
changeset 138
equal deleted inserted replaced
137:091212cef52a 138:561f0af6c9dc
2 local t_insert, t_remove, t_concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat;
3 local parser_new = require "net.http.parser".new;
4 local events = require "".new();
5 local addserver = require "net.server".addserver;
6 local log = require "util.logger".init("http.server");
7 local os_date =;
8 local pairs = pairs;
9 local s_upper = string.upper;
10 local setmetatable = setmetatable;
11 local xpcall = xpcall;
12 local traceback = debug.traceback;
13 local tostring = tostring;
14 local cache = require "util.cache";
15 local codes = require "";
16 local blocksize = 2^16;
18 local _M = {};
20 local sessions = {};
21 local incomplete = {};
22 local listener = {};
23 local hosts = {};
24 local default_host;
25 local options = {};
27 local function is_wildcard_event(event)
28 return event:sub(-2, -1) == "/*";
29 end
30 local function is_wildcard_match(wildcard_event, event)
31 return wildcard_event:sub(1, -2) == event:sub(1, #wildcard_event-1);
32 end
34 local _handlers = events._handlers;
35 local recent_wildcard_events =, function (key, value) -- luacheck: ignore 212/value
36 rawset(_handlers, key, nil);
37 end);
39 local event_map = events._event_map;
40 setmetatable(events._handlers, {
41 -- Called when firing an event that doesn't exist (but may match a wildcard handler)
42 __index = function (handlers, curr_event)
43 if is_wildcard_event(curr_event) then return; end -- Wildcard events cannot be fired
44 -- Find all handlers that could match this event, sort them
45 -- and then put the array into handlers[curr_event] (and return it)
46 local matching_handlers_set = {};
47 local handlers_array = {};
48 for event, handlers_set in pairs(event_map) do
49 if event == curr_event or
50 is_wildcard_event(event) and is_wildcard_match(event, curr_event) then
51 for handler, priority in pairs(handlers_set) do
52 matching_handlers_set[handler] = { (select(2, event:gsub("/", "%1"))), is_wildcard_event(event) and 0 or 1, priority };
53 table.insert(handlers_array, handler);
54 end
55 end
56 end
57 if #handlers_array > 0 then
58 table.sort(handlers_array, function(b, a)
59 local a_score, b_score = matching_handlers_set[a], matching_handlers_set[b];
60 for i = 1, #a_score do
61 if a_score[i] ~= b_score[i] then -- If equal, compare next score value
62 return a_score[i] < b_score[i];
63 end
64 end
65 return false;
66 end);
67 else
68 handlers_array = false;
69 end
70 rawset(handlers, curr_event, handlers_array);
71 if not event_map[curr_event] then -- Only wildcard handlers match, if any
72 recent_wildcard_events:set(curr_event, true);
73 end
74 return handlers_array;
75 end;
76 __newindex = function (handlers, curr_event, handlers_array)
77 if handlers_array == nil
78 and is_wildcard_event(curr_event) then
79 -- Invalidate the indexes of all matching events
80 for event in pairs(handlers) do
81 if is_wildcard_match(curr_event, event) then
82 handlers[event] = nil;
83 end
84 end
85 end
86 rawset(handlers, curr_event, handlers_array);
87 end;
88 });
90 local handle_request;
91 local _1, _2, _3;
92 local function _handle_request() return handle_request(_1, _2, _3); end
94 local last_err;
95 local function _traceback_handler(err) last_err = err; log("error", "Traceback[httpserver]: %s", traceback(tostring(err), 2)); end
96 events.add_handler("http-error", function (error)
97 return "Error processing request: "[error.code]..". Check your error log for more information.";
98 end, -1);
100 function listener.onconnect(conn)
101 local secure = conn:ssl() and true or nil;
102 local pending = {};
103 local waiting = false;
104 local function process_next()
105 if waiting then return; end -- log("debug", "can't process_next, waiting");
106 waiting = true;
107 while sessions[conn] and #pending > 0 do
108 local request = t_remove(pending);
