xmppserver_listener: Use listener log() if session doesn't have one yet (thanks Flo)

mod_console: Add commands host:activate(host, config) and host:deactivate(host, reason) to add/remove hosts at runtime

s2smanager: Add incoming_s2s to the prosody object

hostmanager: deactivate() now accepts a reason, closes s2s connections as well as disconnecting users, and unloads modules for the host

hostmanager: Add return _M;

tests: Fix stanza_router tests to work with the new routing code, finally all tests pass again \o/

tests: More environment magic to help get stuff working in a sandbox

stanza_router: Localize hosts, full_sessions and bare_sessions, and take from the prosody object instead of _G

componentmanager: Handle missing prosody object (helps us pass some tests)

prosody: Move global protection earlier (to before modules are loaded, etc.)

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