Merge with 0.5

Wed, 22 Jul 2009 21:35:58 +0100

Matthew Wild <>
Wed, 22 Jul 2009 21:35:58 +0100
changeset 1569
parent 1567
e052a3bdb8b5 (diff)
parent 1568
b11bac42d56f (current diff)
child 1573

Merge with 0.5

--- a/net/xmppclient_listener.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ b/net/xmppclient_listener.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
-		xmppclient.disconnect(session.conn, (reason and reason.condition) or reason or "session closed");
+		xmppclient.disconnect(session.conn, (reason and (reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason or "session closed");
--- a/plugins/mod_console.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ b/plugins/mod_console.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@
 -- Anything in def_env will be accessible within the session as a global variable
 def_env.server = {};
-function def_env.server:reload()
+function def_env.server:insane_reload()
 	dofile "prosody"
 	prosody = _G.prosody;
@@ -185,6 +186,11 @@
 		minutes, (minutes ~= 1 and "s") or "","%c", prosody.start_time));
+function def_env.server:shutdown(reason)
+	prosody.shutdown(reason);
+	return true, "Shutdown initiated";
 def_env.module = {};
 local function get_hosts_set(hosts, module)
@@ -288,6 +294,11 @@
 	return true, tostring(config_get(host, section, key));
+function def_env.config:reload()
+	local ok, err = prosody.reload_config();
+	return ok, (ok and "Config reloaded (you may need to reload modules to take effect)") or tostring(err);
 def_env.hosts = {};
 function def_env.hosts:list()
 	for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do
--- a/plugins/mod_muc.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ b/plugins/mod_muc.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
 	handle_to_domain(origin, stanza);
+prosody.hosts[module:get_host()].muc = { rooms = rooms };
 module.unload = function()
@@ -84,4 +86,5 @@
 module.restore = function(data)
 	rooms = data.rooms or {};
+	prosody.hosts[module:get_host()].muc = { rooms = rooms };
--- a/prosody	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ b/prosody	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 config = require "core.configmanager"
+function read_config()
 	-- TODO: Check for other formats when we add support for them
 	-- Use lfs? Make a new conf/ dir?
 	local ok, level, err = config.load((CFG_CONFIGDIR or ".").."/prosody.cfg.lua");
@@ -62,238 +62,271 @@
---- Initialize logging
-require "core.loggingmanager"
---- Check runtime dependencies
-require "util.dependencies"
+function load_libraries()
+	--- Initialize logging
+	require "core.loggingmanager"
+	--- Check runtime dependencies
+	require "util.dependencies"
+	--- Load socket framework
+	server = require "net.server"
---- Load socket framework
-local server = require "net.server"
+function init_global_state()
+	bare_sessions = {};
+	full_sessions = {};
+	hosts = {};
-bare_sessions = {};
-full_sessions = {};
-hosts = {};
--- Global 'prosody' object
-prosody = {};
-local prosody = prosody;
+	-- Global 'prosody' object
+	prosody = {};
+	local prosody = prosody;
+	prosody.bare_sessions = bare_sessions;
+	prosody.full_sessions = full_sessions;
+	prosody.hosts = hosts;
+	prosody.paths = { source = CFG_SOURCEDIR, config = CFG_CONFIGDIR, 
+	                  plugins = CFG_PLUGINDIR, data = CFG_DATADIR };
+	prosody.arg = _G.arg;
-prosody.bare_sessions = bare_sessions;
-prosody.full_sessions = full_sessions;
-prosody.hosts = hosts;
-prosody.paths = { source = CFG_SOURCEDIR, config = CFG_CONFIGDIR, 
-                  plugins = CFG_PLUGINDIR, data = CFG_DATADIR };
-prosody.arg = arg;
- = require "".new();
+ = require "".new();
+	-- Function to reload the config file
+	function prosody.reload_config()
+		log("info", "Reloading configuration file");
+		local ok, level, err = config.load((rawget(_G, "CFG_CONFIGDIR") or ".").."/prosody.cfg.lua");
+		if not ok then
+			if level == "parser" then
+				log("error", "There was an error parsing the configuration file: %s", tostring(err));
+			elseif level == "file" then
+				log("error", "Couldn't read the config file when trying to reload: %s", tostring(err));
+			end
+		end
+		return ok, (err and tostring(level)..": "..tostring(err)) or nil;
+	end
--- Try to determine version
-local version_file = or ".").."/prosody.version");
-if version_file then
-	prosody.version = version_file:read("*a"):gsub("%s*$", "");
-	version_file:close();
-	if #prosody.version == 12 and prosody.version:match("^[a-f0-9]+$") then
-		prosody.version = "hg:"..prosody.version;
+	-- Function to reopen logfiles
+	function prosody.reopen_logfiles()
+		log("info", "Re-opening log files");
+		eventmanager.fire_event("reopen-log-files"); -- Handled by appropriate log sinks
-	prosody.version = "unknown";
+	-- Function to initiate prosody shutdown
+	function prosody.shutdown(reason)
