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1 Key,Name,Tags,Ideas
2 google/gsoc2015/n52,52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH,"geo, geospatial, java, gis, spatiotemporal, geoprocessing, traffic, environment, R, R-project, earth observation, geoprocessing, spatial data, geostatistics, sensor web, search, mobile, eventing, database",
3 google/gsoc2015/afsis,Africa Soil Information Service,"afsis, soil, gis, agriculture, machine learning",
4 google/gsoc2015/apache,Apache Software Foundation,"c, java, python, c++, perl, opensource, apache, erlang, hadoop, big data",
5 google/gsoc2015/ascend,ASCEND,"numerical, mathematics, simulation, C, C++, python, GTK, linux, windows, mac, GUI, science, scientific software, parallel, programming language, education, engineering, math, scientific computing, high-performance computing, OSX",
6 google/gsoc2015/beagleboard,,"javascript, html, robotics, android, chromium, chromeos, electronics",
7 google/gsoc2015/beamcommunity,BEAM Community,"erlang, elixir, erlang vm, actors, ejabberd, disco, xmpp, distributed, mongoose im",
8 google/gsoc2015/bika,Bika Open Source LIMS Collective,"bika, LIMS, LIS, laboratory",
9 google/gsoc2015/bmi_cci,"Biomedical Informatics, Emory University","biomedical, healthcare, clinical, imaging, informatics, machine learning, cloud, nosql, spatial databases, visualization, big data, data mining, web services, hadoop, spark, javascript, java, databases",
10 google/gsoc2015/boostcpp,Boost C++ Libraries,"c++, boost, peer-reviewed, portable, C++11, C++14, C++0x, C++0y",
11 google/gsoc2015/bu_xia,Boston University / XIA,"Networking, future Internet, crowdsourcing, Future Internet Architecture, FIA, XIA, research, Linux, kernel, C, Ruby, Open vSwitch, OVS, containers, LXC",
12 google/gsoc2015/brlcad,BRL-CAD,"computer graphics, scientific computing, engineering analysis, visualization, CAD, CSG, SMP, signal processing, 3d, engine, 3d modeling, benchmark, raytracing, image processing, graphics, framebuffer, geometry conversion, computer vision, computer-aided design, symmetric multiprocessing, geometry, brlcad, ray tracing, constructive solid geometry, analysis, graphics conversion, mesh, solid modeling, web development, high-perforamnce computing, math, science, tcl, c, c++",
13 google/gsoc2015/buildbot,Buildbot,"python, twisted, continuous-integration, ci, releng, testing, angularjs, web, mq",
14 google/gsoc2015/buildmlearn,BuildmLearn,"mLearning, Qt, C++, Git, Android, Windows Phone, iPhone",
15 google/gsoc2015/ccextractor,CCExtractor development,"subtitles, closed captions, video, language, c, mpeg, h264, teletext, ffmpeg, linux, multithreading, network, accessibility, low level, ccextractor",
16 google/gsoc2015/centos,CentOS Project,"Linux, Python, yum, oVirt, OpenStack, OpenShift, Gluster, Ceph, Docker, container, Atomic",
17 google/gsoc2015/ceph,Ceph Storage,"ceph, storage, software defined",
18 google/gsoc2015/cernsft,CERN SFT,,
19 google/gsoc2015/cesium,Cesium Community,"geospatial, mapping, graphics, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, WebGL, GitHub",
20 google/gsoc2015/civicrm,CiviCRM,"crm, ngo, fundraising, events management, membership management",
21 google/gsoc2015/clojure,Clojure,"Clojure, Lisp, Functional Programming, ClojureScript",
22 google/gsoc2015/cloudcv,CloudCV,"Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Distributed Computing, Python, Matlab, Javascript, Django, Node.js",
23 google/gsoc2015/copyleftgames,Copyleft Games,"C, Python, Games",
