
changeset 112
child 115
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/xkcd2.lua	Tue Mar 25 18:23:58 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+require "net.httpclient_listener";
+local http = require("net.http");
+local json = require"util.json";
+local bare_jid = require "util.jid".bare;
+local current_url = "";
+local numbered_url = "";
+local formatted_url = "";
+local strips = {};
+local latest, last_update;
+function riddim.plugins.xkcd2(bot)
+	bot:hook("commands/xkcd", function(command)
+		local url = current_url;
+		local q = command.param;
+		local strip;
+		if q then
+			local t, num = q:match("^([#\"]?)(%d+)\"?$");
+			if t ~= '"' then
+				num = tonumber(num);
+				if num and num < 0 then
+					num = #strip + num;
+				end
+			end
+			strip = strips[num or q:lower()];
+			if strip == "" or strip == 404 then
+				strip = nil
+			end
+			if not strip and num then
+				url = numbered_url:format(num) or url;
+			end
+		elseif os.difftime(os.time(), last_update) <= 3 * 60 * 60 then
+			strip = latest;
+		end
+		if q and not strip then
+			local pat = q:lower():gsub("[-()%[]", "%%%0")
+				:gsub("%%(%b[])",function(s) return (#s > 2 and "" or "%") .. s end);
+			local results = {};
+			for i, strip in ipairs(strips) do
+				if strip:lower():match(pat) then
+					results[#results+1] = i;
+				end
+			end
+			if #results == 0 then
+				return "Sorry, I couldn't find a match";
+			elseif #results == 1 then
+				strip = results[1];
+			else
+				-- We have more than one match
+				local ret, title = "Multiple matches:";
+				for i, num in ipairs(results) do
+					title = strips[num];
+					ret = string.format("%s %s (%d)%s", ret, title, num, ((i < #results) and ",") or "");
+					if i > 5 then ret = ret .. " " .. (#results - 5) .. " more"; break; end
+				end
+				return ret;
+			end
+		end
+		if strip then
+			local t, n;
+			if type(strip) == "number" then
+				t, n = strips[strip], strip;
+			else
+				t, n = strip, strips[strip:lower()];
+			end
+			return ("%s, "..formatted_url.." "):format(t, n);
+		end
+		http.request(url, nil, function (data, code)
+			if code == 200 then
+				data = json.decode(data);
+				if not data then return end
+				local n, t = tonumber(data.num), data.safe_title;
+				strips[n], strips[t:lower()] = t, n;
+				if not q then
+					latest = n;
+					last_update = os.time();
+				end
+				command:reply(("%s, "..formatted_url.." "):format(t, n));
+			elseif code == 404 then
+				command:reply("Strip not found");
+			end
+		end);
+		return true;
+	end);
+	local admin = bot.config.admin;
+	bot:hook("commands/xkcdlist", function(command)
+		local actor = bare_jid(command.sender.real_jid or command.sender.jid);
+		if actor ~= admin then
+			return "I shall not";
+		end
+		local get_next;
+		local function handle_reply(data, code)
+			if code == 200 then
+				data = json.decode(data);
+				if not data then return end
+				local n, t = tonumber(data.num), data.safe_title;
+				strips[n], strips[t:lower()] = t, n;
+				if n > 1 then
+					return get_next(n - 1);
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		function get_next(i)
+			if strips[i] then return end
+			local url = i and numbered_url:format(i) or current_url;
+			http.request(url, nil, handle_reply);
+		end
+		get_next(tonumber(command.param));
+		return true;
+	end);
+	local function do_load()
+		local ok, loaded_strips = pcall(dofile,"xkcd-list.lua");
+		if ok then
+			strips = loaded_strips;
+			return true;
+		else
+			return nil, loaded_strips;
+		end
+	end
+	bot:hook("commands/xkcdsave", function(command)
+		local actor = bare_jid(command.sender.real_jid or command.sender.jid);
+		if actor ~= admin then
+			return "I shall not";
+		end
+		local dump = "return "..require"util.serialization".serialize(strips);
+		local f, err ="xkcd-list.lua~", "w");
+		if f then
+			f:write(dump);
+			f:close();
+			os.rename("xkcd-list.lua~", "xkcd-list.lua");
+			return "Saved list of strips";
+		end
+		return err;
+	end);
+	bot:hook("commands/xkcdload", function(command)
+		local actor = bare_jid(command.sender.real_jid or command.sender.jid);
+		if actor ~= admin then
+			return "I shall not";
+		end
+		local ok, err = do_load()
+		if not ok then return err end
+		return "List of strips loaded"
+	end);
+	bot:hook("commands/xkcdreset", function(command)
+		local actor = bare_jid(command.sender.real_jid or command.sender.jid);
+		if actor ~= admin then
+			return "I shall not";
+		end
+		strips = {};
+		return "List of strips emptied";
+	end);
