);
1509 }
1511 throw e;
1512 }
1514 return result;
1515 },
1517 /** PrivateFunction: toString
1518 * Get a String representation of the Strophe.Handler object.
1519 *
1520 * Returns:
1521 * A String.
1522 */
1523 toString: function ()
1524 {
1525 return "{Handler: " + this.handler + "(" + + "," +
1526 + "," + this.ns + ")}";
1527 }
1528 };
1530 /** PrivateClass: Strophe.TimedHandler
1531 * _Private_ helper class for managing timed handlers.
1532 *
1533 * A Strophe.TimedHandler encapsulates a user provided callback that
1534 * should be called after a certain period of time or at regular
1535 * intervals. The return value of the callback determines whether the
1536 * Strophe.TimedHandler will continue to fire.
1537 *
1538 * Users will not use Strophe.TimedHandler objects directly, but instead
1539 * they will use Strophe.Connection.addTimedHandler() and
1540 * Strophe.Connection.deleteTimedHandler().
1541 */
1543 /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.TimedHandler
1544 * Create and initialize a new Strophe.TimedHandler object.
1545 *
1546 * Parameters:
1547 * (Integer) period - The number of milliseconds to wait before the
1548 * handler is called.
1549 * (Function) handler - The callback to run when the handler fires. This
1550 * function should take no arguments.
1551 *
1552 * Returns:
1553 * A new Strophe.TimedHandler object.
1554 */
1555 Strophe.TimedHandler = function (period, handler)
1556 {
1557 this.period = period;
1558 this.handler = handler;
1560 this.lastCalled = new Date().getTime();
1561 this.user = true;
1562 };
1564 Strophe.TimedHandler.prototype = {
1565 /** PrivateFunction: run
1566 * Run the callback for the Strophe.TimedHandler.
1567 *
1568 * Returns:
1569 * true if the Strophe.TimedHandler should be called again, and false
1570 * otherwise.
1571 */
1572 run: function ()
1573 {
1574 this.lastCalled = new Date().getTime();
1575 return this.handler();
1576 },
1578 /** PrivateFunction: reset
1579 * Reset the last called time for the Strophe.TimedHandler.
1580 */
1581 reset: function ()
1582 {
1583 this.lastCalled = new Date().getTime();
1584 },
1586 /** PrivateFunction: toString
1587 * Get a string representation of the Strophe.TimedHandler object.
1588 *
1589 * Returns:
1590 * The string representation.
1591 */
1592 toString: function ()
1593 {
1594 return "{TimedHandler: " + this.handler + "(" + this.period +")}";
1595 }
1596 };
1598 /** PrivateClass: Strophe.Request
1599 * _Private_ helper class that provides a cross implementation abstraction
1600 * for a BOSH related XMLHttpRequest.
1601 *
1602 * The Strophe.Request class is used internally to encapsulate BOSH request
1603 * information. It is not meant to be used from user's code.
1604 */
1606 /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.Request
1607 * Create and initialize a new Strophe.Request object.
1608 *
1609 * Parameters:
1610 * (XMLElement) elem - The XML data to be sent in the request.
1611 * (Function) func - The function that will be called when the
1612 * XMLHttpRequest readyState changes.
1613 * (Integer) rid - The BOSH rid attribute associated with this request.
1614 * (Integer) sends - The number of times this same request has been
1615 * sent.
1616 */
1617 Strophe.Request = function (elem, func, rid, sends)
1618 {
1619 = ++Strophe._requestId;
1620 this.xmlData = elem;
1621 = Strophe.serialize(elem);
1622 // save original function in case we need to make a new request
1623 // from this one.
1624 this.origFunc = func;
1625 this.func = func;
1626 this.rid = rid;
1627 = NaN;
1628 this.sends = sends || 0;
1629 this.abort = false;
1630 this.dead = null;
1631 this.age = function () {
1632 if (! { return 0; }
1633 var now = new Date();
1634 return (now - / 1000;
1635 };
1636 this.timeDead = function () {
1637 if (!this.dead) { return 0; }
1638 var now = new Date();
1639 return (now - this.dead) / 1000;
1640 };
1641 this.xhr = this._newXHR();
1642 };
1644 Strophe.Request.prototype = {
1645 /** PrivateFunction: getResponse
1646 * Get a response from the underlying XMLHttpRequest.
1647 *
1648 * This function attempts to get a response from the request and checks
1649 * for errors.
1650 *
1651 * Throws:
1652 * "parsererror" - A parser error occured.
1653 *
1654 * Returns:
1655 * The DOM element tree of the response.
1656 */
1657 getResponse: function ()
1658 {
1659 var node = null;
1660 if (this.xhr.responseXML && this.xhr.responseXML.documentElement) {
1661 node = this.xhr.responseXML.documentElement;
1662 if (node.tagName == "parsererror") {
1663 Strophe.error("invalid response received");
1664 Strophe.error("responseText: " + this.xhr.responseText);
1665 Strophe.error("responseXML: " +
1666 Strophe.serialize(this.xhr.responseXML));
1667 throw "parsererror";
1668 }
1669 } else if (this.xhr.responseText) {
1670 Strophe.error("invalid response received");
1671 Strophe.error("responseText: " + this.xhr.responseText);
1672 Strophe.error("responseXML: " +
1673 Strophe.serialize(this.xhr.responseXML));
1674 }
1676 return node;
1677 },
1679 /** PrivateFunction: _newXHR
1680 * _Private_ helper function to create XMLHttpRequests.
1681 *
1682 * This function creates XMLHttpRequests across all implementations.
1683 *
1684 * Returns:
1685 * A new XMLHttpRequest.
1686 */
1687 _newXHR: function ()
1688 {
1689 var xhr = null;
1690 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
1691 xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
1692 if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
1693 xhr.overrideMimeType("text/xml");
1694 }
1695 } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
1696 xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
1697 }
1699 xhr.onreadystatechange = this.func.prependArg(this);
1701 return xhr;
1702 }
1703 };
1705 /** Class: Strophe.Connection
1706 * XMPP Connection manager.
1707 *
1708 * Thie class is the main part of Strophe. It manages a BOSH connection
1709 * to an XMPP server and dispatches events to the user callbacks as
1710 * data arrives. It supports SASL PLAIN, SASL DIGEST-MD5, and legacy
1711 * authentication.
1712 *
1713 * After creating a Strophe.Connection object, the user will typically
1714 * call connect() with a user supplied callback to handle connection level
1715 * events like authentication failure, disconnection, or connection
1716 * complete.
1717 *
1718 * The user will also have several event handlers defined by using
1719 * addHandler() and addTimedHandler(). These will allow the user code to
1720 * respond to interesting stanzas or do something periodically with the
1721 * connection. These handlers will be active once authentication is
1722 * finished.
1723 *
1724 * To send data to the connection, use send().
1725 */
1727 /** Constructor: Strophe.Connection
1728 * Create and initialize a Strophe.Connection object.
1729 *
1730 * Parameters:
1731 * (String) service - The BOSH service URL.
1732 *
1733 * Returns:
1734 * A new Strophe.Connection object.
