
changeset 0
child 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ndp.lua	Sun Jun 21 17:42:50 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+module(..., package.seeall);
+require "luarocks.require"
+require "lpeg"
+-- Add case-insensitive string matching to Lpeg
+function lpeg.Pi(s)
+	local patt = lpeg.P(true);
+	for c in s:gmatch(".") do
+		patt = patt * (lpeg.P(c:lower()) + lpeg.P(c:upper()));
+	end
+	return patt;
+function lpeg.one_of(list)
+	local patt = lpeg.P(false);
+	for _, match in ipairs(list) do
+		patt = patt + lpeg.Pi(match);
+	end
+	return patt;
+local ordinal = lpeg.P{ lpeg.C(lpeg.R("09")^-2) * (lpeg.Pi("st") + lpeg.Pi("nd") + lpeg.Pi("rd") + lpeg.Pi("th")) + 1 * lpeg.V(1) };
+local number = lpeg.R "09"^1
+local day_name = lpeg.one_of {'monday',   'tuesday', 'wednesday',
+                              'thursday', 'friday',  'saturday', 'sunday'}
+local month_name = lpeg.one_of {'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 
+                                     'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december' }
+local year = (lpeg.R("09")^4)^-4
+local unit_of_time = lpeg.one_of { 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year' }
+local time_of_day = lpeg.one_of { 'morning', 'noon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'night', 'midnight' }
+local time_of_days = { morning = 09, noon = 12, afternoon = 13, evening = 17, night = 21, midnight = 00 }
+local quantity;
+local quantities = { 
+		["a"]        = 1;
+		["an"]       = 1;
+		["a couple of"] = 2;
+		["a few"]    = 3;
+		["several"]  = 3;
+	};
+-- Create 'quantity' to match any of the quantities we know
+	local quantity_list = {};
+	for k in pairs(quantities) do
+		quantity_list[#quantity_list+1] = k;
+	end
+	table.sort(quantity_list, function (a,b) return #a>#b; end);
+	quantity = number + lpeg.one_of(quantity_list);
+seconds_in_a = { second = 1 }
+seconds_in_a.minute  = seconds_in_a.second *  60;
+seconds_in_a.hour    = seconds_in_a.minute *  60;
+seconds_in_a.day     = seconds_in_a.hour   *  24;
+seconds_in_a.week    = seconds_in_a.day    *   7;
+seconds_in_a.month   = seconds_in_a.week   *   4;
+seconds_in_a.year    = seconds_in_a.day    * 365;
+local function get_time_part(time, part)
+	return os.date("*t", time)[part];
+local function adjust_time(time, part, value)
+	local split_time = os.date("*t", time);
+	split_time[part] = value;
+	return os.time(split_time);
+function when(str, relative_to)
+	local time = relative_to or os.time();
+	local P = lpeg.P;
+	local patterns = 
+	{ 
+		{ P"tomorrow" /
+			function ()
+				time = time + seconds_in_a.day;
+			end };
+		{ P"next week" /
+			function ()
+				time = time + seconds_in_a.week;
+			end };
+		{ P"next year" /
+			function ()
+				time = adjust_time(time, "year", get_time_part(time, "year") + 1);
+			end };
+		{ P"on "^0 * day_name /
+			function (day_name)
+				time = find_nearest_day_by_name(time, day_name);
+			end };
+		{ P"in "^0 * month_name /
+			function (month_name)
+				time = find_nearest_month_by_name(time, month_name);
+			end };
+		{ P"in "^0 * ( quantity * P" " * unit_of_time ) * (P"s"^-1) /
+			function (number_and_unit)
+				local number, unit = number_and_unit:gsub("^in ", ""):match("^(.+)%s+(.-)s?$");
+				number = quantities[number] or tonumber(number);
+				time = time + seconds_in_a[unit] * number;
+			end };
+		{ (P"this " + P"in the " + P"at ")^0 * time_of_day /
+			function (time_of_day)
+					time_of_day = time_of_day:match("%S+$");
+					time = adjust_time(time, "hour", time_of_days[time_of_day]);
+					if time_of_day == "noon" or time_of_day == "midnight" then
+						time = adjust_time(time, "min", 00);						
+					else
+						time = adjust_time(time, "min", 30);
+					end
+			end }; 
+	}
+	local ret, pos;
+	for _, pattern in pairs(patterns) do
+		ret = lpeg.match(lpeg.P{ pattern[1] + 1 * lpeg.V(1) }, str);
+		if ret then
+			pos = ret;
+			--print("Matches ".._.." until "..ret);
+		end
+	end
+	return time, pos;
