util.signal: Restore the old debug hook earlier, just in case we receive another signal between clearing the signal queue and restoring it

util.signal: Update version in header, and author's email

util.signal: Queue up multiple signals, instead of trampling on the previous debug hook (and never clearing our own)

prosody: net_activate_ports: Accept strings as well as numbers for specifying ports

prosody: Read list of possible config extensions from configmanager, removes old TODO

configmanager: Add parsers() method to return an array of supported config formats

s2smanager: Split sending of stream header into a :open_stream() method

net.dns: Make sure math.randomseed() gets passed an integer

net.server_select: Fix oops in last commit

net.server_select: Allow setting the logger using server.setlogger

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
