Merge with 0.5

MUC: Added the MUC child element to conflict errors 0.5.1

Added: Support for PROSODY_SRCDIR and PROSODY_PLUGINDIR environment variables

mod_pep: Added support for pubsub item retraction

Merge with 0.5

xmpp{client,server,component]_listener: Open stream if sending an error and it isn't already open. Fixes #120

mod_console: Finally add in the missing 'help' command \o/

configmanager: Default options appearing before Host "*" to global (fixes potential traceback)

hostmanager: Warn when user puts port configuration under vhost section

core.loggingmanager: Enable timestamps by default for file log sinks

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