1735 */
1736 Strophe.Connection = function (service)
1737 {
1738 /* The path to the httpbind service. */
1739 this.service = service;
1740 /* The connected JID. */
1741 this.jid = "";
1742 /* request id for body tags */
1743 this.rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295);
1744 /* The current session ID. */
1745 this.sid = null;
1746 this.streamId = null;
1748 // SASL
1749 this.do_session = false;
1750 this.do_bind = false;
1752 // handler lists
1753 this.timedHandlers = [];
1754 this.handlers = [];
1755 this.removeTimeds = [];
1756 this.removeHandlers = [];
1757 this.addTimeds = [];
1758 this.addHandlers = [];
1760 this._idleTimeout = null;
1761 this._disconnectTimeout = null;
1763 this.authenticated = false;
1764 this.disconnecting = false;
1765 this.connected = false;
1767 this.errors = 0;
1769 this.paused = false;
1771 // default BOSH values
1772 this.hold = 1;
1773 this.wait = 60;
1774 this.window = 5;
1776 this._data = [];
1777 this._requests = [];
1778 this._uniqueId = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000);
1780 this._sasl_success_handler = null;
1781 this._sasl_failure_handler = null;
1782 this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;
1784 // setup onIdle callback every 1/10th of a second
1785 this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(this._onIdle.bind(this), 100);
1787 // initialize plugins
1788 for (var k in Strophe._connectionPlugins) {
1789 if (Strophe._connectionPlugins.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
1790 var ptype = Strophe._connectionPlugins[k];
1791 // jslint complaints about the below line, but this is fine
1792 var F = function () {};
1793 F.prototype = ptype;
1794 this[k] = new F();
1795 this[k].init(this);
1796 }
1797 }
1798 };
1800 Strophe.Connection.prototype = {
1801 /** Function: reset
1802 * Reset the connection.
1803 *
1804 * This function should be called after a connection is disconnected
1805 * before that connection is reused.
1806 */
1807 reset: function ()
1808 {
1809 this.rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295);
1811 this.sid = null;
1812 this.streamId = null;
1814 // SASL
1815 this.do_session = false;
1816 this.do_bind = false;
1818 // handler lists
1819 this.timedHandlers = [];
1820 this.handlers = [];
1821 this.removeTimeds = [];
1822 this.removeHandlers = [];
1823 this.addTimeds = [];
1824 this.addHandlers = [];
1826 this.authenticated = false;
1827 this.disconnecting = false;
1828 this.connected = false;
1830 this.errors = 0;
1832 this._requests = [];
1833 this._uniqueId = Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
1834 },
1836 /** Function: pause
1837 * Pause the request manager.
1838 *
1839 * This will prevent Strophe from sending any more requests to the
1840 * server. This is very useful for temporarily pausing while a lot
1841 * of send() calls are happening quickly. This causes Strophe to
1842 * send the data in a single request, saving many request trips.
1843 */
1844 pause: function ()
1845 {
1846 this.paused = true;
1847 },
1849 /** Function: resume
1850 * Resume the request manager.
1851 *
1852 * This resumes after pause() has been called.
1853 */
1854 resume: function ()
1855 {
1856 this.paused = false;
1857 },
1859 /** Function: getUniqueId
1860 * Generate a unique ID for use in <iq/> elements.
1861 *
1862 * All <iq/> stanzas are required to have unique id attributes. This
1863 * function makes creating these easy. Each connection instance has
1864 * a counter which starts from zero, and the value of this counter
1865 * plus a colon followed by the suffix becomes the unique id. If no
1866 * suffix is supplied, the counter is used as the unique id.
1867 *
1868 * Suffixes are used to make debugging easier when reading the stream
1869 * data, and their use is recommended. The counter resets to 0 for
1870 * every new connection for the same reason. For connections to the
1871 * same server that authenticate the same way, all the ids should be
1872 * the same, which makes it easy to see changes. This is useful for
1873 * automated testing as well.
1874 *
1875 * Parameters:
1876 * (String) suffix - A optional suffix to append to the id.
1877 *
1878 * Returns:
1879 * A unique string to be used for the id attribute.
1880 */
1881 getUniqueId: function (suffix)
1882 {
1883 if (typeof(suffix) == "string" || typeof(suffix) == "number") {
1884 return ++this._uniqueId + ":" + suffix;
1885 } else {
1886 return ++this._uniqueId + "";
1887 }
1888 },
1890 /** Function: connect
1891 * Starts the connection process.
1892 *
1893 * As the connection process proceeds, the user supplied callback will
1894 * be triggered multiple times with status updates. The callback
1895 * should take two arguments - the status code and the error condition.
1896 *
1897 * The status code will be one of the values in the Strophe.Status
1898 * constants. The error condition will be one of the conditions
1899 * defined in RFC 3920 or the condition 'strophe-parsererror'.
1900 *
1901 * Please see XEP 124 for a more detailed explanation of the optional
1902 * parameters below.
1903 *
1904 * Parameters:
1905 * (String) jid - The user's JID. This may be a bare JID,
1906 * or a full JID. If a node is not supplied, SASL ANONYMOUS
1907 * authentication will be attempted.
1908 * (String) pass - The user's password.
1909 * (Function) callback The connect callback function.
1910 * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the
1911 * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for
1912 * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.
1913 * Other settings will require tweaks to the Strophe.TIMEOUT value.
1914 * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the
1915 * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This
1916 * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).
1917 */
1918 connect: function (jid, pass, callback, wait, hold)
1919 {
1920 this.jid = jid;
1921 this.pass = pass;
1922 this.connect_callback = callback;
1923 this.disconnecting = false;
1924 this.connected = false;
1925 this.authenticated = false;
1926 this.errors = 0;
1928 this.wait = wait || this.wait;
1929 this.hold = hold || this.hold;
1931 // parse jid for domain and resource
1932 this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.jid);
1934 // build the body tag
1935 var body = this._buildBody().attrs({
1936 to: this.domain,
1937 "xml:lang": "en",
1938 wait: this.wait,
1939 hold: this.hold,
1940 content: "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
1941 ver: "1.6",
1942 "xmpp:version": "1.0",
1943 "xmlns:xmpp": Strophe.NS.BOSH
1944 });
1946 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTING, null);
1948 this._requests.push(
1949 new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),
1950 this._onRequestStateChange.bind(this)
1951 .prependArg(this._connect_cb.bind(this)),
1952 body.tree().getAttribute("rid")));
1953 this._throttledRequestHandler();
1954 },
1956 /** Function: attach
1957 * Attach to an already created and authenticated BOSH session.
1958 *
1959 * This function is provided to allow Strophe to attach to BOSH
1960 * sessions which have been created externally, perhaps by a Web
1961 * application. This is often used to support auto-login type features
1962 * without putting user credentials into the page.
1963 *
1964 * Parameters:
1965 * (String) jid - The full JID that is bound by the session.
1966 * (String) sid - The SID of the BOSH session.
1967 * (String) rid - The current RID of the BOSH session. This RID
1968 * will be used by the next request.
1969 * (Function) callback The connect callback function.
1970 * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the
1971 * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for
1972 * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.
1973 * Other settings will require tweaks to the Strophe.TIMEOUT value.
1974 * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the
1975 * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This
1976 * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).
1977 * (Integer) wind - The optional HTTBIND window value. This is the
1978 * allowed range of request ids that are valid. The default is 5.
1979 */
1980 attach: function (jid, sid, rid, callback, wait, hold, wind)
1981 {
1982 this.jid = jid;
1983 this.sid = sid;
1984 this.rid = rid;
1985 this.connect_callback = callback;
1987 this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.jid);
1989 this.authenticated = true;
1990 this.connected = true;
1992 this.wait = wait || this.wait;
1993 this.hold = hold || this.hold;
1994 this.window = wind || this.window;
1996 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.ATTACHED, null);
1997 },
1999 /** Function: xmlInput
2000 * User overrideable function that receives XML data coming into the
2001 * connection.
2002 *
2003 * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with
2004 * > Strophe.Connection.xmlInput = function (elem) {
2005 * > (user code)
2006 * > };
2007 *
2008 * Parameters:
2009 * (XMLElement) elem - The XML data received by the connection.
2010 */
2011 xmlInput: function (elem)
2012 {
2013 return;
2014 },
2016 /** Function: xmlOutput
2017 * User overrideable function that receives XML data sent to the
2018 * connection.