+		log("info", "Shutting down: %s", reason or "unknown reason");
+		prosody.shutdown_reason = reason;
+"server-stopping", {reason = reason});
+		server.setquitting(true);
+	end
-log("info", "Hello and welcome to Prosody version %s", prosody.version);
---- Load and initialise core modules
-require "util.import"
-require "core.xmlhandlers"
-require "core.rostermanager"
-require "core.eventmanager"
-require "core.hostmanager"
-require "core.modulemanager"
-require "core.usermanager"
-require "core.sessionmanager"
-require "core.stanza_router"
-require "util.array"
-require "util.iterators"
-require "util.timer"
--- Commented to protect us from 
--- the second kind of people
-pcall(require, "remdebug.engine");
-if remdebug then remdebug.engine.start() end
-local cl = require "net.connlisteners";
-require "util.stanza"
-require "util.jid"
-------------- Begin code without a home ---------------------
-local data_path = config.get("*", "core", "data_path") or CFG_DATADIR or "data";
-require "util.datamanager".set_data_path(data_path);
-require "util.datamanager".add_callback(function(username, host, datastore, data)
-	if config.get(host, "core", "anonymous_login") then
-		return false;
-	end
-	return username, host, datastore, data;
------------ End of out-of-place code --------------
--- Function to reload the config file
-function prosody.reload_config()
-	log("info", "Reloading configuration file");
-	local ok, level, err = config.load((rawget(_G, "CFG_CONFIGDIR") or ".").."/prosody.cfg.lua");
-	if not ok then
-		if level == "parser" then
-			log("error", "There was an error parsing the configuration file: %s", tostring(err));
-		elseif level == "file" then
-			log("error", "Couldn't read the config file when trying to reload: %s", tostring(err));
+function read_version()
+	-- Try to determine version
+	local version_file = or ".").."/prosody.version");
+	if version_file then
+		prosody.version = version_file:read("*a"):gsub("%s*$", "");
+		version_file:close();
+		if #prosody.version == 12 and prosody.version:match("^[a-f0-9]+$") then
+			prosody.version = "hg:"..prosody.version;
+	else
+		prosody.version = "unknown";
--- Function to reopen logfiles
-function prosody.reopen_logfiles()
-	log("info", "Re-opening log files");
-	eventmanager.fire_event("reopen-log-files"); -- Handled by appropriate log sinks
+function load_secondary_libraries()
+	--- Load and initialise core modules
+	require "util.import"
+	require "core.xmlhandlers"
+	require "core.rostermanager"
+	require "core.eventmanager"
+	require "core.hostmanager"
+	require "core.modulemanager"
+	require "core.usermanager"
+	require "core.sessionmanager"
+	require "core.stanza_router"
+	require "util.array"
+	require "util.iterators"
+	require "util.timer"
+	require "util.helpers"
+	-- Commented to protect us from 
+	-- the second kind of people
+	--[[ 
+	pcall(require, "remdebug.engine");
+	if remdebug then remdebug.engine.start() end
+	]]
+	require "net.connlisteners";
+	require "util.stanza"
+	require "util.jid"
+function init_data_store()
+	local data_path = config.get("*", "core", "data_path") or CFG_DATADIR or "data";
+	require "util.datamanager".set_data_path(data_path);
+	require "util.datamanager".add_callback(function(username, host, datastore, data)
+		if config.get(host, "core", "anonymous_login") then
+			return false;
+		end
+		return username, host, datastore, data;
+	end);
--- Function to initiate prosody shutdown
-function prosody.shutdown(reason)
-	log("info", "Shutting down: %s", reason or "unknown reason");
-"server-stopping", {reason = reason});
+function prepare_to_start()
+	-- Signal to modules that we are ready to start
+	eventmanager.fire_event("server-starting");
+	-- Load SSL settings from config, and create a ctx table
+	local global_ssl_ctx = ssl and config.get("*", "core", "ssl");
+	if global_ssl_ctx then
+		local default_ssl_ctx = { mode = "server", protocol = "sslv23", capath = "/etc/ssl/certs", verify = "none"; };
+		setmetatable(global_ssl_ctx, { __index = default_ssl_ctx });
+	end
+	local cl = require "net.connlisteners";
+	-- start listening on sockets
+	function net_activate_ports(option, listener, default, conntype)
+		local ports = config.get("*", "core", option.."_ports") or default;
+		if type(ports) == "number" then ports = {ports} end;
+		if type(ports) ~= "table" then
+			log("error", "core."..option.." is not a table");
+		else
+			for _, port in ipairs(ports) do
+				if type(port) ~= "number" then
+					log("error", "Non-numeric "..option.."_ports: "..tostring(port));
+				else
+					cl.start(listener, { 
+						ssl = conntype ~= "tcp" and global_ssl_ctx,
+						port = port,
+						interface = config.get("*", "core", option.."_interface") 
+							or cl.get(listener).default_interface 
+							or config.get("*", "core", "interface"),
+						type = conntype
