net.server_{select,event}: Fail gracefully if socket doesn't have a setoption method (LuaSec issue I think)

net.server_event: Replace all calls to _start_ssl() to its bigger brother starttls() - fixes 5223 w/ libevent

objectmanager: Obsolete, remove

actions: Obsolete, remove

mod_actions_http: Obsolete, remove

mod_bosh: Trailing whitespace

s2smanager: Log error and fail gracefully if we can't open a socket for an outgoing s2s connection (thanks foucault)

net.xmppserver_listener: Handle stream-error errors from xmlhandlers, and close session in response

net.xmppserver_listener: Extend session:close() with a remote_reason parameter

s2smanager: No-one noticed that Prosody stopped sending to/from on stream headers recently? :)

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
