
changeset 0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b2e55f320d48
1 module("jslex", package.seeall);
3 function peek_char(stream)
4 return stream.next_char;
5 end
7 function read_char(stream, param)
8 local c = stream.next_char;
9 stream.next_char = stream.file:read(1);
10 if c == "\n" then stream.line = (stream.line or 1) + 1; end
11 return c;
12 end
14 function read_until(stream, char)
15 local r = {};
16 while stream.next_char and stream.next_char ~= char do
17 r[#r+1] = read_char(stream);
18 end
19 return table.concat(r);
20 end
22 function read_until_match(stream, pattern)
23 local r = {};
24 while stream.next_char and not stream.next_char:match(pattern) do
25 r[#r+1] = read_char(stream);
26 end
27 return table.concat(r);
28 end
30 local keywords = {
31 "abstract", "as", "break", "case", "catch",
32 "class", "const", "continue", "debugger",
33 "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum",
34 "export", "extends", "false", "final",
35 "finally", "for", "function", "goto", "if",
36 "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof",
37 "interface", "is", "namespace", "native",
38 "new", "null", "package", "private",
39 "protected", "public", "return", "static",
40 "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this",
41 "throw", "throws", "transient", "true",
42 "try", "typeof", "use", "var", "volatile",
43 "while", "with"
44 };
46 for _, k in ipairs(keywords) do keywords[k] = true; end
47 local function is_keyword(name)
48 return keywords[name];
49 end
51 local operators = "+-/*(),={}.&|<>![]:?";
53 local function push_token(stream, token_type, token_value)
54 stream.last_token_type = token_type;
55 coroutine.yield(token_type, token_value);
56 end
58 local handlers = {
59 -- Whitespace
60 function (stream)
61 local c = peek_char(stream);
62 if c:match("%s") then
63 read_until_match(stream, "%S");
64 return true;
65 end
66 end;
67 -- Strings
68 function (stream)
69 local c = peek_char(stream);
70 if c == [["]] or c == [[']] then
71 read_char(stream); -- Use up the string marker
72 push_token(stream, "string", read_until(stream, c));
73 read_char(stream); -- Use up the string terminator
74 return true;
75 end
76 end;
77 -- Identifiers
78 function (stream)
79 local c = peek_char(stream);
80 if c:match("[_a-zA-Z$]") then
81 local name = read_until_match(stream, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]");
82 if is_keyword(name) then
83 push_token(stream, "keyword", name);
84 else
85 push_token(stream, "name", name);
86 end
87 return true;
88 end
89 end;
90 --Numbers
91 function (stream)
92 local c = peek_char(stream);
93 if c:match("%d") then
94 push_token(stream, "number", read_until_match(stream, "[^%d%.]"));
95 return true;
96 end
97 end;
98 -- Operators (and comments!)
99 function (stream)
100 local c = peek_char(stream);
101 if operators:match("%"..c) then
102 local op, c = read_char(stream), peek_char(stream);
103 if op == "/" and (c == "/" or c == "*") then -- A comment
104 if c == "/" then -- Comment until end of line
105 read_until(stream, "\n");
106 return true;
107 else
108 while true do
109 read_until(stream, "*");
110 read_char(stream); -- Read "*"
111 if peek_char(stream) == "/" then
112 read_char(stream); -- Read /
113 return true;
114 elseif peek_char(stream) == nil then
115 return true;
116 end
117 end
118 end
119 elseif op == "/" and stream.last_token_type == "op" then -- Regex
120 local regex = read_until(stream, "/");
121 read_char(stream);
122 local flags = read_until_match(stream, "%A");
123 push_token(stream, "regex", op..regex.."/"..flags);
124 read_char(stream);
125 elseif op == "=" and (c == "=") then -- Equality
126 op = "==";
127 read_char(stream);
128 if peek_char(stream) == "=" then
129 op = "===";
130 read_char(stream);
131 end
132 elseif op:match("[&|]") and c == op then
133 op = op:rep(2);
134 read_char(stream);
135 elseif op == "!" and (c == "=") then
136 op = "!=";
137 read_char(stream);
138 end
139 push_token(stream, "op", op);
140 return true;
141 end
142 end;
143 -- Semi-colons
144 function (stream)
145 local c = peek_char(stream);
146 if c == ";" then
147 read_char(stream);
148 push_token(stream, "eos", c);
149 return true;
150 end
151 end;
152 };
155 function new_stream(file)
156 local stream = { file = file; };
157 stream.next_char = stream.file:read(1);
159 stream.get_token = coroutine.wrap(
160 function ()
161 while stream.next_char do
162 local handled;
163 for _, handler in ipairs(handlers) do
164 handled = handler(stream) or handled;
165 if not stream.next_char then break; end
166 end
167 if not handled then error("Unexpected character on line "..(stream.line or 1)..": "; end
168 end
169 end);
172 return stream;
173 end
175 return _M;
