
changeset 83
parent 75
child 84
--- a/plugins/xeps.lua	Tue Jul 12 15:39:25 2011 +0200
+++ b/plugins/xeps.lua	Wed Jul 20 01:04:31 2011 +0200
@@ -27,59 +27,59 @@
 function handle_xep_command(command)
-		local xepnum = command.param;
-		if not xepnum then return "Please supply an XEP number or a search string :)"; end
-			if not tonumber(xepnum) then -- Search for an XEP
-				if xepnum:match("^(%d+) ex%S* (%d+)$") then
-					local num, example = xepnum:match("^(%d+) ex%S* (%d+)$");
-					return ""..string.rep("0", 4-num:len())..num..".html#example-"..tostring(example);
-				end
-				local results = {};
-				for x, xep in pairs(xeps) do
-					name = " "" ";
-					if name:match(xepnum:lower():gsub("%-", "%%-")) then
-						table.insert(results, x);
-						--return commands.xep(msg, x);
-					end
-				end
-				if #results == 0 then
-					return "Sorry, I couldn't find a match";
-				elseif #results == 1 then
-					command.param = results[1];
-					return handle_xep_command(command);
-				else
-					-- We have more than one match
-					local ret = "Multiple matches:";
-					for _, x in ipairs(results) do
-						local xepnum = tostring(tonumber(x));
-						xepnum = string.rep("0", 4-x:len())..x;
-						local xep = xeps[tostring(x)];
-						ret = string.format("%s XEP-%s: %s%s", ret, xep.number,, ((_ < #results) and ",") or "");
-						if _ > 5 then ret = ret .. " " .. (#results - 5) .. " more"; break; end
-					end
-					return ret;
-				end
+	local xepnum = command.param;
+	if not xepnum then return "Please supply an XEP number or a search string :)"; end
+	if not tonumber(xepnum) then -- Search for an XEP
+		if xepnum:match("^(%d+) ex%S* (%d+)$") then
+			local num, example = xepnum:match("^(%d+) ex%S* (%d+)$");
+			return ""..string.rep("0", 4-num:len())..num..".html#example-"..tostring(example);
+		end
+		local results = {};
+		for x, xep in pairs(xeps) do
+			name = " "" ";
+			if name:match(xepnum:lower():gsub("%-", "%%-")) then
+				table.insert(results, x);
+				--return commands.xep(msg, x);
-			-- Check that xepnum is a valid number
-			xepnum = tostring(tonumber(xepnum));
-			if not xepnum then return "What XEP? or enter a search string."; end
-			-- Expand to full 4 char number
-			xepnum = string.rep("0", 4-xepnum:len())..xepnum;
-			xep = xeps[tostring(xepnum)];
-			if not xep then return "Sorry, I don't think there is a XEP-"..xepnum; end
-			return "XEP-"..xep.number..": "" is "..xep.type.." ("..xep.status..", "..xep.updated..") See:"..xep.number..".html";
+		end
+		if #results == 0 then
+			return "Sorry, I couldn't find a match";
+		elseif #results == 1 then
+			command.param = results[1];
+			return handle_xep_command(command);
+		else
+			-- We have more than one match
+			local ret = "Multiple matches:";
+			for _, x in ipairs(results) do
+				local xepnum = tostring(tonumber(x));
+				xepnum = string.rep("0", 4-x:len())..x;
+				local xep = xeps[tostring(x)];
+				ret = string.format("%s XEP-%s: %s%s", ret, xep.number,, ((_ < #results) and ",") or "");
+				if _ > 5 then ret = ret .. " " .. (#results - 5) .. " more"; break; end
+			end
+			return ret;
+		end
+	end
+	-- Check that xepnum is a valid number
+	xepnum = tostring(tonumber(xepnum));
+	if not xepnum then return "What XEP? or enter a search string."; end
+	-- Expand to full 4 char number
+	xepnum = string.rep("0", 4-xepnum:len())..xepnum;
+	xep = xeps[tostring(xepnum)];
+	if not xep then return "Sorry, I don't think there is a XEP-"..xepnum; end
+	return "XEP-"..xep.number..": "" is "..xep.type.." ("..xep.status..", "..xep.updated..") See:"..xep.number..".html";
 function parse_xeps(t)
-if not t then return nil; end
-local currxep = {};
-        for b in string.gmatch(t,"<xep>(.-)</xep>") do
-                for k,v in string.gmatch(b,"<(%w+)>(.-)</%1>") do
-                        currxep[k] = v;
-                end
+	if not t then return nil; end
+	local currxep = {};
+	for b in string.gmatch(t,"<xep>(.-)</xep>") do
+		for k,v in string.gmatch(b,"<(%w+)>(.-)</%1>") do
+			currxep[k] = v;
+		end
 		xeps[currxep.number] = { };
 		for k, v in pairs(currxep) do xeps[currxep.number][k] = v end
-        end
+	end
 	xeps["0028"] = { number = "0028", name = "XSF Plans for World Domination", type="Top Secret", status = "Hidden", updated = "Work ongoing" };
 	return true;