+					});
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	net_activate_ports("c2s", "xmppclient", {5222}, (global_ssl_ctx and "tls") or "tcp");
+	net_activate_ports("s2s", "xmppserver", {5269}, "tcp");
+	net_activate_ports("component", "xmppcomponent", {}, "tcp");
+	net_activate_ports("legacy_ssl", "xmppclient", {}, "ssl");
+	if cl.get("console") then
+		cl.start("console", { interface = config.get("*", "core", "console_interface") or "" })
+	end
+	prosody.start_time = os.time();
+function init_global_protection()
+	-- Catch global accesses --
+	local locked_globals_mt = { __index = function (t, k) error("Attempt to read a non-existent global '"..k.."'", 2); end, __newindex = function (t, k, v) error("Attempt to set a global: "..tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v), 2); end }
+	function prosody.unlock_globals()
+		setmetatable(_G, nil);
+	end
+	function prosody.lock_globals()
+		setmetatable(_G, locked_globals_mt);
+	end
+	-- And lock now...
+	prosody.lock_globals();
+function loop()
+	-- Error handler for errors that make it this far
+	local function catch_uncaught_error(err)
+		if err:match("%d*: interrupted!$") then
+			return "quitting";
+		end
+		log("error", "Top-level error, please report:\n%s", tostring(err));
+		local traceback = debug.traceback("", 2);
+		if traceback then
+			log("error", "%s", traceback);
+		end
+"very-bad-error", {error = err, traceback = traceback});
+	end
+	while select(2, xpcall(server.loop, catch_uncaught_error)) ~= "quitting" do
+		socket.sleep(0.2);
+	end
+function cleanup()
+	log("info", "Shutdown status: Cleaning up");
+	-- Ok, we're quitting I know, but we
+	-- need to do some tidying before we go :)
+	server.setquitting(false);
+	log("info", "Shutdown status: Closing all active sessions");
+	for hostname, host in pairs(hosts) do
+		log("debug", "Shutdown status: Closing client connections for %s", hostname)
+		if host.sessions then
+			local reason = { condition = "system-shutdown", text = "Server is shutting down" };
+			if prosody.shutdown_reason then
+				reason.text = reason.text..": "..prosody.shutdown_reason;
+			end
+			for username, user in pairs(host.sessions) do
+				for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions) do
+					log("debug", "Closing connection for %s@%s/%s", username, hostname, resource);
+					session:close(reason);
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		log("debug", "Shutdown status: Closing outgoing s2s connections from %s", hostname);
+		if host.s2sout then
+			for remotehost, session in pairs(host.s2sout) do
+				if session.close then
+					session:close("system-shutdown");
+				else
+					log("warn", "Unable to close outgoing s2s session to %s, no session:close()?!", remotehost);
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	log("info", "Shutdown status: Closing all server connections");
+	server.closeall();
--- Signal to modules that we are ready to start
--- Load SSL settings from config, and create a ctx table
-local global_ssl_ctx = ssl and config.get("*", "core", "ssl");
-if global_ssl_ctx then
-	local default_ssl_ctx = { mode = "server", protocol = "sslv23", capath = "/etc/ssl/certs", verify = "none"; };
-	setmetatable(global_ssl_ctx, { __index = default_ssl_ctx });
--- start listening on sockets
-function net_activate_ports(option, listener, default, conntype)
-	local ports = config.get("*", "core", option.."_ports") or default;
-	if type(ports) == "number" then ports = {ports} end;
-	if type(ports) ~= "table" then
-		log("error", "core."..option.." is not a table");
-	else
-		for _, port in ipairs(ports) do
-			if type(port) ~= "number" then
-				log("error", "Non-numeric "..option.."_ports: "..tostring(port));
-			else
-				cl.start(listener, { 
-					ssl = conntype ~= "tcp" and global_ssl_ctx,
-					port = port,
-					interface = config.get("*", "core", option.."_interface") 
-						or cl.get(listener).default_interface 
-						or config.get("*", "core", "interface"),
-					type = conntype
-				});
-			end
-		end
-	end
-net_activate_ports("c2s", "xmppclient", {5222}, (global_ssl_ctx and "tls") or "tcp");
-net_activate_ports("s2s", "xmppserver", {5269}, "tcp");
-net_activate_ports("component", "xmppcomponent", {}, "tcp");
-net_activate_ports("legacy_ssl", "xmppclient", {}, "ssl");
-if cl.get("console") then
-	cl.start("console", { interface = config.get("*", "core", "console_interface") or "" })
--- Catch global accesses --
-local locked_globals_mt = { __index = function (t, k) error("Attempt to read a non-existent global '"..k.."'", 2); end, __newindex = function (t, k, v) error("Attempt to set a global: "..tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v), 2); end }
-function prosody.unlock_globals()
-	setmetatable(_G, nil);
-function prosody.lock_globals()
-	setmetatable(_G, locked_globals_mt);
--- And lock now...
