
Thu, 09 Jul 2009 04:37:08 +0100

Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
Thu, 09 Jul 2009 04:37:08 +0100
changeset 1503
parent 894
child 1523

mod_console: Add quit and exit as aliases for 'bye' command

-- Prosody IM v0.4
-- This file is included with Prosody IM. It has modifications,
-- which are hereby placed in the public domain.

-- public domain 20080410 lua@ztact.com

pcall (require, 'lfs')      -- lfs may not be installed/necessary.
pcall (require, 'pozix')    -- pozix may not be installed/necessary.

local getfenv, ipairs, next, pairs, pcall, require, select, tostring, type =
      getfenv, ipairs, next, pairs, pcall, require, select, tostring, type
local unpack, xpcall =
      unpack, xpcall

local io, lfs, os, string, table, pozix = io, lfs, os, string, table, pozix

local assert, print = assert, print

local error		= error

module ((...) or 'ztact')    ------------------------------------- module ztact

-- dir -------------------------------------------------------------------- dir

function dir (path)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dir
  local it = lfs.dir (path)
  return function ()
      local dir = it ()
      if dir ~= '.' and dir ~= '..' then  return dir  end
    until not dir
    end  end

function is_file (path)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  is_file (path)
  local mode = lfs.attributes (path, 'mode')
  return mode == 'file' and path

-- network byte ordering -------------------------------- network byte ordering

function htons (word)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - htons
  return (word-word%0x100)/0x100, word%0x100

-- pcall2 -------------------------------------------------------------- pcall2

getfenv ().pcall = pcall    -- store the original pcall as ztact.pcall

local argc, argv, errorhandler, pcall2_f

local function _pcall2 ()    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _pcall2
  local tmpv = argv
  argv = nil
  return pcall2_f (unpack (tmpv, 1, argc))

function seterrorhandler (func)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - seterrorhandler
  errorhandler = func

function pcall2 (f, ...)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pcall2

  pcall2_f = f
  argc = select ('#', ...)
  argv = { ... }

  if not errorhandler then
    local debug = require ('debug')
    errorhandler = debug.traceback

  return xpcall (_pcall2, errorhandler)

function append (t, ...)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - append
  local insert = table.insert
  for i,v in ipairs {...} do
    insert (t, v)
    end  end

function print_r (d, indent)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  print_r
  local rep = string.rep ('  ', indent or 0)
  if type (d) == 'table' then
    for k,v in pairs (d) do
      if type (v) == 'table' then
        io.write (rep, k, '\n')
        print_r (v, (indent or 0) + 1)
      else  io.write (rep, k, ' = ', tostring (v), '\n')  end
  else  io.write (d, '\n')  end

function tohex (s)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  tohex
  return string.format (string.rep ('%02x ', #s), string.byte (s, 1, #s))

function tostring_r (d, indent, tab0)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - -  tostring_r

  tab1 = tab0 or {}
  local rep = string.rep ('  ', indent or 0)
  if type (d) == 'table' then
    for k,v in pairs (d) do
      if type (v) == 'table' then
        append (tab1, rep, k, '\n')
        tostring_r (v, (indent or 0) + 1, tab1)
      else  append (tab1, rep, k, ' = ', tostring (v), '\n')  end
  else  append (tab1, d, '\n')  end

  if not tab0 then  return table.concat (tab1)  end

-- queue manipulation -------------------------------------- queue manipulation

-- Possible queue states.  1 (i.e. queue.p[1]) is head of queue.
-- 1..2
-- 3..4  1..2
-- 3..4  1..2  5..6
-- 1..2        5..6
--             1..2

local function print_queue (queue, ...)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - print_queue
  for i=1,10 do  io.write ((queue[i]   or '.')..' ')  end
  io.write ('\t')
  for i=1,6  do  io.write ((queue.p[i] or '.')..' ')  end
  print (...)