2019 *
2020 * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with
2021 * > Strophe.Connection.xmlOutput = function (elem) {
2022 * > (user code)
2023 * > };
2024 *
2025 * Parameters:
2026 * (XMLElement) elem - The XMLdata sent by the connection.
2027 */
2028 xmlOutput: function (elem)
2029 {
2030 return;
2031 },
2033 /** Function: rawInput
2034 * User overrideable function that receives raw data coming into the
2035 * connection.
2036 *
2037 * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with
2038 * > Strophe.Connection.rawInput = function (data) {
2039 * > (user code)
2040 * > };
2041 *
2042 * Parameters:
2043 * (String) data - The data received by the connection.
2044 */
2045 rawInput: function (data)
2046 {
2047 return;
2048 },
2050 /** Function: rawOutput
2051 * User overrideable function that receives raw data sent to the
2052 * connection.
2053 *
2054 * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with
2055 * > Strophe.Connection.rawOutput = function (data) {
2056 * > (user code)
2057 * > };
2058 *
2059 * Parameters:
2060 * (String) data - The data sent by the connection.
2061 */
2062 rawOutput: function (data)
2063 {
2064 return;
2065 },
2067 /** Function: send
2068 * Send a stanza.
2069 *
2070 * This function is called to push data onto the send queue to
2071 * go out over the wire. Whenever a request is sent to the BOSH
2072 * server, all pending data is sent and the queue is flushed.
2073 *
2074 * Parameters:
2075 * (XMLElement |
2076 * [XMLElement] |
2077 * Strophe.Builder) elem - The stanza to send.
2078 */
2079 send: function (elem)
2080 {
2081 if (elem === null) { return ; }
2082 if (typeof(elem.sort) === "function") {
2083 for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
2084 this._queueData(elem[i]);
2085 }
2086 } else if (typeof(elem.tree) === "function") {
2087 this._queueData(elem.tree());
2088 } else {
2089 this._queueData(elem);
2090 }
2092 this._throttledRequestHandler();
2093 clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);
2094 this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(this._onIdle.bind(this), 100);
2095 },
2097 /** Function: flush
2098 * Immediately send any pending outgoing data.
2099 *
2100 * Normally send() queues outgoing data until the next idle period
2101 * (100ms), which optimizes network use in the common cases when
2102 * several send()s are called in succession. flush() can be used to
2103 * immediately send all pending data.
2104 */
2105 flush: function ()
2106 {
2107 // cancel the pending idle period and run the idle function
2108 // immediately
2109 clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);
2110 this._onIdle();
2111 },
2113 /** Function: sendIQ
2114 * Helper function to send IQ stanzas.
2115 *
2116 * Parameters:
2117 * (XMLElement) elem - The stanza to send.
2118 * (Function) callback - The callback function for a successful request.
2119 * (Function) errback - The callback function for a failed or timed
2120 * out request. On timeout, the stanza will be null.
2121 * (Integer) timeout - The time specified in milliseconds for a
2122 * timeout to occur.
2123 *
2124 * Returns:
2125 * The id used to send the IQ.
2126 */
2127 sendIQ: function(elem, callback, errback, timeout) {
2128 var timeoutHandler = null;
2129 var that = this;
2131 if (typeof(elem.tree) === "function") {
2132 elem = elem.tree();
2133 }
2134 var id = elem.getAttribute('id');
2136 // inject id if not found
2137 if (!id) {
2138 id = this.getUniqueId("sendIQ");
2139 elem.setAttribute("id", id);
2140 }
2142 var handler = this.addHandler(function (stanza) {
2143 // remove timeout handler if there is one
2144 if (timeoutHandler) {
2145 that.deleteTimedHandler(timeoutHandler);
2146 }
2148 var iqtype = stanza.getAttribute('type');
2149 if (iqtype === 'result') {
2150 if (callback) {
2151 callback(stanza);
2152 }
2153 } else if (iqtype === 'error') {
2154 if (errback) {
2155 errback(stanza);
2156 }
2157 } else {
2158 throw {
2159 name: "StropheError",
2160 message: "Got bad IQ type of " + iqtype
2161 };
2162 }
2163 }, null, 'iq', null, id);
2165 // if timeout specified, setup timeout handler.
2166 if (timeout) {
2167 timeoutHandler = this.addTimedHandler(timeout, function () {
2168 // get rid of normal handler
2169 that.deleteHandler(handler);
2171 // call errback on timeout with null stanza
2172 if (errback) {
2173 errback(null);
2174 }
2175 return false;
2176 });
2177 }
2179 this.send(elem);
2181 return id;
2182 },
2184 /** PrivateFunction: _queueData
2185 * Queue outgoing data for later sending. Also ensures that the data
2186 * is a DOMElement.
2187 */
2188 _queueData: function (element) {
2189 if (element === null ||
2190 !element.tagName ||
2191 !element.childNodes) {
2192 throw {
2193 name: "StropheError",
2194 message: "Cannot queue non-DOMElement."
2195 };
2196 }
2198 this._data.push(element);
2199 },
2201 /** PrivateFunction: _sendRestart
2202 * Send an xmpp:restart stanza.
2203 */
2204 _sendRestart: function ()
2205 {
2206 this._data.push("restart");
2208 this._throttledRequestHandler();
2209 clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);
2210 this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(this._onIdle.bind(this), 100);
2211 },
2213 /** Function: addTimedHandler
2214 * Add a timed handler to the connection.
2215 *
2216 * This function adds a timed handler. The provided handler will
2217 * be called every period milliseconds until it returns false,
2218 * the connection is terminated, or the handler is removed. Handlers
2219 * that wish to continue being invoked should return true.
2220 *
2221 * Because of method binding it is necessary to save the result of
2222 * this function if you wish to remove a handler with
2223 * deleteTimedHandler().
2224 *
2225 * Note that user handlers are not active until authentication is
2226 * successful.
2227 *
2228 * Parameters:
2229 * (Integer) period - The period of the handler.
2230 * (Function) handler - The callback function.
2231 *
2232 * Returns:
2233 * A reference to the handler that can be used to remove it.
2234 */
2235 addTimedHandler: function (period, handler)
2236 {
2237 var thand = new Strophe.TimedHandler(period, handler);
2238 this.addTimeds.push(thand);
2239 return thand;
2240 },
2242 /** Function: deleteTimedHandler
2243 * Delete a timed handler for a connection.
2244 *
2245 * This function removes a timed handler from the connection. The
2246 * handRef parameter is *not* the function passed to addTimedHandler(),
2247 * but is the reference returned from addTimedHandler().
2248 *
2249 * Parameters:
2250 * (Strophe.TimedHandler) handRef - The handler reference.
2251 */
2252 deleteTimedHandler: function (handRef)
2253 {
2254 // this must be done in the Idle loop so that we don't change
2255 // the handlers during iteration
2256 this.removeTimeds.push(handRef);
2257 },
2259 /** Function: addHandler
2260 * Add a stanza handler for the connection.
2261 *
2262 * This function adds a stanza handler to the connection. The
2263 * handler callback will be called for any stanza that matches
2264 * the parameters. Note that if multiple parameters are supplied,
2265 * they must all match for the handler to be invoked.
2266 *
2267 * The handler will receive the stanza that triggered it as its argument.
2268 * The handler should return true if it is to be invoked again;
2269 * returning false will remove the handler after it returns.
2270 *
2271 * As a convenience, the ns parameters applies to the top level element
2272 * and also any of its immediate children. This is primarily to make
2273 * matching /iq/query elements easy.
2274 *
2275 * The options argument contains handler matching flags that affect how
2276 * matches are determined. Currently the only flag is matchBare (a
2277 * boolean). When matchBare is true, the from parameter and the from
2278 * attribute on the stanza will be matched as bare JIDs instead of
2279 * full JIDs. To use this, pass {matchBare: true} as the value of
2280 * options. The default value for matchBare is false.