24 google/gsoc2015/coreboot,coreboot,"firmware, BIOS, embedded, bootloader, x86, arm, mips",
25 google/gsoc2015/dbpediaspotlight,DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight,"Java, Scala, Python, Wikipedia, Wikidata, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Knowledge Extraction, Entity Linking, Word Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Web, Linked Data",
26 google/gsoc2015/debian,Debian Project,"os, linux, distributions, web, qa, quality_assurance, shell_scripting, web_development, python, bsd, php, distribution, bash, c, operating_system, database, science, debian, c++, sh, security, continuous_integration",
27 google/gsoc2015/stonybrookbmi,"Department of Biomedical Informatics, Stony Brook University","Biomedial Informatics, medial imaging, bioinformatics, public health informatics, MapReduce",
28 google/gsoc2015/django,Django Software Foundation,"django, python",
29 google/gsoc2015/drupal,Drupal,"PHP, OO PHP, CMS, Database, Drupal 8, Symfony, Web Development, Web Programming, Web Application, Web Framework, SQL, Object Oriented Programming, web",
30 google/gsoc2015/eol,Encyclopeida of Life,"encyclopedia, life, biodiversity, biology, taxonomy",
31 google/gsoc2015/ffmpeg,FFmpeg,"multimedia, video, audio, movie, mp4, mp3, transcoding, streaming, libavcodec, libavfilter, ffplay, ffmpeg, ffserver, libavutil, c, asm, x86, filter, decode, encode, subtitle",
32 google/gsoc2015/fossasia,FOSSASIA,"android, mobile, pattern, garment, CAD, social change, humanitarian software, linux, localization, android, web",
33 google/gsoc2015/learningequality,Foundation for Learning Equality,"learning, education, international development, ICT4D, social justice, edtech",
34 google/gsoc2015/freebsd,FreeBSD,"virtualization, hypervisor, os, operating system, bsd, web, compilers, qa, perl, shell_scripting, shell scripting, server, embedded, mips, arm, sparc, sparc64, i386, amd, amd64, x86_64, distribution, c, operating_system, database, pcbsd, freebsd, c++, sh, security, clang, llvm, audit, wireless, wifi, wi-fi, desktop, server, sandbox, kernel",
35 google/gsoc2015/ganeti,Ganeti,"Ganeti, Haskell, Python, Xen, Kvm, Virtualization, Cloud, Cluster",
36 google/gsoc2015/gcc,GCC - GNU Compiler Collection,"gcc, compiler, c, c++, toolchain, glibc, binutils, gdb",
37 google/gsoc2015/git,Git,"vcs, c, git",
38 google/gsoc2015/github,GitHub,"coffeescript, javascript, c, c++, shell, python, linux, win32, ruby, git, unix, mac",
39 google/gsoc2015/ga4gh,Global Alliance for Genomics & Health,"genomics, health, big data, medicine, APIs, visualization, file formats",
40 google/gsoc2015/gnome,GNOME,"application, banshee, boxes, c, clutter, desktop, easytag, game, glib, gnome, gnome-shell, gnu, gobject, gtk, gtk+, gtg, gstreamer, desktop, evolution, javascript, latex, linux, mail, music, python, vala, virtual, wayland",
41 google/gsoc2015/gnss_sdr,GNSS-SDR,"software radio, GNSS, GPS, Galileo, navigation",
42 google/gsoc2015/gnu_mailman,GNU Mailman,"email, mailing-lists, python",
43 google/gsoc2015/gnu,GNU Project,,
44 google/gsoc2015/kubernetes,Google Kubernetes,"kubernetes, docker, google, containers",
45 google/gsoc2015/ospo,Google Open Source Programs Office,"research, google, open source programs office",
46 google/gsoc2015/haskell,,"non-strict, lazy, functional, programming language",
47 google/gsoc2015/hpccsystems,HPCC Systems®,"ECL, Python, Java, Parallel Processing, Big Data, C++, Distributed File System, Scalable, Data Warehousing, High Performance Queries, ETL Processing, Git, JIRA, Machine Learning, Visualisations, NLP, High Performance Computing, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Data Mining, Hadoop",
