
changeset 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hg.lua	Wed Jun 24 05:21:45 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+module("hg", package.seeall)
+__index = _M;
+function open(repo_path)
+	return setmetatable({ path = repo_path }, _M);
+function exec(repo, command, ...)
+	local params = {};
+	for i=1,select('#', ...) do
+		local param = select(i, ...);
+		if param then
+			--TODO: Shell escape
+			params[i] = param;
+		end
+	end
+	params = table.concat(params, " ");
+	return os.execute("hg -y -q -R '"..repo.path.."' "..command.." "..params);
+function execr(repo, command, ...)
+	local params = {};
+	for i=1,select('#', ...) do
+		local param = select(i, ...);
+		if param then
+			--TODO: Shell escape
+			params[i] = tostring(param);
+		end
+	end
+	params = table.concat(params, " ");
+	local cmd = io.popen("hg -y -R '"..repo.path.."' "..command.." "..params);
+	if cmd then
+		return cmd:read("*a");
+	end
+function update(repo, rev, force)
+	repo:exec("up", rev and ("-r"..rev), force and "-C");
+function identify(repo)
+	local ret = repo:execr("id", "-n -i");
+	if ret then
+		local id, num =  ret:match("(%S+)%s(%S+)");
+		return id, tonumber(num);
+	end
+function log(repo, rev, limit)
+	local ret = repo:execr("log", rev and ("-r"..rev), limit and ("-l"..limit));
+	if ret then
+		local results, curr = {}, 1;
+		for line in ret:gmatch("(.-\n)\n") do
+			if not results[curr] then
+				results[curr] = {};
+			end
+			for k,v in line:gmatch("(%w+):%s*(.-)%s*\n") do
+				results[curr][k] = v;
+			end
+			curr = curr + 1;
+		end
+		return results;
+	end
