Fix math.frexp() and add more tests (thanks Florob, Link Mauve, xnyhps) default tip

Add math.frexp() and tests (many thanks to Florob and Link Mauve!)

Implement basic string.format() supporting %d/%s

baselib: Implement basic message-only error()

Implement string.find (mostly) and string.sub

Replace error reporting code with calls to LVM.traceback()

Add LVM.traceback() function

OP_SETLIST: Implement support for B==0 (to top of stack)

OP_RETURN: Pad out results with nils if we get less results than expected

OP_TAILCALL: Fall through to OP_CALL for native functions

OP_VARARG: Fix off-by-one

OP_GETUPVALUE: Clone original LValue

Create local function to use as chunk prototype

Better verification of function validity in

Indentation fix

Change to take an LValue rather than the raw native/LFunction object. Also add LVM.loadstring(chunk, env) and use that for loading luac.out.

Implement OP_TAILCALL - the last opcode!

Add a whole bunch of tests I've been using for recent additions

Adjust pc down by 1 when calculating error lines, pc is always the /next/ instruction

Remove some debugging in the gmatch function

Implement OP_VARARG

OP_RETURN: Shrink stack on return

OP_CALL: Don't push varargs into called function's stack

Fix OP_CONCAT: missing break; and should supply empty separator to join()

assert(): Throw "assertion failed" message when none supplied

"Implement" OP_CLOSE

Fix OP_FORLOOP to set the loop counter variable properly

Implement LValue.len() and OP_LEN (no metamethod yet)

Switch to [] for representing tables (for now)

Don't use this.LValue() inside the VM - it's for JS types only

(0) -100 -50 -30 tip