48 google/gsoc2015/iai_unihb_gsoc,Institute for Artificial Intelligence,"AI, Robots",
49 google/gsoc2015/is,Interactive Spaces,"interactivity, sensors, framework, synchronization, ROS, Java, cross-platform",
50 google/gsoc2015/geogebra,International GeoGebra Institute,"math, education, mathematics, Java, JavaScript, GWT, iOS, Android, canvas, html5, geometry, algebra, 3D",
51 google/gsoc2015/incf,International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility,"brain, neuroscience, Python, C++, Java, Javscript, JQuery, SQL, MySQL, NoSQL, XML, SOAP, REST, Git, GitHub, HTML5, PHP, Django, RDF, R, WebGL, CUDA, Travis, Heroku, Ansible, WebRTC, BitTorrent",
52 google/gsoc2015/ipop,IP-over-P2P Project,"virtual network, vpn, p2p, overlay",
53 google/gsoc2015/jboss,JBoss Community,"JBoss, Java, JavaEE, REST, Mobile, Ruby, Security",
54 google/gsoc2015/jderobot,JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,"robotics, computer vision, home automation, android, google-glass, wear, smartwatch, glass",
55 google/gsoc2015/jquery,jQuery Foundation,"JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML",
56 google/gsoc2015/kde,KDE,"desktop, Qt, C++, Marble, Plasma, education, PIM, Gluon, Krita",
57 google/gsoc2015/lablua,LabLua,"Lua, LabLua, scripting languages, programming languages",
58 google/gsoc2015/libreoffice,LibreOffice,"officesuite, c++, spreadsheet, textprocessor, presentation, odf",
59 google/gsoc2015/lg,Liquid Galaxy Project,"google earth, virtual reality, 3d game engines, geospatial, street view, panorama",
60 google/gsoc2015/llvm,LLVM Compiler Infrastructure,"llvm, clang, compiler, backend, optimization",
61 google/gsoc2015/lmonade,lmonade: scientific software distribution,"math, mathematics, algebra, science, scientific software, distribution, package, image, image processing, vision, bio, graphics, geometry, 3d, opengl, qt, graph, parallel, threads, openmp, c++, cpp, python, java, shell, sh, bash, scripting, lmonade, flint, ilastik, vigra, fricas, singular, polybori, aldor",
62 google/gsoc2015/lowrisc,lowRISC,"oshw, llvm, javascript, go, golang, verilog, hardware, lowrisc, riscv, education, graphics, c, musl, kernel, testing, verification, fpga, python",
63 google/gsoc2015/mariadb,MariaDB,"MariaDB, MySQL, database, proxy, C, C++, Perl, Java",
64 google/gsoc2015/mbdyn,"MBDyn, Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan","mbdyn, multibody, multibody dynamics, multibody system dynamics, numerical analysis, numerical modeling, structural dynamics, finite element method, aerospace, aerodynamics, helicopter, rotorcraft, wind energy, automotive, vehicles, vehicle dynamics, tires, trucks, engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, robotics, mechatronics, C++, university, free software, simulation, cosimulation, multiphysics, multidisciplinary analysis",
65 google/gsoc2015/medes_imps,MEDES-IMPS,"health, medicine, space, ehealth, spring, maven, java, git, gwt, android, couchdb, database, tomcat, emf, ecore, oaw, eclipse, jpa, hibernate",
66 google/gsoc2015/metabrainz,MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.,"music, metadata, open data",
67 google/gsoc2015/minnowboard,MinnowBoard Project,"C, Perl, Python, Bash, File Synchronization, Network Booting, UEFI, Firmware, SMBus",
68 google/gsoc2015/media,MIT Media Lab,"mobile computing, education, App Inventor, education technology",
69 google/gsoc2015/mono,Mono Project,"C#, C, C++, Mono, VM, GC, Runtime, MonoDevelop, GTK, OSX, Linux, Windows, .Net",
