
changeset 0
child 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lua2html.lua	Fri Nov 13 16:24:48 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+local keywords = { "function", "for", "if", "elseif", "then", "else", "do", "repeat", "until", "end", "return", "true", "false", "and", "not", "or", "local", "nil", "break" }
+for _, keyword in ipairs(keywords) do keywords[keyword] = true; end
+local ops = {};
+local bytelisting, err = io.popen("luac -l -p "..arg[1]);
+if not bytelisting then print(err); return 1; end
+for line in bytelisting:lines() do
+	local opnum, linenum, opname, comments = line:match("^\t(%d+)%s*%[(%d+)%]%s*(%u+)[^;]*;? ?(.*)$");
+	if opnum then
+		linenum = tonumber(linenum);
+--		print(string.format("opnum: %d line: %d op: %s ; %s", opnum, linenum, opname, comments));
+		if not ops[linenum] then
+			ops[linenum] = { };
+			if ops[linenum-1] then
+				table.sort(ops[linenum-1], function (a,b) return a.comment and b.comment and #a.comment > #b.comment; end);
+			end
+		end
+		table.insert(ops[linenum], { name = opname, comment = comments });
+	end
+local test_coverage = {};
+local test_report, test_report_err ="tests/reports/coverage_"..arg[1]:gsub("^%W", ""):gsub("%W+", "_")..".report");
+if test_report then
+	for line in test_report:lines() do
+		local f, linenum, test, success = line:match("^(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)$");
+		if linenum and success then
+			test_coverage[tonumber(linenum)] = success;
+		else
+			io.stderr:write("Warning: Can't parse this: [[", line, "]] in test report\n");
+		end
+	end
+	test_coverage = nil;
+local linenum = 1;
+local html_spaces = { ["\t"] = "        ", [" "] = " " };
+function escape_html(s)
+	return (s and s:gsub("[^%w]", { ["<"] = "&lt;", [">"] = "&gt;", ["&"] = "&amp;", ["\""] = "&quot;", ["'"] = "&apos;" })) or "";
+function escape_pattern(s)
+	return s:gsub("(%p)", "%%%1");
+local sub;
+print("<html><head><title>"..escape_html(arg[1]).."</title><style type='text/css'>");
+print [[
+		.getglobal { color:#cc0000 !important; text-decoration:underline; }
+		.setglobal { color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; }
+		.getupval  { color:#00cc00; }
+		.nop { color:#cccccc; }	
+		.keyword   { color:#0000cc; }
+		.comment, .comment .keyword { color:#007733; }
+		.string, .string * { color:#007755; }
+		td .test-false, .test-false { background-color:#ffa6be !important; display:block; width:100%; }
+		td .test-true, .test-true { background-color:#beffa6; display:block; width:100%; }
+		td .test-miss, .test-miss { background-color:#a6beff; display:block; width:100%; }
+		table { border-collapse: collapse; }
+		span, tr, *, table { padding:2px; }
+		td { padding:0px; padding-right:2em; }
+for line in io.lines(arg[1]) do
+	line = " "..line:gsub("%s", html_spaces).." ";
+	line = line:gsub("FIXME:?", "<b>%1</b>");
+	line = line:gsub("TODO:?", "<b>%1</b>");
+	line = line:gsub("%-%-.*$", "<span class='comment'>%1</span>");
+	line = line:gsub("\".-[^\\]\"", "<span class='string'>%1</span>");
+	if ops[linenum] then
+		for _, op in pairs(ops[linenum]) do
+			if op.comment and #op.comment > 0 and ~= "JMP" then
+				--print("Replacing "..escape_pattern(op.comment).."("..op.comment..") for ";
+				line, sub = line:gsub("([^%w_])("..escape_pattern(op.comment)..")([^%w_])", "%1<span class='""'>"..escape_html(op.comment).."</span>%3");
+				if sub == 0 and == "GETTABLE" then
+					--print("Trying again...");
+					local id = op.comment:match("[%w_]+");
+					if id then
+						--print("Got ";
+						line = line:gsub(escape_pattern(".", ".<span class='""'>"..escape_html(id).."</span>");
+					end
+				end
+			else
+				--print("??", tostring(op.comment), tostring(#op.comment));
+			end
+		end
+		line = line:gsub("[%w_]+", function (id) if keywords[id] then return "<span class='keyword'>""</span>"; end end);
+		local classes = { "line" };
+		if test_coverage and test_coverage[linenum] ~= nil then
+			table.insert(classes, "test-"..test_coverage[linenum]);
+		end
+		print("<tr><td><span class='"..table.concat(classes, " ").."'>"..linenum.."</span></td><td>", line, "</td></tr>");
+	else
+		line = line:gsub("[%w_]+", function (id) if keywords[id] then return "<span class='keyword'>""</span>"; end end);
+		print("<tr><td><span class='line nop'>"..linenum.."</span></td><td>", line, "</td></tr>");
+	end
+	linenum = linenum + 1;