-prosody.start_time = os.time();
+log("info", "Hello and welcome to Prosody version %s", prosody.version);
--- Error handler for errors that make it this far
-local function catch_uncaught_error(err)
-	if err:match("%d*: interrupted!$") then
-		return "quitting";
-	end
-	log("error", "Top-level error, please report:\n%s", tostring(err));
-	local traceback = debug.traceback("", 2);
-	if traceback then
-		log("error", "%s", traceback);
-	end
-"very-bad-error", {error = err, traceback = traceback});
-while select(2, xpcall(server.loop, catch_uncaught_error)) ~= "quitting" do
-	socket.sleep(0.2);
-log("info", "Shutdown status: Cleaning up");"server-cleanup");
--- Ok, we're quitting I know, but we
--- need to do some tidying before we go :)
-log("info", "Shutdown status: Closing all active sessions");
-for hostname, host in pairs(hosts) do
-	log("debug", "Shutdown status: Closing client connections for %s", hostname)
-	if host.sessions then
-		for username, user in pairs(host.sessions) do
-			for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions) do
-				log("debug", "Closing connection for %s@%s/%s", username, hostname, resource);
-				session:close("system-shutdown");
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	log("debug", "Shutdown status: Closing outgoing s2s connections from %s", hostname);
-	if host.s2sout then
-		for remotehost, session in pairs(host.s2sout) do
-			if session.close then
-				session:close("system-shutdown");
-			else
-				log("warn", "Unable to close outgoing s2s session to %s, no session:close()?!", remotehost);
-			end
-		end
-	end
-log("info", "Shutdown status: Closing all server connections");
+log("info", "Shutting down...");
-log("info", "Shutdown status: Complete!");
+log("info", "Shutdown complete");
--- a/tools/ejabberd2prosody.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ b/tools/ejabberd2prosody.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -8,44 +8,44 @@
-require "erlparse";
-package.path = package.path ..";../?.lua";
+require "erlparse";
+package.path = package.path ..";../?.lua";
 local serialize = require "util.serialization".serialize;
-local st = require "util.stanza";
-package.loaded["util.logger"] = {init = function() return function() end; end}
-local dm = require "util.datamanager"
-function build_stanza(tuple, stanza)
-	if tuple[1] == "xmlelement" then
-		local name = tuple[2];
-		local attr = {};
-		for _, a in ipairs(tuple[3]) do attr[a[1]] = a[2]; end
-		local up;
-		if stanza then stanza:tag(name, attr); up = true; else stanza = st.stanza(name, attr); end
-		for _, a in ipairs(tuple[4]) do build_stanza(a, stanza); end
-		if up then stanza:up(); else return stanza end
-	elseif tuple[1] == "xmlcdata" then
-		stanza:text(tuple[2]);
-	else
-		error("unknown element type: "..serialize(tuple));
-	end
-function build_time(tuple)
-	local Megaseconds,Seconds,Microseconds = unpack(tuple);
-	return Megaseconds * 1000000 + Seconds;
-function vcard(node, host, stanza)
-	local ret, err =, host, "vcard", st.preserialize(stanza));
-	print("["..(err or "success").."] vCard: "..node.."@";
-function password(node, host, password)
-	local ret, err =, host, "accounts", {password = password});
-	print("["..(err or "success").."] accounts: "..node.."@"" = "..password);
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+package.loaded["util.logger"] = {init = function() return function() end; end}
+local dm = require "util.datamanager"
+function build_stanza(tuple, stanza)
+	if tuple[1] == "xmlelement" then
+		local name = tuple[2];
+		local attr = {};
+		for _, a in ipairs(tuple[3]) do attr[a[1]] = a[2]; end
+		local up;
+		if stanza then stanza:tag(name, attr); up = true; else stanza = st.stanza(name, attr); end
+		for _, a in ipairs(tuple[4]) do build_stanza(a, stanza); end
+		if up then stanza:up(); else return stanza end
+	elseif tuple[1] == "xmlcdata" then
+		stanza:text(tuple[2]);
+	else
+		error("unknown element type: "..serialize(tuple));
+	end
+function build_time(tuple)
+	local Megaseconds,Seconds,Microseconds = unpack(tuple);
+	return Megaseconds * 1000000 + Seconds;
+function vcard(node, host, stanza)
+	local ret, err =, host, "vcard", st.preserialize(stanza));
+	print("["..(err or "success").."] vCard: "..node.."@";
+function password(node, host, password)
+	local ret, err =, host, "accounts", {password = password});
+	print("["..(err or "success").."] accounts: "..node.."@"" = "..password);
 function roster(node, host, jid, item)
 	local roster = dm.load(node, host, "roster") or {};
 	roster[jid] = item;
@@ -59,99 +59,99 @@
 	local ret, err =, host, "roster", roster);
 	print("["..(err or "success").."] roster: " ..node.."@"" - "..jid);
-function private_storage(node, host, xmlns, stanza)
-	local private = dm.load(node, host, "private") or {};
-	private[":"..xmlns] = st.preserialize(stanza);
-	local ret, err =, host, "private", private);
-	print("["..(err or "success").."] private: " ..node.."@"" - "..xmlns);
-function offline_msg(node, host, t, stanza)
-	stanza.attr.stamp ="!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t);
-	stanza.attr.stamp_legacy ="!%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", t);
-	local ret, err = dm.list_append(node, host, "offline", st.preserialize(stanza));
-	print("["..(err or "success").."] offline: " ..node.."@"" - ""!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t));
-local filters = {
-	passwd = function(tuple)
-		password(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[3]);
-	end;
-	vcard = function(tuple)
-		vcard(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], build_stanza(tuple[3]));
-	end;
-	roster = function(tuple)
-		local node = tuple[3][1]; local host = tuple[3][2];
-		local contact = (type(tuple[4][1]) == "table") and tuple[4][2] or tuple[4][1].."@"..tuple[4][2];
-		local name = tuple[5]; local subscription = tuple[6];
-		local ask = tuple[7]; local groups = tuple[8];
-		if type(name) ~= type("") then name = nil; end
+function private_storage(node, host, xmlns, stanza)
+	local private = dm.load(node, host, "private") or {};
+	private[":"..xmlns] = st.preserialize(stanza);
+	local ret, err =, host, "private", private);
+	print("["..(err or "success").."] private: " ..node.."@"" - "..xmlns);
+function offline_msg(node, host, t, stanza)
+	stanza.attr.stamp ="!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t);
+	stanza.attr.stamp_legacy ="!%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", t);
+	local ret, err = dm.list_append(node, host, "offline", st.preserialize(stanza));
+	print("["..(err or "success").."] offline: " ..node.."@"" - ""!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t));
+local filters = {
+	passwd = function(tuple)
+		password(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[3]);
+	end;
+	vcard = function(tuple)
+		vcard(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], build_stanza(tuple[3]));
+	end;
+	roster = function(tuple)
+		local node = tuple[3][1]; local host = tuple[3][2];
+		local contact = (type(tuple[4][1]) == "table") and tuple[4][2] or tuple[4][1].."@"..tuple[4][2];
+		local name = tuple[5]; local subscription = tuple[6];
+		local ask = tuple[7]; local groups = tuple[8];
+		if type(name) ~= type("") then name = nil; end
 		if ask == "none" then ask = nil; elseif ask == "out" then ask = "subscribe" elseif ask == "in" then
 			roster_pending(node, host, contact);
-		else error(ask) end
-		if subscription ~= "both" and subscription ~= "from" and subscription ~= "to" and subscription ~= "none" then error(subscription) end
-		local item = {name = name, ask = ask, subscription = subscription, groups = {}};
-		for _, g in ipairs(groups) do item.groups[g] = true; end
-		roster(node, host, contact, item);
-	end;
-	private_storage = function(tuple)
-		private_storage(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[2][3], build_stanza(tuple[3]));
-	end;
-	offline_msg = function(tuple)
-		offline_msg(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], build_time(tuple[3]), build_stanza(tuple[7]));
-	end;
-	config = function(tuple)
-		if tuple[2] == "hosts" then
-			local output = io.output(); io.output("prosody.cfg.lua");
-			io.write("-- Configuration imported from ejabberd --\n");
-			io.write([[Host "*"
-	modules_enabled = {
-		"saslauth"; -- Authentication for clients and servers. Recommended if you want to log in.
-		"legacyauth"; -- Legacy authentication. Only used by some old clients and bots.
-		"roster"; -- Allow users to have a roster. Recommended ;)
-		"register"; -- Allow users to register on this server using a client
-		"tls"; -- Add support for secure TLS on c2s/s2s connections
-		"vcard"; -- Allow users to set vCards
-		"private"; -- Private XML storage (for room bookmarks, etc.)