70 google/gsoc2015/moodle,Moodle,"education, elearning, CMS, LMS, VLE, learning, teaching, primary, secondary, tertiary, university, PHP, SQL",
71 google/gsoc2015/networktime,Network Time Foundation,"ntp, ptpd, linuxptp, radclock, gpsd, network time",
72 google/gsoc2015/nmap,Nmap Security Scanner,"security, networking, network, ipv6, lua, c++, c, python, gui, linux, windows, apple, mac os x, packets, hacking, nmap, cryptography, crypto",
73 google/gsoc2015/numfocus,NumFOCUS,"scientific software, numerical computation",
74 google/gsoc2015/oncoblocks,OncoBlocks,"cancer, bioinformatics, genomics, big data, nosql",
75 google/gsoc2015/opencv,Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV),"OpenCV, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Computational Photography, Fun",
76 google/gsoc2015/osrf,Open Source Robotics Foundation,"robotics, gazebo, ros, middleware",
77 google/gsoc2015/openkeychain,OpenKeychain (OpenPGP for Android),"android, java, pgp, openpgp, gpg, security, encryption, crypto, snowden, k-9, mail",
78 google/gsoc2015/openmrs,OpenMRS,"medical_records, health, clinics, ehealth, hospitals, hfoss, healthcare, emr, ehr, hl7, mhealth, africa, developing_world, poverty, global_health, dojo, spring, api, mysql, internationalization, l8n, mrs, i10n, openmrs, hr, human_resources, xml, hibernate, localization, search, localisation, statistics, java, maven, ict4d, phr, tomcat, database, internationalisation, html5, node, nodejs, ldap, express, groovy",
79 google/gsoc2015/openstreetmap,OpenStreetMap,"geo, maps, crowdsourcing, java, javascript, c++, ruby, postgis, webgl, 3d, wmts, python, html",
80 google/gsoc2015/openwall,Openwall,"assembler, c, cryptography, cuda, fpga, gpu, hpc, opencl, openmp, password, security, simd, xeon-phi",
81 google/gsoc2015/osuosl,Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL),"virtualization, kvm, xen, django, twistd, osuosl, ganeti, ganeti web manager, gwm, python, bash, api",
82 google/gsoc2015/osgeo,OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation,"postgres, c, gis, live-disc, algorithm, java, c#, graph, javascript, mapping, maps, c++, ajax, geospatial, mysql, http, php, geo, mssql, 3d, osm, openstreetmap, cartography, science",
83 google/gsoc2015/p2psp,,"Live Video Streaming, P2P, Multimedia, Streaming, Internet, Video.",
84 google/gsoc2015/pagmo,PaGMO / PyKEP,"C++, Python, optimization, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, parallel computing, meta-heuristics, artificial intelligence, astrodynamics, space systems engineering",
85 google/gsoc2015/pencilcode,Pencil Code Foundation,"education, programming language, visualization, graphics, ide",
86 google/gsoc2015/phpmyadmin,phpMyAdmin,"mysql, php, html, ajax, javascript, sql",
87 google/gsoc2015/pidgin,"Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple","pidgin, finch, libpurple, instant messaging, im, networking, gtk, glib, c",
88 google/gsoc2015/plasma_umass,PLASMA @ UMass,"Domain-Specific Languages, DSL, Scala, Java, Mechanical Turk, JavaScript, TypeScript, JVM, Python, R, interpreter, compiler, networking, crowdsourcing",
89 google/gsoc2015/pnacl,Portable Native Client,"nacl, pnacl, chrome, llvm, c, c++, compiler, compilers, systems, security, performance",
90 google/gsoc2015/portland_state,Portland State University,"new projects, academic, odd projects, spatial, GIS",
91 google/gsoc2015/postgresql,PostgreSQL Project,"database, postgres, postgresql, C, C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Java, SQL, json",
