
changeset 0
child 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/luatraverse.lua	Mon Oct 26 02:26:39 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+-- This module implements a function that traverses all live objects.
+-- You can implement your own function to pass as a parameter of traverse
+-- and give you the information you want. As an example we have implemented
+-- countreferences and findallpaths
+-- Alexandra Barros - 2006.03.15
+module("gc", package.seeall)
+local List = {}
+function ()
+	return {first = 0, last = -1}
+function List.push (list, value)
+	local last = list.last + 1
+    list.last = last
+    list[last] = value
+function List.pop (list)	
+    local first = list.first
+    if first > list.last then error("list is empty") end
+    local value = list[first]
+    list[first] = nil        
+    list.first = first + 1
+    return value
+function List.isempty (list)
+	return list.first > list.last
+-- Counts all references for a given object
+function countreferences(value)
+	local count = -1 
+	local f = function(from, to, how, v)
+		if to == value then 
+			count = count + 1
+		end 
+	end	
+	traverse({edge=f}, {count, f})
+	return count
+-- Prints all paths to an object
+function findallpaths(obj)
+	local comefrom = {}
+	local f = function(from, to, how, value)
+		if not comefrom[to] then comefrom[to] = {} end
+		table.insert(comefrom[to], 1, {f = from, h = how, v=value})		
+	end
+	traverse({edge=f}, {comefrom, f})
+	local function printpath(to)
+		if not to or comefrom[to].visited or to == _G then
+			print("-----")
+			return
+		end
+		comefrom[to].visited = true
+		for i=1, #comefrom[to] do
+			local tfrom = comefrom[to][i].f
+			print("from: ", tfrom, "\nhow:", comefrom[to][i].h,
+					"\nvalue:", comefrom[to][i].v)
+			printpath(tfrom)
+		end			
+	end
+	printpath(obj)
+-- Main function
+-- 'funcs' is a table that contains a funcation for every lua type and also the
+-- function edge edge (traverseedge).
+function traverse(funcs, ignoreobjs)
+	-- The keys of the marked table are the objetcts (for example, table: 00442330).
+	-- The value of each key is true if the object has been found and false
+	-- otherwise.
+	local env = {marked = {},, funcs=funcs}
+	if ignoreobjs then
+		for i=1, #ignoreobjs do
+			env.marked[ignoreobjs[i]] = true
+		end
+	end
+	env.marked["gc"] = true
+	env.marked[gc] = true
+	-- marks and inserts on the list
+	edge(env, nil, "_G", "isname", nil)
+	edge(env, nil, _G, "key", "_G")
+	-- traverses the active thread
+	-- inserts the local variables
+	-- interates over the function on the stack, starting from the one that
+	-- called traverse
+	for i=2, math.huge do
+		local info = debug.getinfo(i, "f") 
+		if not info then break end 
+		for j=1, math.huge do
+			local n, v = debug.getlocal(i, j)
+			if not n then break end
+			edge(env, nil, n, "isname", nil)
+			edge(env, nil, v, "local", n)
+		end
+	end
+ 	while not List.isempty(env.list) do	 		
+		local obj = List.pop(env.list)
+ 		local t = type(obj)
+ 		gc["traverse" .. t](env, obj)
+	end			
+function traversetable(env, obj)
+	local f = env.funcs.table
+	if f then f(obj) end
+	for key, value in pairs(obj) do	
+		edge(env, obj, key, "iskey", nil)
+		edge(env, obj, value, "key", key)		
+	end
+	local mtable = debug.getmetatable(obj)
+	if mtable then edge(env, obj, mtable, "ismetatable", nil) end
+function traversestring(env, obj)
+	local f = env.funcs.string
+	if f then f(obj) end
+function traverseuserdata(env, obj)
+	local f = env.funcs.userdata
+	if f then f(obj) end
+	local mtable = debug.getmetatable(obj)
+	if mtable then edge(env, obj, mtable, "ismetatable", nil) end
+	local fenv = debug.getfenv(obj)
+	if fenv then edge(env, obj, fenv, "environment", nil) end
+function traversefunction(env, obj)
+	local f = env.funcs.func
+	if f then f(obj) end
+	-- gets the upvalues
+	local i = 1	
+	while true do
+		local n, v = debug.getupvalue(obj, i)
+		if not n then break end -- when there is no upvalues
+		edge(env, obj, n, "isname", nil)
+		edge(env, obj, v, "upvalue", n)
+		i = i + 1
+	end
+	local fenv = debug.getfenv(obj)
+	edge(env, obj, fenv, "enviroment", nil)
+function traversethread(env, t)
+	local f = env.funcs.thread
+	if f then f(t) end
+	for i=1, math.huge do
+		local info = debug.getinfo(t, i, "f") 
+		if not info then break end 
+		for j=1, math.huge do
+			local n, v = debug.getlocal(t, i , j)
+			if not n then break end
+			print(n, v)
+			edge(env, nil, n, "isname", nil)
+			edge(env, nil, v, "local", n)
+		end
+	end
+	local fenv = debug.getfenv(t)
+	edge(env, t, fenv, "enviroment", nil)
+-- 'how' is a string that identifies the content of 'to' and 'value':
+-- 		if 'how' is "iskey", then 'to' é is a key and 'value' is nil.
+-- 		if 'how' is "key", then 'to' is an object and 'value' is the name of the
+--		key.
+function edge(env, from, to, how, value)
+	local t = type(to)	
+	if to and (t~="boolean") and (t~="number") and (t~="new") then
+		-- If the destination object has not been found yet
+		if not env.marked[to] then 
+			env.marked[to] = true
+			List.push(env.list, to) -- puts on the list to be traversed
+		end
+		local f = env.funcs.edge
+		if f then f(from, to, how, value) end
+	end	
\ No newline at end of file