109 --log("debug", "process_next: %s", request.path);
110 --handle_request(conn, request, process_next);
111 _1, _2, _3 = conn, request, process_next;
112 if not xpcall(_handle_request, _traceback_handler) then
113 conn:write("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n""http-error", { code = 500, private_message = last_err }));
114 conn:close();
115 end
116 end
117 --log("debug", "ready for more");
118 waiting = false;
119 end
120 local function success_cb(request)
121 --log("debug", "success_cb: %s", request.path);
122 if waiting then
123 log("error", "http connection handler is not reentrant: %s", request.path);
124 assert(false, "http connection handler is not reentrant");
125 end
126 = secure;
127 t_insert(pending, request);
128 process_next();
129 end
130 local function error_cb(err)
131 log("debug", "error_cb: %s", err or "<nil>");
132 -- FIXME don't close immediately, wait until we process current stuff
133 -- FIXME if err, send off a bad-request response
134 sessions[conn] = nil;
135 conn:close();
136 end
137 local function options_cb()
138 return options;
139 end
140 sessions[conn] = parser_new(success_cb, error_cb, "server", options_cb);
141 end
143 function listener.ondisconnect(conn)
144 local open_response = conn._http_open_response;
145 if open_response and open_response.on_destroy then
146 open_response.finished = true;
147 open_response:on_destroy();
148 end
149 incomplete[conn] = nil;
150 sessions[conn] = nil;
151 end
153 function listener.ondetach(conn)
154 sessions[conn] = nil;
155 incomplete[conn] = nil;
156 end
158 function listener.onincoming(conn, data)
159 sessions[conn]:feed(data);
160 end
162 function listener.ondrain(conn)
163 local response = incomplete[conn];
164 if response and response._send_more then
165 response._send_more();
166 end
167 end
169 local headerfix = setmetatable({}, {
170 __index = function(t, k)
171 local v = "\r\n"..k:gsub("_", "-"):gsub("%f[%w].", s_upper)..": ";
172 t[k] = v;
173 return v;
174 end
175 });
177 function _M.hijack_response(response, listener) -- luacheck: ignore
178 error("TODO");
179 end
180 function handle_request(conn, request, finish_cb)
181 --log("debug", "handler: %s", request.path);
182 local headers = {};
183 for k,v in pairs(request.headers) do headers[k:gsub("-", "_")] = v; end
184 request.headers = headers;
185 request.conn = conn;
187 local date_header = os_date('!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'); -- FIXME use
188 local conn_header = request.headers.connection;
189 conn_header = conn_header and ","..conn_header:gsub("[ \t]", ""):lower().."," or ""
190 local httpversion = request.httpversion
191 local persistent = conn_header:find(",keep-alive,", 1, true)
192 or (httpversion == "1.1" and not conn_header:find(",close,", 1, true));
194 local response_conn_header;
195 if persistent then
196 response_conn_header = "Keep-Alive";
197 else
198 response_conn_header = httpversion == "1.1" and "close" or nil
199 end
201 local response = {
202 request = request;
203 status_code = 200;
204 headers = { date = date_header, connection = response_conn_header };
205 persistent = persistent;
206 conn = conn;
207 send = _M.send_response;
208 send_file = _M.send_file;
209 done = _M.finish_response;
210 finish_cb = finish_cb;
211 };
212 conn._http_open_response = response;
214 local host = ( or ""):match("[^:]+");
216 -- Some sanity checking
217 local err_code, err;
218 if not request.path then
219 err_code, err = 400, "Invalid path";
220 elseif not hosts[host] then
221 if hosts[default_host] then
222 host = default_host;
223 elseif host then
224 err_code, err = 404, "Unknown host: ";
225 else
226 err_code, err = 400, "Missing or invalid 'Host' header";
227 end
228 end
230 if err then
231 response.status_code = err_code;
232 response:send(events.fire_event("http-error", { code = err_code, message = err, response = response }));