2281 *
2282 * The return value should be saved if you wish to remove the handler
2283 * with deleteHandler().
2284 *
2285 * Parameters:
2286 * (Function) handler - The user callback.
2287 * (String) ns - The namespace to match.
2288 * (String) name - The stanza name to match.
2289 * (String) type - The stanza type attribute to match.
2290 * (String) id - The stanza id attribute to match.
2291 * (String) from - The stanza from attribute to match.
2292 * (String) options - The handler options
2293 *
2294 * Returns:
2295 * A reference to the handler that can be used to remove it.
2296 */
2297 addHandler: function (handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options)
2298 {
2299 var hand = new Strophe.Handler(handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options);
2300 this.addHandlers.push(hand);
2301 return hand;
2302 },
2304 /** Function: deleteHandler
2305 * Delete a stanza handler for a connection.
2306 *
2307 * This function removes a stanza handler from the connection. The
2308 * handRef parameter is *not* the function passed to addHandler(),
2309 * but is the reference returned from addHandler().
2310 *
2311 * Parameters:
2312 * (Strophe.Handler) handRef - The handler reference.
2313 */
2314 deleteHandler: function (handRef)
2315 {
2316 // this must be done in the Idle loop so that we don't change
2317 // the handlers during iteration
2318 this.removeHandlers.push(handRef);
2319 },
2321 /** Function: disconnect
2322 * Start the graceful disconnection process.
2323 *
2324 * This function starts the disconnection process. This process starts
2325 * by sending unavailable presence and sending BOSH body of type
2326 * terminate. A timeout handler makes sure that disconnection happens
2327 * even if the BOSH server does not respond.
2328 *
2329 * The user supplied connection callback will be notified of the
2330 * progress as this process happens.
2331 *
2332 * Parameters:
2333 * (String) reason - The reason the disconnect is occuring.
2334 */
2335 disconnect: function (reason)
2336 {
2337 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING, reason);
2339"Disconnect was called because: " + reason);
2340 if (this.connected) {
2341 // setup timeout handler
2342 this._disconnectTimeout = this._addSysTimedHandler(
2343 3000, this._onDisconnectTimeout.bind(this));
2344 this._sendTerminate();
2345 }
2346 },
2348 /** PrivateFunction: _changeConnectStatus
2349 * _Private_ helper function that makes sure plugins and the user's
2350 * callback are notified of connection status changes.
2351 *
2352 * Parameters:
2353 * (Integer) status - the new connection status, one of the values
2354 * in Strophe.Status
2355 * (String) condition - the error condition or null
2356 */
2357 _changeConnectStatus: function (status, condition)
2358 {
2359 // notify all plugins listening for status changes
2360 for (var k in Strophe._connectionPlugins) {
2361 if (Strophe._connectionPlugins.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
2362 var plugin = this[k];
2363 if (plugin.statusChanged) {
2364 try {
2365 plugin.statusChanged(status, condition);
2366 } catch (err) {
2367 Strophe.error("" + k + " plugin caused an exception " +
2368 "changing status: " + err);
2369 }
2370 }
2371 }
2372 }
2374 // notify the user's callback
2375 if (this.connect_callback) {
2376 try {
2377 this.connect_callback(status, condition);
2378 } catch (e) {
2379 Strophe.error("User connection callback caused an " +
2380 "exception: " + e);
2381 }
2382 }
2383 },
2385 /** PrivateFunction: _buildBody
2386 * _Private_ helper function to generate the <body/> wrapper for BOSH.
2387 *
2388 * Returns:
2389 * A Strophe.Builder with a <body/> element.
2390 */
2391 _buildBody: function ()
2392 {
2393 var bodyWrap = $build('body', {
2394 rid: this.rid++,
2395 xmlns: Strophe.NS.HTTPBIND
2396 });
2398 if (this.sid !== null) {
2399 bodyWrap.attrs({sid: this.sid});
2400 }
2402 return bodyWrap;
2403 },
2405 /** PrivateFunction: _removeRequest
2406 * _Private_ function to remove a request from the queue.
2407 *
2408 * Parameters:
2409 * (Strophe.Request) req - The request to remove.
2410 */
2411 _removeRequest: function (req)
2412 {
2413 Strophe.debug("removing request");
2415 var i;
2416 for (i = this._requests.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2417 if (req == this._requests[i]) {
2418 this._requests.splice(i, 1);
2419 }
2420 }
2422 // IE6 fails on setting to null, so set to empty function
2423 req.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {};
2425 this._throttledRequestHandler();
2426 },
2428 /** PrivateFunction: _restartRequest
2429 * _Private_ function to restart a request that is presumed dead.
2430 *
2431 * Parameters:
2432 * (Integer) i - The index of the request in the queue.
2433 */
2434 _restartRequest: function (i)
2435 {
2436 var req = this._requests[i];
2437 if (req.dead === null) {
2438 req.dead = new Date();
2439 }
2441 this._processRequest(i);
2442 },
2444 /** PrivateFunction: _processRequest
2445 * _Private_ function to process a request in the queue.
2446 *
2447 * This function takes requests off the queue and sends them and
2448 * restarts dead requests.
2449 *
2450 * Parameters:
2451 * (Integer) i - The index of the request in the queue.
2452 */
2453 _processRequest: function (i)
2454 {
2455 var req = this._requests[i];
2456 var reqStatus = -1;
2458 try {
2459 if (req.xhr.readyState == 4) {
2460 reqStatus = req.xhr.status;
2461 }
2462 } catch (e) {
2463 Strophe.error("caught an error in _requests[" + i +
2464 "], reqStatus: " + reqStatus);
2465 }
2467 if (typeof(reqStatus) == "undefined") {
2468 reqStatus = -1;
2469 }
2471 var time_elapsed = req.age();
2472 var primaryTimeout = (!isNaN(time_elapsed) &&
2473 time_elapsed > Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait));
2474 var secondaryTimeout = (req.dead !== null &&
2475 req.timeDead() > Math.floor(Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * this.wait));
2476 var requestCompletedWithServerError = (req.xhr.readyState == 4 &&
2477 (reqStatus < 1 ||
2478 reqStatus >= 500));
2479 if (primaryTimeout || secondaryTimeout ||
2480 requestCompletedWithServerError) {
2481 if (secondaryTimeout) {
2482 Strophe.error("Request " +
2483 this._requests[i].id +
2484 " timed out (secondary), restarting");
2485 }
2486 req.abort = true;
2487 req.xhr.abort();
2488 // setting to null fails on IE6, so set to empty function
2489 req.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {};
2490 this._requests[i] = new Strophe.Request(req.xmlData,
2491 req.origFunc,
2492 req.rid,
2493 req.sends);
2494 req = this._requests[i];
2495 }
2497 if (req.xhr.readyState === 0) {
2498 Strophe.debug("request id " + +
2499 "." + req.sends + " posting");
2501 = new Date();
2502 try {
2503"POST", this.service, true);
2504 } catch (e2) {
2505 Strophe.error("XHR open failed.");
2506 if (!this.connected) {
2507 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL,
2508 "bad-service");
2509 }
2510 this.disconnect();
2511 return;
2512 }
2514 // Fires the XHR request -- may be invoked immediately
2515 // or on a gradually expanding retry window for reconnects
2516 var sendFunc = function () {
2517 req.xhr.send(;
2518 };
2520 // Implement progressive backoff for reconnects --
2521 // First retry (send == 1) should also be instantaneous
2522 if (req.sends > 1) {
2523 // Using a cube of the retry number creats a nicely
2524 // expanding retry window
2525 var backoff = Math.pow(req.sends, 3) * 1000;
2526 setTimeout(sendFunc, backoff);
2527 } else {
2528 sendFunc();
2529 }
2531 req.sends++;
2533 this.xmlOutput(req.xmlData);
2534 this.rawOutput(;
2535 } else {
2536 Strophe.debug("_processRequest: " +
2537 (i === 0 ? "first" : "second") +
2538 " request has readyState of " +
2539 req.xhr.readyState);
2540 }
2541 },
2543 /** PrivateFunction: _throttledRequestHandler
2544 * _Private_ function to throttle requests to the connection window.
