sessionmanager, s2smanager: Give sessions dummy data handlers that log when data is received by a destroyed session

net.dns: Normalize records before placing them in the cache, fixes issues with CNAME targets in CAPS (fixes #161)

net.dns: Update for new socket API

hostmanager: Small optimisation in checking whether a host is enabled

hostmanager: Log an error if no hosts are defined

mod_privacy: Remove the non-working sendNeededUnavailablePresences() and the related commented code

mod_privacy: Fix to correctly iterate over lists stored in new format

mod_privacy: Upgrade old privacy lists to new storage format, so they don't get lost

s2smanager, mod_compression, mod_tls: Changed event.session to event.origin for s2s-stream-features event for consistency.

mod_saslauth: Hook stream-features event using new events API.

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