
changeset 0
child 3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/test.lua	Wed Jun 01 22:14:25 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in license.html
+-- $Id: test.lua,v 1.6 2006/06/08 20:34:52 tomas Exp $
+print (lxp._VERSION)
+-- basic test with no preamble
+local p = lxp.new{}
+assert(p:parse[[<tag cap="5">hi</tag>]])
+preamble = [[
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE greeting [
+  <!ENTITY xuxu "is this a xuxu?">
+  <!ATTLIST to
+     method  CDATA   #FIXED "POST"
+  >
+  <!ENTITY test-entity
+           SYSTEM "entity1.xml">
+  <!ENTITY test-unparsed SYSTEM "unparsed.txt" NDATA txt>
+  <!ATTLIST hihi
+      explanation ENTITY #REQUIRED>
+local X
+function getargs (...) X = arg end
+function xgetargs (c)
+  return function (...)
+    table.insert(arg, 1, c)
+    table.insert(X, arg)
+  end
+print("testing start/end tags")
+callbacks = {
+  StartElement = getargs,
+  EndElement = getargs,
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+assert(p:getcallbacks() == callbacks)
+<to priority="10" xu = "hi">
+assert(X.n == 3 and X[1] == p and X[2] == "to")
+x = X[3]
+assert(x.priority=="10" and x.xu=="hi" and x.method=="POST")
+assert(x[1] == "priority" and x[2] == "xu" and table.getn(x) == 2)
+print("testing CharacterData/Cdata")
+callbacks = {
+  CharacterData = getargs,
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+assert(p:parse"<to>a basic text&lt;<![CDATA[<<ha>>]]></to>")
+assert(X[1] == p and X[2] == "a basic text<<<ha>>")
+callbacks.chardata = error   -- no more calls to `chardata'
+-- assert(p:parse())   -- no problem to finish twice. alas, it has problems
+assert(p:getcallbacks() == callbacks)
+callbacks = {
+  CharacterData = xgetargs"c",
+  StartCdataSection = xgetargs"s",
+  EndCdataSection = xgetargs"e", 
+X = {}
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+assert(table.getn(X) == 3)
+assert(X[1][1] == "s" and X[1][2] == p)
+assert(X[2][1] == "c" and X[2][2] == p and X[2][3] == "hi")
+assert(X[3][1] == "e" and X[3][2] == p)
+print("testing ProcessingInstruction")
+callbacks = {ProcessingInstruction = getargs}
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+  <?lua how is this passed to <here>? ?>
+assert(X[1] == p and X[2] == "lua" and
+       X[3] == "how is this passed to <here>? ")
+print("testing Comment")
+callbacks = {Comment = xgetargs"c"; CharacterData = xgetargs"t"}
+X = {}
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+<to>some text
+<!-- <a comment> with some & symbols -->
+some more text</to>
+assert(X[1][1] == "t" and X[2][1] == "c" and X[3][1] == "t")
+assert(X[1][2] == X[2][2] and X[2][2] == X[3][2] and X[3][2] == p)
+assert(X[1][3] == "some text\n")
+assert(X[2][3] == " <a comment> with some & symbols ")
+assert(X[3][3] == "\nsome more text")
+print("testing ExternalEntity")
+entities = {
+["entity1.xml"] = "<hi/>"
+callbacks = {StartElement = xgetargs"s", EndElement = xgetargs"e",
+  ExternalEntityRef = function (p, context, base, systemID, publicId)
+    assert(base == "/base")
+    return context:parse(entities[systemID])
+  end}
+X = {}
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+<to> &test-entity;
+assert(p:getbase() == "/base")
+assert(X[1][1] == "s" and X[1][3] == "to")
+assert(X[2][1] == "s" and X[2][3] == "hi")
+assert(X[3][1] == "e" and X[3][3] == "hi")
+assert(X[4][1] == "e" and X[4][3] == "to")
+print("testing default handles")
+text = [[<to> hi &xuxu; </to>]]
+local t = ""
+callbacks = { Default = function (p, s) t = t .. s end }
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+assert(t == preamble..text)
+t = ""
+callbacks = { DefaultExpand = function (p, s) t = t .. s end }
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+assert(t == preamble..string.gsub(text, "&xuxu;", "is this a xuxu?"))
+print("testing notation declarations and unparsed entities")
+callbacks = {
+  UnparsedEntityDecl = getargs,
+  NotationDecl = function (p, name, base, systemId, publicId)
+    assert(name == "TXT" and systemId == "txt" and base == "/base")
+  end,
+ }
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+assert(p:parse[[<hihi explanation="test-unparsed"/>]])
+assert(X[2] == "test-unparsed" and X[3] == "/base" and
+       X[4] == "unparsed.txt" and X[6] == "txt" and X.n == 6)
+print("testing namespace declarations")
+callbacks = { StartNamespaceDecl = xgetargs"sn",
+              EndNamespaceDecl = xgetargs"en",
+              StartElement = xgetargs"s",
+              EndElement = xgetargs"e",
+X = {}
+p = lxp.new(callbacks, "?")
+<x xmlns:space='a/namespace'>
+  <space:a/>
+x = X[1]
+assert(x[1] == "sn" and x[3] == "space" and x[4] == "a/namespace" and table.getn(x) == 4)
+x = X[3]
+assert(x[1] == "s" and x[3] == "a/namespace?a")
+x = X[4]
+assert(x[1] == "e" and x[3] == "a/namespace?a")
+x = X[6]
+assert(x[1] == "en" and x[3] == "space" and table.getn(x) == 3)
+-- Error reporting
+p = lxp.new{}
+data = [[
+  <other< </other>
+local status, msg, line, col, byte = p:parse(data)
+assert(status == nil and type(msg) == "string" and line == 2 and col == 9)
+assert(string.sub(data, byte, byte) == "<")
+p = lxp.new{}
+local status, msg, line, col, byte = p:parse()
+assert(status == nil and line == 1 and col == 5 and byte == 5)
+-- position reporting
+callbacks = { ProcessingInstruction = function (p)
+  X = {p:pos()}
+p = lxp.new(callbacks)
+<to> <?test where is `pos'? ?>
+assert(X[1] == 1  and X[2] == 6 and X[3] == 6)  -- line, column, abs. position
+print("testing errors")
+-- invalid keys
+assert(not pcall(lxp.new, {StatCdata=print}))
+assert(pcall(lxp.new, {StatCdata=print, _nonstrict = true}))
+-- invalid sequences
+p = lxp.new{}
+assert(p:parse(" ") == nil)
+-- closing unfinished document
+p = lxp.new{}
+local status, err = pcall(p.close, p)
+assert(not status and string.find(err, "error closing parser"))
+-- test for GC
+print("\ntesting garbage collection")
+collectgarbage(); collectgarbage()
+local x = gcinfo()
+for i=1,100000 do
+  -- due to a small bug in Lua...
+  if math.mod(i, 100) == 0 then collectgarbage() end
+  lxp.new({})
+collectgarbage(); collectgarbage()
+assert(math.abs(gcinfo() - x) <= 2)