2545 *
2546 * This function makes sure we don't send requests so fast that the
2547 * request ids overflow the connection window in the case that one
2548 * request died.
2549 */
2550 _throttledRequestHandler: function ()
2551 {
2552 if (!this._requests) {
2553 Strophe.debug("_throttledRequestHandler called with " +
2554 "undefined requests");
2555 } else {
2556 Strophe.debug("_throttledRequestHandler called with " +
2557 this._requests.length + " requests");
2558 }
2560 if (!this._requests || this._requests.length === 0) {
2561 return;
2562 }
2564 if (this._requests.length > 0) {
2565 this._processRequest(0);
2566 }
2568 if (this._requests.length > 1 &&
2569 Math.abs(this._requests[0].rid -
2570 this._requests[1].rid) < this.window - 1) {
2571 this._processRequest(1);
2572 }
2573 },
2575 /** PrivateFunction: _onRequestStateChange
2576 * _Private_ handler for Strophe.Request state changes.
2577 *
2578 * This function is called when the XMLHttpRequest readyState changes.
2579 * It contains a lot of error handling logic for the many ways that
2580 * requests can fail, and calls the request callback when requests
2581 * succeed.
2582 *
2583 * Parameters:
2584 * (Function) func - The handler for the request.
2585 * (Strophe.Request) req - The request that is changing readyState.
2586 */
2587 _onRequestStateChange: function (func, req)
2588 {
2589 Strophe.debug("request id " + +
2590 "." + req.sends + " state changed to " +
2591 req.xhr.readyState);
2593 if (req.abort) {
2594 req.abort = false;
2595 return;
2596 }
2598 // request complete
2599 var reqStatus;
2600 if (req.xhr.readyState == 4) {
2601 reqStatus = 0;
2602 try {
2603 reqStatus = req.xhr.status;
2604 } catch (e) {
2605 // ignore errors from undefined status attribute. works
2606 // around a browser bug
2607 }
2609 if (typeof(reqStatus) == "undefined") {
2610 reqStatus = 0;
2611 }
2613 if (this.disconnecting) {
2614 if (reqStatus >= 400) {
2615 this._hitError(reqStatus);
2616 return;
2617 }
2618 }
2620 var reqIs0 = (this._requests[0] == req);
2621 var reqIs1 = (this._requests[1] == req);
2623 if ((reqStatus > 0 && reqStatus < 500) || req.sends > 5) {
2624 // remove from internal queue
2625 this._removeRequest(req);
2626 Strophe.debug("request id " +
2627 +
2628 " should now be removed");
2629 }
2631 // request succeeded
2632 if (reqStatus == 200) {
2633 // if request 1 finished, or request 0 finished and request
2634 // 1 is over Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT seconds old, we need to
2635 // restart the other - both will be in the first spot, as the
2636 // completed request has been removed from the queue already
2637 if (reqIs1 ||
2638 (reqIs0 && this._requests.length > 0 &&
2639 this._requests[0].age() > Math.floor(Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * this.wait))) {
2640 this._restartRequest(0);
2641 }
2642 // call handler
2643 Strophe.debug("request id " +
2644 + "." +
2645 req.sends + " got 200");
2646 func(req);
2647 this.errors = 0;
2648 } else {
2649 Strophe.error("request id " +
2650 + "." +
2651 req.sends + " error " + reqStatus +
2652 " happened");
2653 if (reqStatus === 0 ||
2654 (reqStatus >= 400 && reqStatus < 600) ||
2655 reqStatus >= 12000) {
2656 this._hitError(reqStatus);
2657 if (reqStatus >= 400 && reqStatus < 500) {
2658 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING,
2659 null);
2660 this._doDisconnect();
2661 }
2662 }
2663 }
2665 if (!((reqStatus > 0 && reqStatus < 10000) ||
2666 req.sends > 5)) {
2667 this._throttledRequestHandler();
2668 }
2669 }
2670 },
2672 /** PrivateFunction: _hitError
2673 * _Private_ function to handle the error count.
2674 *
2675 * Requests are resent automatically until their error count reaches
2676 * 5. Each time an error is encountered, this function is called to
2677 * increment the count and disconnect if the count is too high.
2678 *
2679 * Parameters:
2680 * (Integer) reqStatus - The request status.
2681 */
2682 _hitError: function (reqStatus)
2683 {
2684 this.errors++;
2685 Strophe.warn("request errored, status: " + reqStatus +
2686 ", number of errors: " + this.errors);
2687 if (this.errors > 4) {
2688 this._onDisconnectTimeout();
2689 }
2690 },
2692 /** PrivateFunction: _doDisconnect
2693 * _Private_ function to disconnect.
2694 *
2695 * This is the last piece of the disconnection logic. This resets the
2696 * connection and alerts the user's connection callback.
2697 */
2698 _doDisconnect: function ()
2699 {
2700"_doDisconnect was called");
2701 this.authenticated = false;
2702 this.disconnecting = false;
2703 this.sid = null;
2704 this.streamId = null;
2705 this.rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295);
2707 // tell the parent we disconnected
2708 if (this.connected) {
2709 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED, null);
2710 this.connected = false;
2711 }
2713 // delete handlers
2714 this.handlers = [];
2715 this.timedHandlers = [];
2716 this.removeTimeds = [];
2717 this.removeHandlers = [];
2718 this.addTimeds = [];
2719 this.addHandlers = [];
2720 },
2722 /** PrivateFunction: _dataRecv
2723 * _Private_ handler to processes incoming data from the the connection.
2724 *
2725 * Except for _connect_cb handling the initial connection request,
2726 * this function handles the incoming data for all requests. This
2727 * function also fires stanza handlers that match each incoming
2728 * stanza.
2729 *
2730 * Parameters:
2731 * (Strophe.Request) req - The request that has data ready.
2732 */
2733 _dataRecv: function (req)
2734 {
2735 try {
2736 var elem = req.getResponse();
2737 } catch (e) {
2738 if (e != "parsererror") { throw e; }
2739 this.disconnect("strophe-parsererror");
2740 }
2741 if (elem === null) { return; }
2743 this.xmlInput(elem);
2744 this.rawInput(Strophe.serialize(elem));
2746 // remove handlers scheduled for deletion
2747 var i, hand;
2748 while (this.removeHandlers.length > 0) {
2749 hand = this.removeHandlers.pop();
2750 i = this.handlers.indexOf(hand);
2751 if (i >= 0) {
2752 this.handlers.splice(i, 1);
2753 }
2754 }
2756 // add handlers scheduled for addition
2757 while (this.addHandlers.length > 0) {
2758 this.handlers.push(this.addHandlers.pop());
2759 }
2761 // handle graceful disconnect
2762 if (this.disconnecting && this._requests.length === 0) {
2763 this.deleteTimedHandler(this._disconnectTimeout);
2764 this._disconnectTimeout = null;
2765 this._doDisconnect();
2766 return;
2767 }
2769 var typ = elem.getAttribute("type");
2770 var cond, conflict;
2771 if (typ !== null && typ == "terminate") {
2772 // an error occurred
2773 cond = elem.getAttribute("condition");
2774 conflict = elem.getElementsByTagName("conflict");
2775 if (cond !== null) {
2776 if (cond == "remote-stream-error" && conflict.length > 0) {
2777 cond = "conflict";
2778 }
2779 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, cond);
2780 } else {
2781 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, "unknown");
2782 }
2783 this.disconnect();
2784 return;
2785 }
2787 // send each incoming stanza through the handler chain
2788 var self = this;
2789 Strophe.forEachChild(elem, null, function (child) {
2790 var i, newList;
2791 // process handlers
2792 newList = self.handlers;
2793 self.handlers = [];
2794 for (i = 0; i < newList.length; i++) {
2795 var hand = newList[i];
2796 if (hand.isMatch(child) &&
2797 (self.authenticated || !hand.user)) {
2798 if ( {
2799 self.handlers.push(hand);
2800 }
2801 } else {
2802 self.handlers.push(hand);
2803 }
2804 }
2805 });
2806 },
2808 /** PrivateFunction: _sendTerminate
2809 * _Private_ function to send initial disconnect sequence.
