Fixed: mod_roster: Prep JIDs being added to roster (part of issue #57)

Fixed: mod_register: Node prepping was not being applied to usernames (part of issue #57)

Fixed: mod_regster: traceback when removing accounts

Fixed: rostermanager: Create new roster item if one doesn't exist on subscription approval (fixes issue #77)

Fixed: stanza_router: Respond with correct stanza error on malformed stanzas

Fixed: net/http.lua: HTTP request callback wasn't being called on some errors

util.array: Add :reverse() method

util.datetime: Allow specifying a time to format

util.array: Expose array.* functions, to be used for unwrapped arrays

util.iterators: New iterators library

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip
