net.dns: Initialize default resolver on module load (instead of on first use).

net.dns: Updated to use for enumerating nameservers on Windows.

net.httpserver: Pass correct connection object to disconnect listener, which fixes a small leak

prosodyctl: Put 'pidfile' in quotes to make more clear that it is the literal name of the option

MUC: Include occupants' real JIDs in their presence (semi-anonymous rooms). Added support for, improved cleanup of temporary files, switched to dynamic linking with MSVCRT, etc. Initial commit. Adds support for querying the windows DNS API for nameservers.

util.dataforms: Only add value to rendered form if supplied in the data

util.pposix: Add abort() function

server.lua: Standardise on 'client' variable to refer to the socket, makes the code a bit cleaner

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