2810 *
2811 * This is the first step in a graceful disconnect. It sends
2812 * the BOSH server a terminate body and includes an unavailable
2813 * presence if authentication has completed.
2814 */
2815 _sendTerminate: function ()
2816 {
2817"_sendTerminate was called");
2818 var body = this._buildBody().attrs({type: "terminate"});
2820 if (this.authenticated) {
2821 body.c('presence', {
2822 xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT,
2823 type: 'unavailable'
2824 });
2825 }
2827 this.disconnecting = true;
2829 var req = new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),
2830 this._onRequestStateChange.bind(this)
2831 .prependArg(this._dataRecv.bind(this)),
2832 body.tree().getAttribute("rid"));
2834 this._requests.push(req);
2835 this._throttledRequestHandler();
2836 },
2838 /** PrivateFunction: _connect_cb
2839 * _Private_ handler for initial connection request.
2840 *
2841 * This handler is used to process the initial connection request
2842 * response from the BOSH server. It is used to set up authentication
2843 * handlers and start the authentication process.
2844 *
2845 * SASL authentication will be attempted if available, otherwise
2846 * the code will fall back to legacy authentication.
2847 *
2848 * Parameters:
2849 * (Strophe.Request) req - The current request.
2850 */
2851 _connect_cb: function (req)
2852 {
2853"_connect_cb was called");
2855 this.connected = true;
2856 var bodyWrap = req.getResponse();
2857 if (!bodyWrap) { return; }
2859 this.xmlInput(bodyWrap);
2860 this.rawInput(Strophe.serialize(bodyWrap));
2862 var typ = bodyWrap.getAttribute("type");
2863 var cond, conflict;
2864 if (typ !== null && typ == "terminate") {
2865 // an error occurred
2866 cond = bodyWrap.getAttribute("condition");
2867 conflict = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName("conflict");
2868 if (cond !== null) {
2869 if (cond == "remote-stream-error" && conflict.length > 0) {
2870 cond = "conflict";
2871 }
2872 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, cond);
2873 } else {
2874 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, "unknown");
2875 }
2876 return;
2877 }
2879 // check to make sure we don't overwrite these if _connect_cb is
2880 // called multiple times in the case of missing stream:features
2881 if (!this.sid) {
2882 this.sid = bodyWrap.getAttribute("sid");
2883 }
2884 if (!this.stream_id) {
2885 this.stream_id = bodyWrap.getAttribute("authid");
2886 }
2887 var wind = bodyWrap.getAttribute('requests');
2888 if (wind) { this.window = parseInt(wind, 10); }
2889 var hold = bodyWrap.getAttribute('hold');
2890 if (hold) { this.hold = parseInt(hold, 10); }
2891 var wait = bodyWrap.getAttribute('wait');
2892 if (wait) { this.wait = parseInt(wait, 10); }
2895 var do_sasl_plain = false;
2896 var do_sasl_digest_md5 = false;
2897 var do_sasl_anonymous = false;
2899 var mechanisms = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName("mechanism");
2900 var i, mech, auth_str, hashed_auth_str;
2901 if (mechanisms.length > 0) {
2902 for (i = 0; i < mechanisms.length; i++) {
2903 mech = Strophe.getText(mechanisms[i]);
2904 if (mech == 'DIGEST-MD5') {
2905 do_sasl_digest_md5 = true;
2906 } else if (mech == 'PLAIN') {
2907 do_sasl_plain = true;
2908 } else if (mech == 'ANONYMOUS') {
2909 do_sasl_anonymous = true;
2910 }
2911 }
2912 } else {
2913 // we didn't get stream:features yet, so we need wait for it
2914 // by sending a blank poll request
2915 var body = this._buildBody();
2916 this._requests.push(
2917 new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),
2918 this._onRequestStateChange.bind(this)
2919 .prependArg(this._connect_cb.bind(this)),
2920 body.tree().getAttribute("rid")));
2921 this._throttledRequestHandler();
2922 return;
2923 }
2925 if (Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid) === null &&
2926 do_sasl_anonymous) {
2927 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING, null);
2928 this._sasl_success_handler = this._addSysHandler(
2929 this._sasl_success_cb.bind(this), null,
2930 "success", null, null);
2931 this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
2932 this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,
2933 "failure", null, null);
2935 this.send($build("auth", {
2936 xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL,
2937 mechanism: "ANONYMOUS"
2938 }).tree());
2939 } else if (Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid) === null) {
2940 // we don't have a node, which is required for non-anonymous
2941 // client connections
2942 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL,
2943 'x-strophe-bad-non-anon-jid');
2944 this.disconnect();
2945 } else if (do_sasl_digest_md5) {
2946 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING, null);
2947 this._sasl_challenge_handler = this._addSysHandler(
2948 this._sasl_challenge1_cb.bind(this), null,
2949 "challenge", null, null);
2950 this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
2951 this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,
2952 "failure", null, null);
2954 this.send($build("auth", {
2955 xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL,
2956 mechanism: "DIGEST-MD5"
2957 }).tree());
2958 } else if (do_sasl_plain) {
2959 // Build the plain auth string (barejid null
2960 // username null password) and base 64 encoded.
2961 auth_str = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.jid);
2962 auth_str = auth_str + "\u0000";
2963 auth_str = auth_str + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid);
2964 auth_str = auth_str + "\u0000";
2965 auth_str = auth_str + this.pass;
2967 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING, null);
2968 this._sasl_success_handler = this._addSysHandler(
2969 this._sasl_success_cb.bind(this), null,
2970 "success", null, null);
2971 this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
2972 this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,
2973 "failure", null, null);
2975 hashed_auth_str = Base64.encode(auth_str);
2976 this.send($build("auth", {
2977 xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL,
2978 mechanism: "PLAIN"
2979 }).t(hashed_auth_str).tree());
2980 } else {
2981 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING, null);
2982 this._addSysHandler(this._auth1_cb.bind(this), null, null,
2983 null, "_auth_1");
2985 this.send($iq({
2986 type: "get",
2987 to: this.domain,
2988 id: "_auth_1"
2989 }).c("query", {
2990 xmlns: Strophe.NS.AUTH
2991 }).c("username", {}).t(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid)).tree());
2992 }
2993 },
2995 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_challenge1_cb
2996 * _Private_ handler for DIGEST-MD5 SASL authentication.
2997 *
2998 * Parameters:
2999 * (XMLElement) elem - The challenge stanza.
3000 *
3001 * Returns:
3002 * false to remove the handler.