92 google/gsoc2015/privly,Privly Foundation,"privacy, security, browser extensions, javascript, cryptography, android, HTML5, Chrome, Firefox, Jetpack, Python, Ruby, Selenium, Webdriver, Content Scripts, Browser, Web",
93 google/gsoc2015/python,Python Software Foundation,"python, pydy, mailman, MNE, Moin, MoinMoin. Networkx, DyPy, Scipy, Numpy, Sympy, TARDIS-SN, Theano, Vispy, web, compiler, mathematics, wiki. magnetoencephalography, ECG, dMRI, email, mailman",
94 google/gsoc2015/qemu,QEMU,"emulator, emulation, virtualization, lowlevel, os, bootloader, compiler, kernel, kvm, xen, c",
95 google/gsoc2015/rproject,R Project for Statistical Computing,"data, statistics, rstats, r, visualization",
96 google/gsoc2015/redhenlab,Red Hen Lab,"linguistics, discourse, nlp, multimodal, communication, computation, statistics, search, opencv, audio, video, body language, cluster, corpus, archive, university, universities, global, multilanguage",
97 google/gsoc2015/riot,RIOT,"RIOT, IoT, Internet of Things, Operating System, Open Source, Embedded",
98 google/gsoc2015/robocomp,RoboComp,"robotics, framework, computer vision",
99 google/gsoc2015/routeflow,RouteFlow,"routing, virtualization, cloud, networking, sdn, openflow",
100 google/gsoc2015/rspamd,Rspamd spam filtering system,"spam filtering, email, high performance, event model",
101 google/gsoc2015/rtems,RTEMS Project,"real-time, realtime, real time, operating system, OS, RTOS, kernel, FreeBSD, NetBSD, BSD, POSIX, C, C++, Ada, Go, Lua, Python, Erlang, space, robotics, unmanned systems, OSAL, embedded, Beagleboard, RaspberryPi, gdb, gcc, compilers, clang, llvm, x86, i386, ARM, MIPS, SPARC, LEON, PowerPC, multicore, SMP, synchronization, security, filesystems, tracing, GUI, graphics, Qemu, Simulation, Simulator, Waf, Automation, Testing, Standards",
102 google/gsoc2015/ruby,Ruby,"language, oop",
103 google/gsoc2015/rails,Ruby on Rails,"web development, web, ruby, rails, ruby on rails",
104 google/gsoc2015/sciruby,Ruby Science Foundation,"science, ruby, engineering, data visualization, scientific computing, c, c++, java, space, biology, chemistry, physics, graph theory, statistics, bioinformatics",
105 google/gsoc2015/sagemath,Sage Mathematical Software System,"mathematics, math, python, cython, c, cpp, html, javascript",
106 google/gsoc2015/samba,Samba,"C, CIFS, SMB, kernel",
107 google/gsoc2015/saros,Saros,"collaborative programming, distributed programming, java, xmpp, plugin, eclipse, intellij idea",
108 google/gsoc2015/scalateam,Scala Team,"scala, functional programming, language design, ide, sbt",
109 google/gsoc2015/scilab_enterprises,Scilab Enterprises,,
110 google/gsoc2015/strace,strace,"linux, syscall, strace, tracing, C, qemu",
111 google/gsoc2015/subsurface,Subsurface,"divelog, C, C++, qt, ios, android",
112 google/gsoc2015/sugarlabs,Sugar Labs,"children, learning, Python, Javascript",
113 google/gsoc2015/scorelab,Sustainable Computing Research Group ( SCoRe ),"IoT, wireless sensor networks, embedded systems, digital forensic, information security, mobile applications, e-learning",
114 google/gsoc2015/systers,"Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community","Systers, Anita Borg Institute, Women in Computing",
115 google/gsoc2015/tardis_sn,TARDIS SN,"astronomy, c, python, git",
116 google/gsoc2015/teammates,TEAMMATES @ National University of Singapore,"java, app engine, SaaS, PaaS, cloud, education, JavaEE, JavaScript, GitHub, JavaFx",