233 return;
234 end
236 local event = request.method.." ""[^?]*");
237 local payload = { request = request, response = response };
238 log("debug", "Firing event: %s", event);
239 local result = events.fire_event(event, payload);
240 if result ~= nil then
241 if result ~= true then
242 local body;
243 local result_type = type(result);
244 if result_type == "number" then
245 response.status_code = result;
246 if result >= 400 then
247 payload.code = result;
248 body = events.fire_event("http-error", payload);
249 end
250 elseif result_type == "string" then
251 body = result;
252 elseif result_type == "table" then
253 for k, v in pairs(result) do
254 if k ~= "headers" then
255 response[k] = v;
256 else
257 for header_name, header_value in pairs(v) do
258 response.headers[header_name] = header_value;
259 end
260 end
261 end
262 end
263 response:send(body);
264 end
265 return;
266 end
268 -- if handler not called, return 404
269 response.status_code = 404;
270 payload.code = 404;
271 response:send(events.fire_event("http-error", payload));
272 end
273 local function prepare_header(response)
274 local status_line = "HTTP/"..response.request.httpversion.." "..(response.status or codes[response.status_code]);
275 local headers = response.headers;
276 local output = { status_line };
277 for k,v in pairs(headers) do
278 t_insert(output, headerfix[k]..v);
279 end
280 t_insert(output, "\r\n\r\n");
281 return output;
282 end
283 _M.prepare_header = prepare_header;
284 function _M.send_response(response, body)
285 if response.finished then return; end
286 body = body or response.body or "";
287 response.headers.content_length = #body;
288 local output = prepare_header(response);
289 t_insert(output, body);
290 response.conn:write(t_concat(output));
291 response:done();
292 end
293 function _M.send_file(response, f)
294 if response.finished then return; end
295 local chunked = not response.headers.content_length;
296 if chunked then response.headers.transfer_encoding = "chunked"; end
297 incomplete[response.conn] = response;
298 response._send_more = function ()
299 if response.finished then
300 incomplete[response.conn] = nil;
301 return;
302 end
303 local chunk = f:read(blocksize);
304 if chunk then
305 if chunked then
306 chunk = ("%x\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#chunk, chunk);
307 end
308 -- io.write("."); io.flush();
309 response.conn:write(chunk);
310 else
311 if chunked then
312 response.conn:write("0\r\n\r\n");
313 end
314 -- io.write("\n");
315 if f.close then f:close(); end
316 incomplete[response.conn] = nil;
317 return response:done();
318 end
319 end
320 response.conn:write(t_concat(prepare_header(response)));
321 return true;
322 end
323 function _M.finish_response(response)
324 if response.finished then return; end
325 response.finished = true;
326 response.conn._http_open_response = nil;
327 if response.on_destroy then
328 response:on_destroy();
329 response.on_destroy = nil;
330 end
331 if response.persistent then
332 response:finish_cb();
333 else
334 response.conn:close();
335 end
336 end
337 function _M.add_handler(event, handler, priority)
338 events.add_handler(event, handler, priority);
339 end
340 function _M.remove_handler(event, handler)
341 events.remove_handler(event, handler);
342 end
344 function _M.listen_on(port, interface, ssl)
345 return addserver(interface or "*", port, listener, "*a", ssl);
346 end
347 function _M.add_host(host)
348 hosts[host] = true;
349 end
350 function _M.remove_host(host)
351 hosts[host] = nil;
352 end
353 function _M.set_default_host(host)
354 default_host = host;
355 end
356 function _M.fire_event(event, ...)
357 return events.fire_event(event, ...);
358 end
359 function _M.set_option(name, value)
360 options[name] = value;
361 end
363 _M.listener = listener;
364 = codes;
365 _M._events = events;
366 return _M;
