
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 03:59:23 +0100

Matthew Wild <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 03:59:23 +0100
changeset 1
parent 0

Initial set of changes to make 'insert' mode 'normal', eradicate 'command' mode and adjust key bindings appropriately (following common binding patterns from other browsers, and in places the nano text editor)

-- Keybindings --

binds = {}

-- Binding aliases
local key, buf, but, cmd = lousy.bind.key, lousy.bind.buf, lousy.bind.but, lousy.bind.cmd

-- Globals or defaults that are used in binds
local scroll_step = globals.scroll_step or 20
local zoom_step   = globals.zoom_step or 0.1
local homepage    = globals.homepage or ""

-- Add key bindings to be used across all windows in the given modes.
binds.mode_binds = {
     -- buf(Pattern,                    function (w, buffer, opts) .. end, opts),
     -- key({Modifiers}, Key name,      function (w, opts)         .. end, opts),
     -- but({Modifiers}, Button num,    function (w, opts)         .. end, opts),
    all = {
        key({},          "Escape",      function (w) w:set_mode("normal") end),
        key({"Control"}, "e",           function (w) w:set_mode("command") end),
        key({"Control"}, "n",           function (w) w:set_mode("normal") end),
        key({"Control"}, "x",           function (w) w:close_tab() end),

        key({"Control"}, "c",           function (w) if w:get_mode() ~= "normal" then w:set_mode("normal"); end end),

	-- Location
        key({"Control"}, "t",           function (w) w:new_tab(homepage); end),

	-- Location
        key({"Control"}, "l",           function (w) w:set_mode("url-entry"); end),
        -- Web search
        key({"Control"}, "k",           function (w) w:enter_cmd(":websearch google ") end);
        -- Back and forth
	key({"Mod1"},    "Left",        function (w) w:back()    end);
	key({"Mod1"},    "Right",       function (w) w:forward()    end);
	-- Tab/buffer switching
	key({"Mod1"},    ".",           function (w) w:next_tab(1)    end);
	key({"Mod1"},    ",",           function (w) w:prev_tab(1)    end);
        key({"Control"}, "Page_Up",     function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
        key({"Control"}, "Page_Down",   function (w) w:next_tab() end),
        key({"Control"}, "p",           function (w) w:navigate(luakit.get_selection("c")) end),
        key({"Control"}, "P",           function (w) w:new_tab(luakit.get_selection("c"))  end),
        key({"Control"}, "y",           function (w) luakit.set_selection((w:get_current() or {}).uri or "", "c") end),
        key({"Control"}, "Y",           function (w) luakit.set_selection(, "c") end),

        key({"Control"}, "r",           function (w) w:reload() end),

	key({"Mod1"},    "Home",        function (w) w:navigate(homepage)  end);

        key({"Control"}, "+",           function (w) w:zoom_in(zoom_step)  end),
        key({"Control"}, "-",           function (w) w:zoom_out(zoom_step) end),

        but({},          8,             function (w) w:back()    end),
        but({},          9,             function (w) w:forward() end),

        key({},          "XF86Back",    function (w) w:back() end),
        key({},          "XF86Forward", function (w) w:forward() end),
        -- Link following
        key({"Mod1"},    "f",           function (w) w:set_mode("follow") end),

        -- Bookmarking
        key({"Control"}, "d",           function (w) end),
        key({"Control"}, "b",           function (w) w:navigate(bookmarks.dump_html()) end),
        key({"Control"}, "B",           function (w) w:new_tab(bookmarks.dump_html()) end),

        -- Mouse bindings
        but({},          2,             function (w)
                                            -- Open hovered uri in new tab
                                            local uri = w:get_current().hovered_uri
                                            if uri then w:new_tab(uri)
                                            else -- Open selection in current tab
                                                uri = luakit.get_selection()
                                                if uri then w:get_current().uri = uri end
    normal = {
    command = {
        key({"Shift"},   "Insert",      function (w) w:insert_cmd(luakit.get_selection()) end),
        key({},          "Up",          function (w) w:cmd_hist_prev() end),
        key({},          "Down",        function (w) w:cmd_hist_next() end),
        key({},          "Tab",         function (w) w:cmd_completion() end),
        key({"Control"}, "w",           function (w) w:del_word() end),
        key({"Control"}, "u",           function (w) w:del_line() end),
    search = {
        key({},          "Up",          function (w) w:srch_hist_prev() end),
        key({},          "Down",        function (w) w:srch_hist_next() end),
    ["url-entry"] = {
        key({"Control"}, "l",          function (w) w.ibar.input:set_position(-1); end),
    insert = { },

-- Command bindings which are matched in the "command" mode from text
-- entered into the input bar.
binds.commands = {
 -- cmd({Command, Alias1, ...},         function (w, arg, opts) .. end, opts),
    cmd({"open",        "o"  },         function (w, a)    w:navigate(a) end),
    cmd({"tabopen",     "t"  },         function (w, a)    w:new_tab(a) end),
    cmd({"winopen",     "w"  },         function (w, a){a} end),
    cmd({"back"              },         function (w, a)    w:back(tonumber(a) or 1) end),
    cmd({"forward",     "f"  },         function (w, a)    w:forward(tonumber(a) or 1) end),
    cmd({"scroll"            },         function (w, a)    w:scroll_vert(a) end),
    cmd({"quit",        "q"  },         function (w)       luakit.quit() end),
    cmd({"close",       "c"  },         function (w)       w:close_tab() end),
    cmd({"websearch",   "ws" },         function (w, e, s) w:websearch(e, s) end),
    cmd({"reload",           },         function (w)       w:reload() end),
    cmd({"viewsource",  "vs" },         function (w)       w:toggle_source(true) end),
    cmd({"viewsource!", "vs!"},         function (w)       w:toggle_source() end),
    cmd({"bookmark",    "bm" },         function (w, a)
                                            local args = lousy.util.string.split(a)
                                            local uri = table.remove(args, 1)
                                            bookmarks.add(uri, args)

-- Helper functions which are added to the window struct
binds.helper_methods = {
    -- Navigate current view or open new tab
    navigate = function (w, uri, view)
        if not view then view = w:get_current() end
        if view then
            view.uri = uri
            return w:new_tab(uri)

    -- search engine wrapper
    websearch = function (w, args)
        local sep = string.find(args, " ")
        local engine = string.sub(args, 1, sep-1)
        local search = string.sub(args, sep+1)
        search = string.gsub(search, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
        if not search_engines[engine] then
            return error("No matching search engine found: " .. engine)
        local uri = string.gsub(search_engines[engine], "{%d}", search)
        return w:navigate(uri)

    -- Tab traversing functions
    next_tab = function (w, n)
        w.tabs:switch((((n or 1) + w.tabs:current() -1) % w.tabs:count()) + 1)

    prev_tab = function (w, n)
        w.tabs:switch(((w.tabs:current() - (n or 1) -1) % w.tabs:count()) + 1)

    goto_tab = function (w, n)

    -- If argument is form-active or root-active, emits signal. Ignores all
    -- other signals.
    emit_form_root_active_signal = function (w, s)
        if s == "form-active" then
        elseif s == "root-active" then

-- Insert webview method lookup on window structure
table.insert(window.indexes, 1, function (w, k)
    -- Lookup bind helper method
    return binds.helper_methods[k]

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