117 google/gsoc2015/concord,The Concord Consortium,"education, nonprofit, STEM, science, math, engineering, big data, analytics, simulations, modeling, mobile, responsive Web design, JavaScript, Ruby, HTML5, WebGL, Require.js, D3, CoffeeScript, SVG, Vows, Amazon Web Services, Capistrano, SASS, Haml, WebCL, Pixi.js, AgentScript, AgentBasedModeling, git, GitHub, iPad, Android, Tablet, Mobile",
118 google/gsoc2015/eclipse,The Eclipse Foundation,"eclipse, java, ide, recommenders, ecf, development, rcp, orion, javascript, c/c++",
119 google/gsoc2015/fedora,The Fedora Project,"linux, kernel, php, C, bashc, ruby, python, rails, buildservices, dnf, rpm, distribution, cloud",
120 google/gsoc2015/honeynet,The Honeynet Project,"Android, C, C++, CSS, D3.js, DB, DDoS, DNP3, DNS, DNS, DOM, Data mining, Database, Denial of Service, Design, Distributed Denial of Service, Distributed system, Django, DoS, Driver, Exploit, FTP, Fragmentation, GUI, Graphics, HTML, HTML5, HTTP, Hadoop, Honeynet, Honeypot, Hypervizors, ICS, IDS, IEC 60870, IP, IPv4, IPv6, Java, Javascript, Kernel, Lamson, Linux, Malware, MITM, Modbus, MySQL, Networking, OS, OSX, Operating system, PHP, Packet, Processing, Processing.js, Proxies, Proxy, Python, Queue, Rails, RDBMS, Research, Reverse engineering, Ruby, Ruby On Rails, SCADA, SNMP, SOCKS, SQL, SSL, Sandbox, Security, Shellcode, Spam, Splunk, TCP, UI, VM, Virtual machine, Virtualization, Visualization, VoIP, Web, Web browser, Web development, Windows, Wireshark, iOS",
121 google/gsoc2015/macports,The MacPorts Project,,
122 google/gsoc2015/ns3,The ns-3 Network Simulator Project,"ns3, network simulation, emulation, C, C++, Python",
123 google/gsoc2015/openbsd_foundation,The OpenBSD Foundation,"OpenBSD, OpenSSH, OpenCVS, OpenSMTP, OpenBGPD, LibreSSL",
124 google/gsoc2015/opencog,The OpenCog Foundation,"Artificial Intelligence, AI, C++, Python, Machine Leaning, NLP",
125 google/gsoc2015/processing,The Processing Foundation,"processing, java, javascript, python, art, design",
126 google/gsoc2015/stellar,The STE||AR Group,"parellelism, performance, scalability, standardization, distributed computing, high performance computing, C++",
127 google/gsoc2015/syslog_ng,The syslog-ng project,"syslog, logging, event processing, security, C, Java, Python",
128 google/gsoc2015/vtk,The Visualization Toolkit,"C++, OpenGL, Visualization, Science, Parallel",
129 google/gsoc2015/wine,The Wine Project,"c, linux, windows, games",
130 google/gsoc2015/tox,Tox Foundation,"Skype, secure, communications, messaging, im, distributed, hash table, decentralized, encryption, chatting, free, gpl, C, C++, GTK, Qt, Android, iOS, UDP, TCP, networking, groups, video, audio, chatting",
131 google/gsoc2015/tux4kids,Tux4Kids,"C, C++, Android, SDL, HTML 5, iOS, JavaScript",
132 google/gsoc2015/helikarlab,University of Nebraska - Helikar Lab,"bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, image analysis",
133 google/gsoc2015/wikimedia,Wikimedia Foundation,"wikipedia, wikimedia, mediawiki, wiki, php, javascript, html, css, opendata, i18n, input methods, jQuery, media, web, bugzilla, semantic",
134 google/gsoc2015/wso2_2015,WSO2,"SOA, Cloud, Middleware",
135 google/gsoc2015/xorg,X.Org Foundation,"Graphics drivers, X11, Wayland, Mesa, DRI, OpenGL, OpenCL",
136 google/gsoc2015/kodi,XBMC Foundation,"Kodi, XBMC, Retroplayer, raspberry pi, upnp, media center, multimedia",
137 google/gsoc2015/xiph,Xiph.Org Foundation,"media, streaming, audio, video, compression",
138 google/gsoc2015/xmpp,XMPP Standards Foundation,"xmpp, python, java, c++, c, IoT, Things, erlang, chat, messaging, social, crypto, security",