3003 */
3004 _sasl_challenge1_cb: function (elem)
3005 {
3006 var attribMatch = /([a-z]+)=("[^"]+"|[^,"]+)(?:,|$)/;
3008 var challenge = Base64.decode(Strophe.getText(elem));
3009 var cnonce = MD5.hexdigest(Math.random() * 1234567890);
3010 var realm = "";
3011 var host = null;
3012 var nonce = "";
3013 var qop = "";
3014 var matches;
3016 // remove unneeded handlers
3017 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_failure_handler);
3019 while (challenge.match(attribMatch)) {
3020 matches = challenge.match(attribMatch);
3021 challenge = challenge.replace(matches[0], "");
3022 matches[2] = matches[2].replace(/^"(.+)"$/, "$1");
3023 switch (matches[1]) {
3024 case "realm":
3025 realm = matches[2];
3026 break;
3027 case "nonce":
3028 nonce = matches[2];
3029 break;
3030 case "qop":
3031 qop = matches[2];
3032 break;
3033 case "host":
3034 host = matches[2];
3035 break;
3036 }
3037 }
3039 var digest_uri = "xmpp/" + this.domain;
3040 if (host !== null) {
3041 digest_uri = digest_uri + "/" + host;
3042 }
3044 var A1 = MD5.hash(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid) +
3045 ":" + realm + ":" + this.pass) +
3046 ":" + nonce + ":" + cnonce;
3047 var A2 = 'AUTHENTICATE:' + digest_uri;
3049 var responseText = "";
3050 responseText += 'username=' +
3051 this._quote(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid)) + ',';
3052 responseText += 'realm=' + this._quote(realm) + ',';
3053 responseText += 'nonce=' + this._quote(nonce) + ',';
3054 responseText += 'cnonce=' + this._quote(cnonce) + ',';
3055 responseText += 'nc="00000001",';
3056 responseText += 'qop="auth",';
3057 responseText += 'digest-uri=' + this._quote(digest_uri) + ',';
3058 responseText += 'response=' + this._quote(
3059 MD5.hexdigest(MD5.hexdigest(A1) + ":" +
3060 nonce + ":00000001:" +
3061 cnonce + ":auth:" +
3062 MD5.hexdigest(A2))) + ',';
3063 responseText += 'charset="utf-8"';
3065 this._sasl_challenge_handler = this._addSysHandler(
3066 this._sasl_challenge2_cb.bind(this), null,
3067 "challenge", null, null);
3068 this._sasl_success_handler = this._addSysHandler(
3069 this._sasl_success_cb.bind(this), null,
3070 "success", null, null);
3071 this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
3072 this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,
3073 "failure", null, null);
3075 this.send($build('response', {
3076 xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL
3077 }).t(Base64.encode(responseText)).tree());
3079 return false;
3080 },
3082 /** PrivateFunction: _quote
3083 * _Private_ utility function to backslash escape and quote strings.
3084 *
3085 * Parameters:
3086 * (String) str - The string to be quoted.
3087 *
3088 * Returns:
3089 * quoted string
3090 */
3091 _quote: function (str)
3092 {
3093 return '"' + str.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
3094 //" end string workaround for emacs
3095 },
3098 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_challenge2_cb
3099 * _Private_ handler for second step of DIGEST-MD5 SASL authentication.
3100 *
3101 * Parameters:
3102 * (XMLElement) elem - The challenge stanza.
3103 *
3104 * Returns:
3105 * false to remove the handler.
3106 */
3107 _sasl_challenge2_cb: function (elem)
3108 {
3109 // remove unneeded handlers
3110 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_success_handler);
3111 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_failure_handler);
3113 this._sasl_success_handler = this._addSysHandler(
3114 this._sasl_success_cb.bind(this), null,
3115 "success", null, null);
3116 this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
3117 this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,
3118 "failure", null, null);
3119 this.send($build('response', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL}).tree());
3120 return false;
3121 },
3123 /** PrivateFunction: _auth1_cb
3124 * _Private_ handler for legacy authentication.
3125 *
3126 * This handler is called in response to the initial <iq type='get'/>
3127 * for legacy authentication. It builds an authentication <iq/> and
3128 * sends it, creating a handler (calling back to _auth2_cb()) to
3129 * handle the result
3130 *
3131 * Parameters:
3132 * (XMLElement) elem - The stanza that triggered the callback.
3133 *
3134 * Returns:
3135 * false to remove the handler.
3136 */
3137 _auth1_cb: function (elem)
3138 {
3139 // build plaintext auth iq
3140 var iq = $iq({type: "set", id: "_auth_2"})
3141 .c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.AUTH})
3142 .c('username', {}).t(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid))
3143 .up()
3144 .c('password').t(this.pass);
3146 if (!Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.jid)) {
3147 // since the user has not supplied a resource, we pick
3148 // a default one here. unlike other auth methods, the server
3149 // cannot do this for us.
3150 this.jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.jid) + '/strophe';
3151 }
3152 iq.up().c('resource', {}).t(Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.jid));
3154 this._addSysHandler(this._auth2_cb.bind(this), null,
3155 null, null, "_auth_2");
3157 this.send(iq.tree());
3159 return false;
3160 },
3162 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_success_cb
3163 * _Private_ handler for succesful SASL authentication.
3164 *
3165 * Parameters:
3166 * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.
3167 *
3168 * Returns:
3169 * false to remove the handler.
3170 */
3171 _sasl_success_cb: function (elem)
3172 {
3173"SASL authentication succeeded.");
3175 // remove old handlers
3176 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_failure_handler);
3177 this._sasl_failure_handler = null;
3178 if (this._sasl_challenge_handler) {
3179 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_challenge_handler);
3180 this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;
3181 }
3183 this._addSysHandler(this._sasl_auth1_cb.bind(this), null,
3184 "stream:features", null, null);
3186 // we must send an xmpp:restart now
3187 this._sendRestart();
3189 return false;
3190 },
3192 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_auth1_cb
3193 * _Private_ handler to start stream binding.
3194 *
3195 * Parameters:
3196 * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.
3197 *
3198 * Returns:
3199 * false to remove the handler.
3200 */
3201 _sasl_auth1_cb: function (elem)
3202 {
3203 var i, child;
3205 for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
3206 child = elem.childNodes[i];
3207 if (child.nodeName == 'bind') {
3208 this.do_bind = true;
3209 }
3211 if (child.nodeName == 'session') {
3212 this.do_session = true;
3213 }
3214 }
3216 if (!this.do_bind) {
3217 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);
3218 return false;
3219 } else {
3220 this._addSysHandler(this._sasl_bind_cb.bind(this), null, null,
3221 null, "_bind_auth_2");
3223 var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.jid);
3224 if (resource) {
3225 this.send($iq({type: "set", id: "_bind_auth_2"})
3226 .c('bind', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.BIND})
3227 .c('resource', {}).t(resource).tree());
3228 } else {
3229 this.send($iq({type: "set", id: "_bind_auth_2"})
3230 .c('bind', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.BIND})
3231 .tree());
3232 }
3233 }
3235 return false;
3236 },
3238 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_bind_cb
3239 * _Private_ handler for binding result and session start.
3240 *
3241 * Parameters:
3242 * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.
3243 *
3244 * Returns:
3245 * false to remove the handler.
3246 */
3247 _sasl_bind_cb: function (elem)
3248 {
3249 if (elem.getAttribute("type") == "error") {
3250"SASL binding failed.");
3251 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);
3252 return false;
3253 }
3255 // TODO - need to grab errors
3256 var bind = elem.getElementsByTagName("bind");
3257 var jidNode;
3258 if (bind.length > 0) {
3259 // Grab jid
3260 jidNode = bind[0].getElementsByTagName("jid");
3261 if (jidNode.length > 0) {
3262 this.jid = Strophe.getText(jidNode[0]);
3264 if (this.do_session) {
3265 this._addSysHandler(this._sasl_session_cb.bind(this),
3266 null, null, null, "_session_auth_2");
3268 this.send($iq({type: "set", id: "_session_auth_2"})
3269 .c('session', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.SESSION})
3270 .tree());
3271 } else {
3272 this.authenticated = true;
3273 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED, null);
3274 }
3275 }
3276 } else {
3277"SASL binding failed.");
3278 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);
3279 return false;
3280 }
3281 },
3283 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_session_cb
3284 * _Private_ handler to finish successful SASL connection.
