
changeset 0
child 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webview.lua	Wed Sep 01 03:53:30 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+-- WebKit WebView class --
+-- Webview class table
+webview = {}
+-- Table of functions which are called on new webview widgets.
+webview.init_funcs = {
+    -- Set global properties
+    set_global_props = function (view, w)
+        -- Set proxy options
+        local proxy = globals.http_proxy or os.getenv("http_proxy")
+        if proxy then view:set_prop('proxy-uri', proxy) end
+        view:set_prop('user-agent', globals.useragent)
+        -- Set ssl options
+        if globals.ssl_strict ~= nil then
+            view:set_prop('ssl-strict', globals.ssl_strict)
+        end
+        if globals.ca_file and os.exists(globals.ca_file) then
+            view:set_prop('ssl-ca-file', globals.ca_file)
+            -- Warning: update the following variable if 'ssl-ca-file' is
+            -- changed anywhere else.
+            w.checking_ssl = true
+        end
+    end,
+    -- Update window and tab titles
+    title_update = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("property::title", function (v)
+            w:update_tab_labels()
+            if w:is_current(v) then
+                w:update_win_title()
+            end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Update uri label in statusbar
+    uri_update = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("property::uri", function (v)
+            w:update_tab_labels()
+            if w:is_current(v) then
+                w:update_uri(v)
+            end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Update scroll widget
+    scroll_update = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("expose", function (v)
+            if w:is_current(v) then
+                w:update_scroll(v)
+            end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Update progress widget
+    progress_update = function (view, w)
+        for _, sig in ipairs({"load-status", "property::progress"}) do
+            view:add_signal(sig, function (v)
+                if w:is_current(v) then
+                    w:update_progress(v)
+                    w:update_ssl(v)
+                end
+            end)
+        end
+    end,
+    -- Display hovered link in statusbar
+    link_hover_display = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("link-hover", function (v, link)
+            if w:is_current(v) and link then
+                w.sbar.l.uri.text = "Link: " .. lousy.util.escape(link)
+            end
+        end)
+        view:add_signal("link-unhover", function (v)
+            if w:is_current(v) then
+                w:update_uri(v)
+            end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Clicking a form field automatically enters insert mode
+    form_insert_mode = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("form-active", function ()
+            (w.search_state or {}).marker = nil
+            w:set_mode("insert")
+        end)
+        view:add_signal("root-active", function ()
+            (w.search_state or {}).marker = nil
+            w:set_mode()
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Stop key events hitting the webview if the user isn't in insert mode
+    mode_key_filter = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("key-press", function ()
+            if not w:is_mode("insert") then return true end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Try to match a button event to a users button binding else let the
+    -- press hit the webview.
+    button_bind_match = function (view, w)
+        -- Match button press
+        view:add_signal("button-release", function (v, mods, button)
+            (w.search_state or {}).marker = nil
+            if w:hit(mods, button) then return true end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Reset the mode on navigation
+    mode_reset_on_nav = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("load-status", function (v, status)
+            if w:is_current(v) and status == "provisional" then w:set_mode() end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Domain properties
+    domain_properties = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("load-status", function (v, status)
+            if status ~= "provisional" then return end
+            local domain = (v.uri and string.match(v.uri, "^%a+://([^/]*)/?")) or "about:blank"
+            if string.match(domain, "^www.") then domain = string.sub(domain, 5) end
+            local props = lousy.util.table.join(domain_props.all or {}, domain_props[domain] or {})
+            for k, v in pairs(props) do
+                info("Domain prop: %s = %s (%s)", k, tostring(v), domain)
+                view:set_prop(k, v)
+            end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Action to take on mime type decision request.
+    mime_decision = function (view, w)
+        -- Return true to accept or false to reject from this signal.
+        view:add_signal("mime-type-decision", function (v, link, mime)
+            info("Requested link: %s (%s)", link, mime)
+            -- i.e. block binary files like *.exe
+            --if mime == "application/octet-stream" then
+            --    return false
+            --end
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Action to take on window open request.
+    window_decision = function (view, w)
+        -- 'link' contains the download link
+        -- 'reason' contains the reason of the request (i.e. "link-clicked")
+        -- return TRUE to handle the request by yourself or FALSE to proceed
+        -- with default behaviour
+        view:add_signal("new-window-decision", function (v, link, reason)
+            info("New window decision: %s (%s)", link, reason)
+            if reason == "link-clicked" then
+                window.new({ link })
+                return true
+            end
+            w:new_tab(link)
+        end)
+    end,
+    create_webview = function (view, w)
+        -- Return a newly created webview in a new tab
+        view:add_signal("create-web-view", function (v)
+            return w:new_tab()
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Action to take on download request.
+    download_request = function (view, w)
+        -- 'link' contains the download link
+        -- 'filename' contains the suggested filename (from server or webkit)
+        view:add_signal("download-request", function (v, link, filename)
+            if not filename then return end
+            -- Make download dir
+            os.execute(string.format("mkdir -p %q", globals.download_dir))
+            local dl = globals.download_dir .. "/" .. filename
+            local wget = string.format("wget -q %q -O %q", link, dl)
+            info("Launching: %s", wget)
+            luakit.spawn(wget)
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Creates context menu popup from table (and nested tables).
+    -- Use `true` for menu separators.