function dequeue (queue)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  dequeue

  local p = queue.p
  if not p and queue[1] then  queue.p = { 1, #queue }  p = queue.p  end

  if not p[1] then  return nil  end

  local element = queue[p[1]]
  queue[p[1]] = nil

  if p[1] < p[2] then  p[1] = p[1] + 1

  elseif p[4] then  p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]  =  p[3], p[4], nil, nil

  elseif p[5] then  p[1], p[2], p[5], p[6]  =  p[5], p[6], nil, nil

  else  p[1], p[2]  =  nil, nil  end

  print_queue (queue, '  de '..element)
  return element

function enqueue (queue, element)    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enqueue

  local p = queue.p
  if not p then  queue.p = {}  p = queue.p  end

  if p[5] then    -- p3..p4 p1..p2 p5..p6
    p[6] = p[6]+1
    queue[p[6]] = element

  elseif p[3] then    -- p3..p4 p1..p2

    if p[4]+1 < p[1] then
      p[4] = p[4] + 1
      queue[p[4]] = element

      p[5] = p[2]+1
      p[6], queue[p[5]] = p[5], element

  elseif p[1] then    -- p1..p2
    if p[1] == 1 then
      p[2] = p[2] + 1
      queue[p[2]] = element

        p[3], p[4], queue[1] = 1, 1, element

  else    -- empty queue
    p[1], p[2], queue[1] = 1, 1, element

  print_queue (queue, '     '..element)

local function test_queue ()
  t = {}
  enqueue (t, 1)
  enqueue (t, 2)
  enqueue (t, 3)
  enqueue (t, 4)
  enqueue (t, 5)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  enqueue (t, 6)
  enqueue (t, 7)
  enqueue (t, 8)
  enqueue (t, 9)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  enqueue (t, 'a')
  dequeue (t)
  enqueue (t, 'b')
  enqueue (t, 'c')
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  enqueue (t, 'd')
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)
  dequeue (t)

-- test_queue ()

function queue_len (queue)

function queue_peek (queue)

-- tree manipulation ---------------------------------------- tree manipulation

function set (parent, ...)    --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - set

  -- print ('set', ...)

  local len = select ('#', ...)
  local key, value = select (len-1, ...)
  local cutpoint, cutkey

  for i=1,len-2 do

    local key = select (i, ...)
    local child = parent[key]

    if value == nil then
      if child == nil then  return
      elseif next (child, next (child)) then  cutpoint = nil  cutkey = nil
      elseif cutpoint == nil then  cutpoint = parent  cutkey = key  end

    elseif child == nil then  child = {}  parent[key] = child  end

    parent = child

  if value == nil and cutpoint then  cutpoint[cutkey] = nil
  else  parent[key] = value  return value  end

function get (parent, ...)    --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - get
  local len = select ('#', ...)
  for i=1,len do
    parent = parent[select (i, ...)]
    if parent == nil then  break  end
  return parent

-- misc ------------------------------------------------------------------ misc

function find (path, ...)    --------------------------------------------- find

  local dirs, operators = { path }, {...}
  for operator in ivalues (operators) do
    if not operator (path) then  break  end  end

  while next (dirs) do
    local parent = table.remove (dirs)
    for child in assert (pozix.opendir (parent)) do
      if  child  and  child ~= '.'  and  child ~= '..'  then
        local path = parent..'/'..child
	if pozix.stat (path, 'is_dir') then  table.insert (dirs, path)  end
        for operator in ivalues (operators) do
          if not operator (path) then  break  end  end
        end  end  end  end

function ivalues (t)    ----------------------------------------------- ivalues
  local i = 0
  return function ()  if t[i+1] then  i = i + 1  return t[i]  end  end

function lson_encode (mixed, f, indent, indents)    --------------- lson_encode

  local capture
  if not f then
    capture = {}
    f = function (s)  append (capture, s)  end

  indent = indent or 0
  indents = indents or {}
  indents[indent] = indents[indent] or string.rep (' ', 2*indent)

  local type = type (mixed)

  if type == 'number' then f (mixed)

  else if type == 'string' then f (string.format ('%q', mixed))

  else if type == 'table' then
    f ('{')
    for k,v in pairs (mixed) do
      f ('\n')
      f (indents[indent])
      f ('[')  f (lson_encode (k))  f ('] = ')
      lson_encode (v, f, indent+1, indents)
      f (',')
    f (' }')
    end  end  end

  if capture then  return table.concat (capture)  end

function timestamp (time)    ---------------------------------------- timestamp
  return os.date ('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S', time)

function values (t)    ------------------------------------------------- values
  local k, v
  return function ()  k, v = next (t, k)  return v  end