3285 *
3286 * This sets Connection.authenticated to true on success, which
3287 * starts the processing of user handlers.
3288 *
3289 * Parameters:
3290 * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.
3291 *
3292 * Returns:
3293 * false to remove the handler.
3294 */
3295 _sasl_session_cb: function (elem)
3296 {
3297 if (elem.getAttribute("type") == "result") {
3298 this.authenticated = true;
3299 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED, null);
3300 } else if (elem.getAttribute("type") == "error") {
3301"Session creation failed.");
3302 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);
3303 return false;
3304 }
3306 return false;
3307 },
3309 /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_failure_cb
3310 * _Private_ handler for SASL authentication failure.
3311 *
3312 * Parameters:
3313 * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.
3314 *
3315 * Returns:
3316 * false to remove the handler.
3317 */
3318 _sasl_failure_cb: function (elem)
3319 {
3320 // delete unneeded handlers
3321 if (this._sasl_success_handler) {
3322 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_success_handler);
3323 this._sasl_success_handler = null;
3324 }
3325 if (this._sasl_challenge_handler) {
3326 this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_challenge_handler);
3327 this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;
3328 }
3330 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);
3331 return false;
3332 },
3334 /** PrivateFunction: _auth2_cb
3335 * _Private_ handler to finish legacy authentication.
3336 *
3337 * This handler is called when the result from the jabber:iq:auth
3338 * <iq/> stanza is returned.
3339 *
3340 * Parameters:
3341 * (XMLElement) elem - The stanza that triggered the callback.
3342 *
3343 * Returns:
3344 * false to remove the handler.
3345 */
3346 _auth2_cb: function (elem)
3347 {
3348 if (elem.getAttribute("type") == "result") {
3349 this.authenticated = true;
3350 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED, null);
3351 } else if (elem.getAttribute("type") == "error") {
3352 this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);
3353 this.disconnect();
3354 }
3356 return false;
3357 },
3359 /** PrivateFunction: _addSysTimedHandler
3360 * _Private_ function to add a system level timed handler.
3361 *
3362 * This function is used to add a Strophe.TimedHandler for the
3363 * library code. System timed handlers are allowed to run before
3364 * authentication is complete.
3365 *
3366 * Parameters:
3367 * (Integer) period - The period of the handler.
3368 * (Function) handler - The callback function.
3369 */
3370 _addSysTimedHandler: function (period, handler)
3371 {
3372 var thand = new Strophe.TimedHandler(period, handler);
3373 thand.user = false;
3374 this.addTimeds.push(thand);
3375 return thand;
3376 },
3378 /** PrivateFunction: _addSysHandler
3379 * _Private_ function to add a system level stanza handler.
3380 *
3381 * This function is used to add a Strophe.Handler for the
3382 * library code. System stanza handlers are allowed to run before
3383 * authentication is complete.
3384 *
3385 * Parameters:
3386 * (Function) handler - The callback function.
3387 * (String) ns - The namespace to match.
3388 * (String) name - The stanza name to match.
3389 * (String) type - The stanza type attribute to match.
3390 * (String) id - The stanza id attribute to match.
3391 */
3392 _addSysHandler: function (handler, ns, name, type, id)
3393 {
3394 var hand = new Strophe.Handler(handler, ns, name, type, id);
3395 hand.user = false;
3396 this.addHandlers.push(hand);
3397 return hand;
3398 },
3400 /** PrivateFunction: _onDisconnectTimeout
3401 * _Private_ timeout handler for handling non-graceful disconnection.
3402 *
3403 * If the graceful disconnect process does not complete within the
3404 * time allotted, this handler finishes the disconnect anyway.
3405 *
3406 * Returns:
3407 * false to remove the handler.
3408 */
3409 _onDisconnectTimeout: function ()
3410 {
3411"_onDisconnectTimeout was called");
3413 // cancel all remaining requests and clear the queue
3414 var req;
3415 while (this._requests.length > 0) {
3416 req = this._requests.pop();
3417 req.abort = true;
3418 req.xhr.abort();
3419 // jslint complains, but this is fine. setting to empty func
3420 // is necessary for IE6
3421 req.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {};
3422 }
3424 // actually disconnect
3425 this._doDisconnect();
3427 return false;
3428 },
3430 /** PrivateFunction: _onIdle
3431 * _Private_ handler to process events during idle cycle.
3432 *
3433 * This handler is called every 100ms to fire timed handlers that
3434 * are ready and keep poll requests going.
3435 */
3436 _onIdle: function ()
3437 {
3438 var i, thand, since, newList;
3440 // remove timed handlers that have been scheduled for deletion
3441 while (this.removeTimeds.length > 0) {
3442 thand = this.removeTimeds.pop();
3443 i = this.timedHandlers.indexOf(thand);
3444 if (i >= 0) {
3445 this.timedHandlers.splice(i, 1);
3446 }
3447 }
3449 // add timed handlers scheduled for addition
3450 while (this.addTimeds.length > 0) {
3451 this.timedHandlers.push(this.addTimeds.pop());
3452 }
3454 // call ready timed handlers
3455 var now = new Date().getTime();
3456 newList = [];
3457 for (i = 0; i < this.timedHandlers.length; i++) {
3458 thand = this.timedHandlers[i];
3459 if (this.authenticated || !thand.user) {
3460 since = thand.lastCalled + thand.period;
3461 if (since - now <= 0) {
3462 if ( {
3463 newList.push(thand);
3464 }
3465 } else {
3466 newList.push(thand);
3467 }
3468 }
3469 }
3470 this.timedHandlers = newList;
3472 var body, time_elapsed;
3474 // if no requests are in progress, poll
3475 if (this.authenticated && this._requests.length === 0 &&
3476 this._data.length === 0 && !this.disconnecting) {
3477"no requests during idle cycle, sending " +
3478 "blank request");
3479 this._data.push(null);
3480 }
3482 if (this._requests.length < 2 && this._data.length > 0 &&
3483 !this.paused) {
3484 body = this._buildBody();
3485 for (i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) {
3486 if (this._data[i] !== null) {
3487 if (this._data[i] === "restart") {
3488 body.attrs({
3489 to: this.domain,
3490 "xml:lang": "en",
3491 "xmpp:restart": "true",
3492 "xmlns:xmpp": Strophe.NS.BOSH
3493 });
3494 } else {
3495 body.cnode(this._data[i]).up();
3496 }
3497 }
3498 }
3499 delete this._data;
3500 this._data = [];
3501 this._requests.push(
3502 new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),
3503 this._onRequestStateChange.bind(this)
3504 .prependArg(this._dataRecv.bind(this)),
3505 body.tree().getAttribute("rid")));
3506 this._processRequest(this._requests.length - 1);
3507 }
3509 if (this._requests.length > 0) {
3510 time_elapsed = this._requests[0].age();
3511 if (this._requests[0].dead !== null) {
3512 if (this._requests[0].timeDead() >
3513 Math.floor(Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * this.wait)) {
3514 this._throttledRequestHandler();
3515 }
3516 }
3518 if (time_elapsed > Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait)) {
3519 Strophe.warn("Request " +
3520 this._requests[0].id +
3521 " timed out, over " + Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait) +
3522 " seconds since last activity");
3523 this._throttledRequestHandler();
3524 }
3525 }
3527 // reactivate the timer
3528 clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);
3529 this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(this._onIdle.bind(this), 100);
3530 }
3531 };
3533 if (callback) {
3534 callback(Strophe, $build, $msg, $iq, $pres);
3535 }
3537 })(function () {
3538 window.Strophe = arguments[0];
3539 window.$build = arguments[1];
3540 window.$msg = arguments[2];
3541 window.$iq = arguments[3];
3542 window.$pres = arguments[4];
3543 });