+    populate_popup = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("populate-popup", function (v)
+            return {
+                true,
+                { "_Toggle Source", function () w:toggle_source() end },
+                { "_Zoom", {
+                    { "Zoom _In",    function () w:zoom_in(globals.zoom_step) end },
+                    { "Zoom _Out",   function () w:zoom_out(globals.zoom_step) end },
+                    true,
+                    { "Zoom _Reset", function () w:zoom_reset() end }, }, },
+            }
+        end)
+    end,
+    -- Action to take on resource request.
+    resource_request_decision = function (view, w)
+        view:add_signal("resource-request-starting", function(v, uri)
+            if luakit.verbose then print("Requesting: "..uri) end
+            -- Return false to cancel the request.
+        end)
+    end,
+-- These methods are present when you index a window instance and no window
+-- method is found in `window.methods`. The window then checks if there is an
+-- active webview and calls the following methods with the given view instance
+-- as the first argument. All methods must take `view` & `w` as the first two
+-- arguments.
+webview.methods = {
+    reload = function (view, w)
+        view:reload()
+    end,
+    -- Property functions
+    get = function (view, w, k)
+        return view:get_prop(k)
+    end,
+    set = function (view, w, k, v)
+        view:set_prop(k, v)
+    end,
+    -- evaluate javascript code and return string result
+    eval_js = function (view, w, script, file)
+        return view:eval_js(script, file or "(inline)")
+    end,
+    -- evaluate javascript code from file and return string result
+    eval_js_from_file = function (view, w, file)
+        local fh, err = io.open(file)
+        if not fh then return error(err) end
+        local script = fh:read("*a")
+        fh:close()
+        return view:eval_js(script, file)
+    end,
+    -- close the current tab
+    close_tab = function (view, w)
+        w.tabs:remove(view)
+        view.uri = "about:blank"
+        view:destroy()
+        w:update_tab_count()
+        w:update_tab_labels()
+    end,
+    -- Toggle source view
+    toggle_source = function (view, w, show)
+        if show == nil then show = not view:get_view_source() end
+        view:set_view_source(show)
+    end,
+    -- Zoom functions
+    zoom_in = function (view, w, step)
+        view:set_prop("zoom-level", view:get_prop("zoom-level") + step)
+    end,
+    zoom_out = function (view, w, step)
+        local value = view:get_prop("zoom-level") - step
+        view:set_prop("zoom-level", ((value > 0.01) and value) or 0.01)
+    end,
+    zoom_reset = function (view, w)
+        view:set_prop("zoom-level", 1.0)
+    end,
+    -- Searching functions
+    start_search = function (view, w, text)
+        if string.match(text, "^[\?\/]") then
+            w:set_mode("search")
+            local i = w.ibar.input
+            i.text = text
+            i:focus()
+            i:set_position(-1)
+        else
+            return error("invalid search term, must start with '?' or '/'")
+        end
+    end,
+    search = function (view, w, text, forward)
+        if forward == nil then forward = true end
+        -- Get search state (or new state)
+        if not w.search_state then w.search_state = {} end
+        local s = w.search_state
+        -- Get search term
+        text = text or s.last_search
+        if not text or #text == 0 then
+            return w:clear_search()
+        end
+        s.last_search = text
+        if s.forward == nil then
+            -- Haven't searched before, save some state.
+            s.forward = forward
+            s.marker = view:get_scroll_vert()
+        else
+            -- Invert direction if originally searching in reverse
+            forward = (s.forward == forward)
+        end
+        view:search(text, false, forward, true);
+    end,
+    clear_search = function (view, w)
+        view:clear_search()
+        w.search_state = {}
+    end,
+    -- Webview scroll functions
+    scroll_vert = function (view, w, value)
+        local cur, max = view:get_scroll_vert()
+        if type(value) == "string" then
+            value = lousy.util.parse_scroll(cur, max, value)
+        end
+        view:set_scroll_vert(value)
+    end,
+    scroll_horiz = function (view, w, value)
+        local cur, max = view:get_scroll_horiz()
+        if type(value) == "string" then
+            value = lousy.util.parse_scroll(cur, max, value)
+        end
+        view:set_scroll_horiz(value)
+    end,
+    -- vertical scroll of a multiple of the view_size
+    scroll_page = function (view, w, value)
+        local cur, max, size = view:get_scroll_vert()
+        view:set_scroll_vert(cur + (size * value))
+    end,
+    -- History traversing functions
+    back = function (view, w, n)
+        view:go_back(n or 1)
+    end,
+    forward = function (view, w, n)
+        view:go_forward(n or 1)
+    end,
+function webview.new(w, uri)
+    local view = widget{type = "webview"}
+    -- Call webview init functions
+    for k, func in pairs(webview.init_funcs) do
+        func(view, w)
+    end
+    if uri then view.uri = uri end
+    view.show_scrollbars = false
+    return view
+-- Insert webview method lookup on window structure
+table.insert(window.indexes, 1, function (w, k)
+    -- Get current webview
+    local view = w.tabs:atindex(w.tabs:current())
+    if not view then return end
+    -- Lookup webview method
+    local func = webview.methods[k]
+    if not func then return end
+    -- Return webview method wrapper function
+    return function (_, ...) return func(view, w, ...) end
+-- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80