-		"version"; -- Replies to server version requests
-		"dialback"; -- s2s dialback support
-		"uptime";
-		"disco";
-		"time";
-		"ping";
-		--"selftests";
-	};
-			for _, h in ipairs(tuple[3]) do
-				io.write("Host \"" .. h .. "\"\n");
-			end
-			io.output(output);
-			print("prosody.cfg.lua created");
-		end
-	end;
-local arg = ...;
-local help = "/? -? ? /h -h /help -help --help";
-if not arg or help:find(arg, 1, true) then
-	print([[ejabberd db dump importer for Prosody
-  Usage: ejabberd2prosody.lua filename.txt
-The file can be generated from ejabberd using:
-  sudo ./bin/ejabberdctl dump filename.txt
-Note: The path of ejabberdctl depends on your ejabberd installation, and ejabberd needs to be running for ejabberdctl to work.]]);
-	os.exit(1);
-local count = 0;
-local t = {};
-for item in erlparse.parseFile(arg) do
-	count = count + 1;
-	local name = item[1];
-	t[name] = (t[name] or 0) + 1;
-	--print(count, serialize(item));
-	if filters[name] then filters[name](item); end
+		else error(ask) end
+		if subscription ~= "both" and subscription ~= "from" and subscription ~= "to" and subscription ~= "none" then error(subscription) end
+		local item = {name = name, ask = ask, subscription = subscription, groups = {}};
+		for _, g in ipairs(groups) do item.groups[g] = true; end
+		roster(node, host, contact, item);
+	end;
+	private_storage = function(tuple)
+		private_storage(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], tuple[2][3], build_stanza(tuple[3]));
+	end;
+	offline_msg = function(tuple)
+		offline_msg(tuple[2][1], tuple[2][2], build_time(tuple[3]), build_stanza(tuple[7]));
+	end;
+	config = function(tuple)
+		if tuple[2] == "hosts" then
+			local output = io.output(); io.output("prosody.cfg.lua");
+			io.write("-- Configuration imported from ejabberd --\n");
+			io.write([[Host "*"
+	modules_enabled = {
+		"saslauth"; -- Authentication for clients and servers. Recommended if you want to log in.
+		"legacyauth"; -- Legacy authentication. Only used by some old clients and bots.
+		"roster"; -- Allow users to have a roster. Recommended ;)
+		"register"; -- Allow users to register on this server using a client
+		"tls"; -- Add support for secure TLS on c2s/s2s connections
+		"vcard"; -- Allow users to set vCards
+		"private"; -- Private XML storage (for room bookmarks, etc.)
+		"version"; -- Replies to server version requests
+		"dialback"; -- s2s dialback support
+		"uptime";
+		"disco";
+		"time";
+		"ping";
+		--"selftests";
+	};
+			for _, h in ipairs(tuple[3]) do
+				io.write("Host \"" .. h .. "\"\n");
+			end
+			io.output(output);
+			print("prosody.cfg.lua created");
+		end
+	end;
+local arg = ...;
+local help = "/? -? ? /h -h /help -help --help";
+if not arg or help:find(arg, 1, true) then
+	print([[ejabberd db dump importer for Prosody
+  Usage: ejabberd2prosody.lua filename.txt
+The file can be generated from ejabberd using:
+  sudo ./bin/ejabberdctl dump filename.txt
+Note: The path of ejabberdctl depends on your ejabberd installation, and ejabberd needs to be running for ejabberdctl to work.]]);
+	os.exit(1);
+local count = 0;
+local t = {};
+for item in erlparse.parseFile(arg) do
+	count = count + 1;
+	local name = item[1];
+	t[name] = (t[name] or 0) + 1;
+	--print(count, serialize(item));
+	if filters[name] then filters[name](item); end
--- a/tools/erlparse.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ b/tools/erlparse.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -7,133 +7,133 @@
-local file = nil;
-local last = nil;
-local function read(expected)
-	local ch;
-	if last then
-		ch = last; last = nil;
-	else ch = file:read(1); end
-	if expected and ch ~= expected then error("expected: "..expected.."; got: "..(ch or "nil")); end
-	return ch;
-local function pushback(ch)
-	if last then error(); end
-	last = ch;
-local function peek()
-	if not last then last = read(); end
-	return last;
-local _A, _a, _Z, _z, _0, _9, __, _space = string.byte("AaZz09_ ", 1, 8);
-local function isAlpha(ch)
-	ch = string.byte(ch) or 0;
-	return (ch >= _A and ch <= _Z) or (ch >= _a and ch <= _z);
-local function isNumeric(ch)
-	ch = string.byte(ch) or 0;
-	return (ch >= _0 and ch <= _9);
-local function isVar(ch)
-	ch = string.byte(ch) or 0;
-	return (ch >= _A and ch <= _Z) or (ch >= _a and ch <= _z) or (ch >= _0 and ch <= _9) or ch == __;
-local function isSpace(ch)
-	ch = string.byte(ch) or "x";
-	return ch <= _space;
-local function readString()
-	read("\""); -- skip quote
