
changeset 0
child 5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net/http.lua	Thu Dec 25 10:48:06 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+-- Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local b64 = require "mime".b64;
+local url = require "socket.url"
+local httpstream_new = require "net.http.parser".new;
+local util_http = require "util.http";
+local ssl_available = pcall(require, "ssl");
+local server = require "net.server"
+local t_insert, t_concat = table.insert, table.concat;
+local pairs = pairs;
+local tonumber, tostring, xpcall, select, traceback =
+      tonumber, tostring, xpcall, select, debug.traceback;
+local assert, error = assert, error
+local log = require "util.logger".init("http");
+module "http"
+local requests = {}; -- Open requests
+local listener = { default_port = 80, default_mode = "*a" };
+function listener.onconnect(conn)
+	local req = requests[conn];
+	-- Send the request
+	local request_line = { req.method or "GET", " ", req.path, " HTTP/1.1\r\n" };
+	if req.query then
+		t_insert(request_line, 4, "?"..req.query);
+	end
+	conn:write(t_concat(request_line));
+	local t = { [2] = ": ", [4] = "\r\n" };
+	for k, v in pairs(req.headers) do
+		t[1], t[3] = k, v;
+		conn:write(t_concat(t));
+	end
+	conn:write("\r\n");
+	if req.body then
+		conn:write(req.body);
+	end
+function listener.onincoming(conn, data)
+	local request = requests[conn];
+	if not request then
+		log("warn", "Received response from connection %s with no request attached!", tostring(conn));
+		return;
+	end
+	if data and request.reader then
+		request:reader(data);
+	end
+function listener.ondisconnect(conn, err)
+	local request = requests[conn];
+	if request and request.conn then
+		request:reader(nil, err);
+	end
+	requests[conn] = nil;
+function listener.ondetach(conn)
+	requests[conn] = nil;
+local function request_reader(request, data, err)
+	if not request.parser then
+		local function error_cb(reason)
+			if request.callback then
+				request.callback(reason or "connection-closed", 0, request);
+				request.callback = nil;
+			end
+			destroy_request(request);
+		end
+		if not data then
+			error_cb(err);
+			return;
+		end
+		local function success_cb(r)
+			if request.callback then
+				request.callback(r.body, r.code, r, request);
+				if r.partial then return; end
+				request.callback = nil;
+			end
+			destroy_request(request);
+		end
+		local function options_cb()
+			return request;
+		end
+		request.parser = httpstream_new(success_cb, error_cb, "client", options_cb);
+	end
+	request.parser:feed(data);
+local function handleerr(err) log("error", "Traceback[http]: %s", traceback(tostring(err), 2)); end
+function request(u, ex, callback)
+	local req = url.parse(u);
+	if not (req and then
+		callback(nil, 0, req);
+		return nil, "invalid-url";
+	end
+	if not req.path then
+		req.path = "/";
+	end
+	local method, headers, body;
+	local host, port =, req.port;
+	local host_header = host;
+	if (port == "80" and req.scheme == "http")
+	or (port == "443" and req.scheme == "https") then
+		port = nil;
+	elseif port then
+		host_header = host_header..":"..port;
+	end
+	headers = {
+		["Host"] = host_header;
+		["User-Agent"] = "Prosody XMPP Server";
+	};
+	if req.userinfo then
+		headers["Authorization"] = "Basic "..b64(req.userinfo);
+	end
+	if ex then
+		req.onlystatus = ex.onlystatus;
+		body = ex.body;
+		if body then
+			method = "POST";
+			headers["Content-Length"] = tostring(#body);
+			headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+		end
+		if ex.method then method = ex.method; end
+		if ex.headers then
+			for k, v in pairs(ex.headers) do
+				headers[k] = v;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Attach to request object
+	req.method, req.headers, req.body = method, headers, body;
+	local using_https = req.scheme == "https";
+	if using_https and not ssl_available then
+		error("SSL not available, unable to contact https URL");
+	end
+	local port_number = port and tonumber(port) or (using_https and 443 or 80);
+	local sslctx = false;
+	if using_https then
+		sslctx = ex and ex.sslctx or { mode = "client", protocol = "sslv23", options = { "no_sslv2", "no_sslv3" } };
+	end
+	local handler, conn = server.addclient(host, port_number, listener, "*a", sslctx)
+	if not handler then
+		callback(nil, 0, req);
+		return nil, conn;
+	end
+	req.handler, req.conn = handler, conn
+	req.write = function (...) return req.handler:write(...); end
+	req.callback = function (content, code, request, response) log("debug", "Calling callback, status %s", code or "---"); return select(2, xpcall(function () return callback(content, code, request, response) end, handleerr)); end
+	req.success_on_chunk = ex.success_on_chunk;
+	req.reader = request_reader;
+	req.state = "status";
+	requests[req.handler] = req;
+	return req;
+function destroy_request(request)
+	if request.conn then
+		request.conn = nil;
+		request.handler:close()
+	end
+local urlencode, urldecode = util_http.urlencode, util_http.urldecode;
+local formencode, formdecode = util_http.formencode, util_http.formdecode;
+_M.urlencode, _M.urldecode = urlencode, urldecode;
+_M.formencode, _M.formdecode = formencode, formdecode;
+return _M;
