
changeset 6
parent 5
child 7
--- a/memcached.lua	Sat Jul 31 18:10:08 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-local server = require "net.server";
-local log = require "util.logger".init("memcached");
-local memcache = require "util.memcache";
-local cache =;
-local memcached_listener = {};
-local command_handlers = {};
---- Network handlers
-function memcached_listener.onconnect(conn)
-function memcached_listener.onincoming(conn, line)
-	local command, params_pos = line:match("^(%S+) ?()");
-	local command_handler = command_handlers[command];
-	if command_handler then
-		local ok, err = command_handler(conn, line:sub(params_pos));
-		if ok == false then
-			conn:write("CLIENT_ERROR "..err.."\r\n");
-		end
-	elseif command then
-		log("warn", "Client sent unknown command: %s", command);
-		conn:write("ERROR\r\n");
-	end
-function memcached_listener.ondisconnect(conn, err)
---- Command handlers
-function command_handlers.set(conn, params)
-	local key, flags, exptime, bytes, reply = params:match("(%S+) (%d+) (%d+) (%d+) ?(.*)$");
-	flags, exptime, bytes, reply = tonumber(flags), tonumber(exptime), tonumber(bytes), reply ~= "noreply";
-	if not (flags and exptime and bytes) then
-		return false, "Invalid parameter(s)";
-	end
-	conn:set_mode("*a");
-	local received_count, received_buffer = 0, {};
-	local function handle_data(conn, data)
-		log("debug", "Received data of length "..#data.." out of "..bytes);
-		received_count = received_count + #data;
-		received_buffer[#received_buffer+1] = data;
-		if received_count >= bytes then
-			received_buffer = table.concat(received_buffer);
-			local ok, err = cache:set(key, flags, exptime, received_buffer:sub(1,bytes));
-			if ok then
-				conn:send("STORED\r\n");
-			else
-				conn:send("SERVER_ERROR "..(err or "Unknown error").."\r\n");
-			end
-			conn:setlistener(memcached_listener);
-			conn:set_mode("*l");
-			if received_count > bytes then
-				log("debug", "Re-handling %d extra bytes", received_count-bytes);
-				memcached_listener.onincoming(conn, received_buffer:sub(bytes+1));
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	conn:setlistener({
-		onincoming = handle_data;
-		ondisconnect = memcached_listener.ondisconnect;
-	});
-	log("debug", "Waiting for "..bytes.." bytes from client");
-	return true;
-function command_handlers.get(conn, keys)
-	for key in keys:gmatch("%S+") do
-		local flags, data = cache:get(key);
-		if flags then
-			conn:write("VALUE "..key.." "..flags.." "..#data.."\r\n""\r\n");
-		end
-	end
-	conn:write("END\r\n");
-	return true;
-function command_handlers.quit(conn)
-	conn:close();
-	return true;
-logger.setwriter(function (name, level, format, ...) return print(name, level, format:format(...)); end);
-server.addserver("*", 11211, memcached_listener, "*l");
