mod_console: Added support for multiple arguments to print().

storagemanager: Fixed a nil access.

prosody.resolve_relative_path: Updated to take a parent path to resolve against.

storagemanager: Initial commit.

Merge 0.7->trunk

certmanager: Don't disable LuaSec and future cert loading on failure, and add error messages to the no LuaSec/config cases (thanks Jakob)

net.server_select: Remove 'now' parameter from starttls(), and base it on whether the sendbuffer is empty instead

mod_tls: Remove extraneous flag to starttls() for s2sout connecections

net.server_event: Fix to not call onconnect a second time after the SSL handshake for starttls connections (thanks Flo)

usermanager, mod_auth_internal_hashed, mod_legacyauth: New order of parameters for usermanager.test_password - username, host, password

(0) -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
