mod_saslauth: Requiring c2s encryption means requiring c2s encryption... thanks Flo

net.dns: Update synchronous path for new connection API

util.prosodyctl: Saner determination of Prosody executable path

mod_pep: Added a TODO.

mod_pep: Handle service discovery queries for bare account JIDs (thanks darkrain).

mod_disco: Handle and fire events for service discovery queries for bare account JIDs (thanks darkrain).

s2smanager: Give reasons to destroy_session in more cases, including when DNS lookup fails

Merge with backout branch

s2smanager: Send reply stream header only after checking we serve this host (sorry darkrain... :) )

Backed out changeset 78c5cb163ea9, to fix another way. Haven't done this for a while :)

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
