Merge with 0.7

mod_debug: Obsoleted by mod_console

mod_selftests: Obsolete, remove

mod_offline: Remove from 0.7 (offline messages are handled in core at the moment)

Backed out changeset e7b09424b486 (not removing mod_offline for trunk)

mod_offline: Remove from 0.7 (offline messages are handled in core at the moment)

mod_storage, plus a bit of SQL and XML.

Merge with 0.7

s2smanager: Use s2smanager log() if session doesn't have a logger (thanks Flo)

net.http: Update print()s to log()s - don't ask how this came to be, I have no idea :)

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