-	local slash = nil;
-	local str = "";
-	while true do
-		local ch = read();
-		if ch == "\"" and not slash then break; end
-		str =;
-	end
-	str = str:gsub("\\.", {["\\b"]="\b", ["\\d"]="\d", ["\\e"]="\e", ["\\f"]="\f", ["\\n"]="\n", ["\\r"]="\r", ["\\s"]="\s", ["\\t"]="\t", ["\\v"]="\v", ["\\\""]="\"", ["\\'"]="'", ["\\\\"]="\\"});
-	return str;
-local function readSpecialString()
-	read("<"); read("<"); -- read <<
-	local str = "";
-	if peek() == "\"" then
-		str = readString();
-	elseif peek() ~= ">" then
-		error();
-	end
-	read(">"); read(">"); -- read >>
-	return str;
-local function readVar()
-	local var = read();
-	while isVar(peek()) do
-		var =;
-	end
-	return var;
-local function readNumber()
-	local num = read();
-	while isNumeric(peek()) do
-		num =;
-	end
-	return tonumber(num);
-local readItem = nil;
-local function readTuple()
-	local t = {};
-	read(); -- read { or [
-	while true do
-		local item = readItem();
-		if not item then break; end
-		table.insert(t, item);
-	end
-	read(); -- read } or ]
-	return t;
-readItem = function()
-	local ch = peek();
-	if ch == nil then return nil end
-	if ch == "{" or ch == "[" then
-		return readTuple();
-	elseif isAlpha(ch) then
-		return readVar();
-	elseif isNumeric(ch) then
-		return readNumber();
-	elseif ch == "\"" then
-		return readString();
-	elseif ch == "<" then
-		return readSpecialString();
-	elseif isSpace(ch) or ch == "," or ch == "|" then
-		read();
-		return readItem();
-	else
-		--print("Unknown char: ";
-		return nil;
-	end
-local function readChunk()
-	local x = readItem();
-	if x then read("."); end
-	return x;
-local function readFile(filename)
-	file =;
-	if not file then error("File not found: "..filename); os.exit(0); end
-	return function()
-		local x = readChunk();
-		if not x and peek() then error("Invalid char: "..peek()); end
-		return x;
-	end;
-module "erlparse"
-function parseFile(file)
-	return readFile(file);
-return _M;
+local file = nil;
+local last = nil;
+local function read(expected)
+	local ch;
+	if last then
+		ch = last; last = nil;
+	else ch = file:read(1); end
+	if expected and ch ~= expected then error("expected: "..expected.."; got: "..(ch or "nil")); end
+	return ch;
+local function pushback(ch)
+	if last then error(); end
+	last = ch;
+local function peek()
+	if not last then last = read(); end
+	return last;
+local _A, _a, _Z, _z, _0, _9, __, _space = string.byte("AaZz09_ ", 1, 8);
+local function isAlpha(ch)
+	ch = string.byte(ch) or 0;
+	return (ch >= _A and ch <= _Z) or (ch >= _a and ch <= _z);
+local function isNumeric(ch)
+	ch = string.byte(ch) or 0;
+	return (ch >= _0 and ch <= _9);
+local function isVar(ch)
+	ch = string.byte(ch) or 0;
+	return (ch >= _A and ch <= _Z) or (ch >= _a and ch <= _z) or (ch >= _0 and ch <= _9) or ch == __;
+local function isSpace(ch)
+	ch = string.byte(ch) or "x";
+	return ch <= _space;
+local function readString()
+	read("\""); -- skip quote
+	local slash = nil;
+	local str = "";
+	while true do
+		local ch = read();
+		if ch == "\"" and not slash then break; end
+		str =;
+	end
+	str = str:gsub("\\.", {["\\b"]="\b", ["\\d"]="\d", ["\\e"]="\e", ["\\f"]="\f", ["\\n"]="\n", ["\\r"]="\r", ["\\s"]="\s", ["\\t"]="\t", ["\\v"]="\v", ["\\\""]="\"", ["\\'"]="'", ["\\\\"]="\\"});
+	return str;
+local function readSpecialString()
+	read("<"); read("<"); -- read <<
+	local str = "";
+	if peek() == "\"" then
+		str = readString();
+	elseif peek() ~= ">" then
+		error();
+	end
+	read(">"); read(">"); -- read >>
+	return str;
+local function readVar()
+	local var = read();
+	while isVar(peek()) do
+		var =;
+	end
+	return var;
+local function readNumber()
+	local num = read();
+	while isNumeric(peek()) do
+		num =;
+	end
+	return tonumber(num);
+local readItem = nil;
+local function readTuple()
+	local t = {};
+	read(); -- read { or [
+	while true do
+		local item = readItem();
+		if not item then break; end
+		table.insert(t, item);
+	end
+	read(); -- read } or ]
+	return t;
+readItem = function()
+	local ch = peek();
+	if ch == nil then return nil end
+	if ch == "{" or ch == "[" then
+		return readTuple();
+	elseif isAlpha(ch) then
+		return readVar();
+	elseif isNumeric(ch) then
+		return readNumber();
+	elseif ch == "\"" then
+		return readString();
+	elseif ch == "<" then
+		return readSpecialString();
+	elseif isSpace(ch) or ch == "," or ch == "|" then
+		read();
+		return readItem();
+	else
+		--print("Unknown char: ";
+		return nil;
+	end
+local function readChunk()
+	local x = readItem();
+	if x then read("."); end
+	return x;
+local function readFile(filename)
+	file =;
+	if not file then error("File not found: "..filename); os.exit(0); end
+	return function()
+		local x = readChunk();
+		if not x and peek() then error("Invalid char: "..peek()); end
+		return x;
+	end;
+module "erlparse"
+function parseFile(file)
+	return readFile(file);
+return _M;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/broadcast.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+-- Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, type = 
+        ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, type;
+module "pubsub"
+local pubsub_node_mt = { __index = _M };
+function new_node(name)
+	return setmetatable({ name = name, subscribers = {} }, pubsub_node_mt);
+function set_subscribers(node, subscribers_list, list_type)
+	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
+	if list_type == "array" then
+		for _, jid in ipairs(subscribers_list) do
+			if not subscribers[jid] then
+				node:add_subscriber(jid);
+			end
+		end
+	elseif (not list_type) or list_type == "set" then
+		for jid in pairs(subscribers_list) do
+			if type(jid) == "string" then
+				node:add_subscriber(jid);
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function get_subscribers(node)
+	return node.subscribers;
+function publish(node, item, dispatcher, data)
+	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
+	for i = 1,#subscribers do
+ = subscribers[i];
+		dispatcher(data, item);
+	end
+function add_subscriber(node, jid)
+	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
+	if not subscribers[jid] then
+		local space = #subscribers;
+		subscribers[space] = jid;
+		subscribers[jid] = space;
+	end
+function remove_subscriber(node, jid)
+	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
+	if subscribers[jid] then
+		subscribers[subscribers[jid]] = nil;
+		subscribers[jid] = nil;
+	end
+return _M;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/helpers.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:58 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module("helpers", package.seeall);
+-- Helper functions for debugging
+local log = require "util.logger".init("util.debug");
+function log_events(events, name, logger)
+	local f = events.fire_event;
+	if not f then
+		error("Object does not appear to be a object");
+	end
+	logger = logger or log;
+	name = name or tostring(events);
+	function events.fire_event(event, ...)
+		logger("debug", "%s firing event: %s", name, event);
+	end
+	events[events.fire_event] = f;
+	return events;
+function revert_log_events(events)
+	events.fire_event, events[events.fire_event] = events[events.fire_event], nil; -- :)
+return _M;
--- a/util/pubsub.lua	Wed Jul 22 21:35:41 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
--- Prosody IM
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain
--- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
--- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
-local ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, type = 
-        ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, type;
-module "pubsub"
-local pubsub_node_mt = { __index = _M };
-function new_node(name)
-	return setmetatable({ name = name, subscribers = {} }, pubsub_node_mt);
-function set_subscribers(node, subscribers_list, list_type)
-	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
-	if list_type == "array" then
-		for _, jid in ipairs(subscribers_list) do
-			if not subscribers[jid] then
-				node:add_subscriber(jid);
-			end
-		end
-	elseif (not list_type) or list_type == "set" then
-		for jid in pairs(subscribers_list) do
-			if type(jid) == "string" then
-				node:add_subscriber(jid);
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function get_subscribers(node)
-	return node.subscribers;
-function publish(node, item, dispatcher, data)
-	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
-	for i = 1,#subscribers do
- = subscribers[i];
-		dispatcher(data, item);
-	end
-function add_subscriber(node, jid)
-	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
-	if not subscribers[jid] then
-		local space = #subscribers;
-		subscribers[space] = jid;
-		subscribers[jid] = space;
-	end
-function remove_subscriber(node, jid)
-	local subscribers = node.subscribers;
-	if subscribers[jid] then
-		subscribers[subscribers[jid]] = nil;
-		subscribers[jid] = nil;
-	end
-return _M;
